POV Holder: Donny Next POV ? POV Used ? POV Ceremony ? HOH Winner Team 1: Frankie HOH Winner Team 2: Caleb (current HOH) Battle of the Block Winner Brittany, Victoria Next HOH/ Next BOB ? Original Nominations: Caleb noms (Donny, Paola) Frankie noms (Brittany, Victoria) Current Nominations: ? Have Nots Cody, Hayden, Joey, Brittany […]
Tag: Jocasta Odom

Joey trying to get Devin nominated “her plan is borderline genius”
8:23pm Hammock Joey and Zach
She’s defending why she made the announcement.
Zach – “Thats smart of you.. I don’t want to see you go home”
Joey doesn’t want to see anyone going home. She explains right now in the game it’s a living situation. If Caleb really does take a vote around the house it’s not going to be her it’s going to be another person. Joey thinks they should get rid of the person making their time in the house uncomfortable.

Joey’s announcement, Frankie “it’s so obvious when people don’t watch the show she’s burying herself”
5:57pm Living Room Joey, Caleb and Donny
She tells him if he’s making this replacement nominee a house decision he has to make sure he give everyone a fair chance to speak their minds.
Jocasta walks by and Joey asks her if Caleb has asked her who to put up. Jocasta says no. Joey asks Donny.
Donny – “I’m minding my own business”
Joey – “Ok i’m just making sure.
Joey walks into the kitchen were most of the house is. “Hey guys has caleb talked to you about who he wants to see as the nomination when Donny brings himself down with the veto. ” Joey explains that Caleb wants it to be a house decision so make sure they all talk to him and tell him who they want up.

Frankie says Caleb is blinded by love “95% chance Amber F*** the Bomb squad”
Bomb Squad = Frankie, Caleb, Devin, Cody, Derrick, Zach, Amber, Christine
3:34pm HOH Zach and Frankie
Agreeing that Joey put the target on herself and the entire house now wants her out. They are not seeing POW POW being a threat in this game and believe it would be a waste to evict her.
Frankie – “She can’t spell a word she can’t stand she can’t swing she can’t do anything”
Frankie – “We’re going to have to send people home”
Zach – “I can’t believe we’re in an 8 person alliance”
Frankie – “lets do it 1 down 8 to go” (NON bomb squad members)
They agree it’s still really early they still can change the replacement nominee but right now it’s Joey.
Zach – “Someone might still shoot themselves in the foot”

Christine laughs April & Ollie doing it – He was getting into it and the covers came off..
POV Holder: Donny Next POV July 4th POV Used ? POV Ceremony ? HOH Winner Team 1: Frankie HOH Winner Team 2: Caleb (current HOH) Battle of the Block Winner Brittany, Victoria Next HOH/ Next BOB ? Original Nominations: Caleb noms (Donny, Paola) Frankie noms (Brittany, Victoria) Current Nominations: ? Have Nots Cody, Hayden, Joey, […]

Big Brother 16 – Caleb says as soon as I heard FGL, I jumped up and grabbed a beer!
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Frankie and Hayden are by the hot tub. Caleb is running the backyard with a beer. He says FGL! He says that he woke up singing FGL (Florida Georgia Line). He says and then I got to dance with my sweetheart this morning. Did you guys see that! Frankie says yeah I was about to come out and saw that and let you two be. They talk about how one of the songs Big Brother played was Country Girl Shake it for me by Luke Bryan. Caleb says once I heard that song I couldn’t not grab a beer.

Big Brother 16 Caleb says “As sushi as it sounds, I like the way she looks at me!”
POV Holder: Donny Next POV July 4th POV Used ? POV Ceremony ? HOH Winner Team 1: Frankie HOH Winner Team 2: Caleb (current HOH) Battle of the Block Winner Brittany, Victoria Next HOH/ Next BOB ? Original Nominations: Caleb noms (Donny, Paola) Frankie noms (Brittany, Victoria) Current Nominations: ? Have Nots Cody, Hayden, Joey, […]

Joey Pukes, an A$$tronaunt and Devin’s delusions “I’ve done so much dirty work. I’m tired of it””
9:30 POW POW and Amber Fire Room
POW POW – “This game is crazy.. it’s just crazy.. we don’t know what is next”
POW POW is worried about what Caleb is going to do “Do you think everyone likes me in the house”
Amber – ‘everyone likes each other that’s the problem”
They have a laugh about POW POW’s attempt during the POV to spell “Calculator” they keep saying “Calturou” which what she tried to spell.
POW POW – “I tried”

Final 4 Dreams Zach And Frankie “We’re like Memphis and Dan I have complete trust in you”
6:00pm HOH Zach and Frankie
Zach says POW POW isn’t very smart he’s certain she will implode. Frankie is shocked she hasn’t imploded already.
Frankie says Donny is a real threat right now but he won the POV. They agree POW POW is not a Threat. They joke about her struggling to spell “Calculator”.
Zach – “I think Donny will put up Caleb if he wins HOH” Zach mentions his secret fake alliance with Cody and Derrick and how Cody does not like Devin.
Zach goes over their divide and conquer plan. They each have a side alliance with two people they ride the 8 person alliance until the other side is gone. After that they use

Caleb wants it to be a House Decision tells Joey “Just prepare yourself that is all I have to say””
4:42pm Lounge Amber and Caleb
Caleb ask her if Donny had not won what would she have done.
Amber knows the guys wanted to send Donny home. Caleb thinks getting rid of Donny was the best decision. Amber – “You all think it’s the best decision because you think he’s someone different than what he appears”. They point out Donny won the POV and it was a spelling one, Caleb thinks he’s smarter and is hiding it. Amber wants to know what he’s going to do now that Donny has the POV.

Big Brother 16 Week 1 Power Of Veto Results “We put someone up.. Joey Simple”
Big Brother 16 POV Results
4:26pm Lounge Caleb and Brittany
Calbe say he wants the person going up to be a house decision. Brittany says she wants DEvin to go up and she will vote him out. She thinks he’s stirring a lot of things up and he’s making a lot of people nervous. “I couldn’t sleep last night.. I can see him later on making a lot of people’s lives hell.. he’s insanely strong”
Caleb asks if she had to put up a girl who? Joey walks in. (LOL) Brittany says the girl would be Victoria or POW POW, “Victoria is safe for a week”
They both agree they like everyone in the house. Caleb says many people in the house have given him reasons. He wants to go to each person and make the decision that

Frankie tells Victoria to stay on top of the wave and let everyone else fall a part.
12pm In the kitchen – Donny, Devin, Zach, Hayden, Caleb and Nicole are gathered around the kitchen bar. Devin comments about how he got a DUI when he was 22 years old and can’t drive with alcohol in the car or even have a drop on it. He says I’ve got that restriction for 10 years till I’m 32 years old. Hayden starts talking about his pedicab job and how he only gets paid in tips. Devin asks him if he claims it. Hayden says we’re supposed to but… Donny tells him to shhhh!! They laugh. Paola comes in and starts saying POW POW POWER OF VETO!!