10:21pm Aneal and Liza
Liza says that Danielle has offered herself as pawn. Aneal didn’t know that. Aneal wants them to get Suzette up he feels like he’s got a chance to stay.
Liza wants Suzette gone as well but isn’t sure if Jillian would use her as the replacement nominee because apparently Jillian and Suzette have a one week deal.
Liza: “Emmett isn’t even talking to Tom anymore.. “
Aneal: “Ya Tom is super pissed”
Liza warns him that she cannot go to Jillian and start pushing her to put Suzette or Danielle up because she runs the risk of being put up as well. Liza instructs Aneal to get Emmett to talk to Jillian, “Emmett is the puppet master.. he’s the one that can to go talk to Jillian: