The Big Brother Canada 5 cast reveal showed 8 returning and 8 new Big Brother Players. After going through the last 4 seasons rosters and seeing who they could’ve picked we got lucky. The 8 they did are alright with some of them being great.
Tag: Jillian MacLaughlin

Big Brother Canada 2 – POST Finale Interviews, Photos, and MORE..
Last night on the finale of Big Brother Canada 2 the winner Jon Pardy was crowned by a vote of 6-1 and took home the grand prize of $100,000, $25,000 gift certificate to the brick and a $10,000 vacation sponsored by Twistos. Sabrina Abbate took second place and left with the second place prize of $20,000. The visually bitter Neda Kalantar walked away with only regrets and disappointment in not being the one to have been able to cut Jon had she beat him in the final part of the 3 part HOH competition.

Big Brother 15 Media Day with BBCA Winner Jillian Maclaughlin!
With the première of Big Brother 15 set to air in just 5 days on Wednesday, June 26th, the video of the media personalities competing inside the Big Brother house has been released. Every year prior to the new Big Brother Cast moving into the house, the media move into the house for a day and play a condensed version of the game including introductions, HOH Competition, Nominations, Power of Veto Competition, and the Eviction Ceremony. As Big Brother Canada Winner Jillian Maclaughlin recently interviews the new cast, it’s not surprising that she also got the opportunity to join the media personalities inside the house. During the initial introductions Jillian introduces herself and comment in her diary room session that she held back a bit of key information about winning Big Brother Canada. (I’m pretty sure as all of these people in the house with you are media personalities, they know full well who you are and that you won BBCA!) In addition to Jillian, another Big Brother Alumni winner also joins the media personalities for a surprise visit. Can you guess who it might be?

BBCAN Winner Jillian Interviews Big Brother 15 Cast
Big Brother Canada Powerhouse and season one winner Jillian Maclaughlin interviews the Cast of Big Brother 15 for ET Canada. David seems pretty stoned in the interview his plan is to take his winnings and travel around the world surfing. When Jillian asks him if he’s going to invest any of the winnigns he says he’ll blow it all cause “I’m not very much of a stock broker” (LOL team david) Jessie says she was job hunting online and saw a ad for Big Brother. AAryn says she’s not good with numbers and Andy is worried a stupid person will win Head of Household. Jillian points out that Amanda has “big boobs” she says “They are nice”. She asks Amanda if she will use her chest to her advantage in the Big Brother 15 House. Amanada’s answer ‘Of Course that is what I bought them for” (LOL). Jeremy and Candice are both open to a showmance.

Big Brother Canada REUNION SPECIAL
After almost a week since the Big Brother Canada Finale episode the house guests have been reunited for the ET Canada Reunion Special. The special reunion was hosted by ET Canada’s Roz Weston where he interviewed and spoke with all the house guests. Roz speaks with the season 1 winner Jillian about how she won the grand prize, as well as with Topaz where she explains what happened and how despite the mix-up runner-up Glitter Gary gracefully took it all in stride. In addition, Roz also puts Alec and Emmett in the hot seat when he shows their showmances Topaz and Jillian footage they hadn’t seen before.

Big Brother Canada: The Morning Show – AFTER the Finale! Is GARY okay with SECOND PLACE?
Love it or hate it, the events that transpired on last nights Big Brother Canada Finale Episode could not have be predicted. There is only one rule to Big Brother and that is to EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED and that was surely what happened last night.
With a SHOCKING Big Brother Canada FINALE episode last night, everyone is wondering what the house guests are thinking about conclusion of season one. Last night’s 2 hour finale episode was filled with surprises and jaw dropping moments. First the season front runner Emmett was evicted by the final HOH winner Gary and then by some insane mix up Topaz mistakenly voted for Jillian to win when in fact she wanted to vote for Gary. The shocking reveal of the votes by host Arisa Cox will go down in Big Brother history as one of the most unbelievable mistakes that ultimately cost Gary the Big Brother Canada Grand prize.

Big Brother Canada Episode 28 EVICTION RESULTS! ** VIDEO **
Tonight airs the May 2nd, 2013 – 28th Episode of Big Brother Canada. As it stands before the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds were turned off, Jillian WON the second to last Head of Household power and nominated 21 year old GARY LEVY from Toronto, ON, and 26 year old TALLA REJAEI from Edmonton, AB. During the Power Of Veto Competition Emmett WON, securing his position along with Jillian in the Final 3.
On tonight’s episode we see the Power Of Veto competition that Emmett won and watch the results of the EVICTION, where Emmett casts the sole vote to evict either Gary or Talla.

Big Brother Canada Episode 27 ** Video **
POV Holder: Emmett Next POV April 27 POV Used ? POV Ceremony April ? HOH Winner: Jilian Next HOH: April ? Original Nominations: GARY & TALLA Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest Andrew Have Nots Gary Big Brother Canada Episode 27. Gary and Talla are nominated Emmett wins the Power of Veto Guaranteeing the MIlkmance […]

Emmett says they’re building something, MY LUCK they DQ’d me again and its another POV!
12:15pm – 12:30pm Emmett heads up to the HOH room. Emmett talks about how he doesn’t know what’s going on and want the POV ceremony to happen already. Jillian says maybe its this evening. Jillian tells him not to worry you are fine! Emmett heads back down to sit on the kitchen couch. Emmett comes into the main bedroom and tells Gary that they (big brother) is building something in the backyard. I hear banging. Emmett asks Gary what normally happens with final four. Gary says final four is normal. So something special is happening. Emmett leaves to go up to the HOH room. Emmett says my luck they DQ’d me again and its another POV! Jillian sasy then we would just win it again and piss them off. Emmett says how do we know they aren’t going to take it away from me. Jillian says then it would just go to the next person which is me. Jillian asks Big Brother to reassure Emmett so that he doesn’t have a heart attack.

Big Brother Canada MYSTERY Why was Talla awake before everyone else and why was she happy?
8am Big Brother wakes up the house guests by turning on the lights. Emmett and Jillian immediately wake up and start moving around the house. Emmett heads downstairs and notices that they are on an indoor lock down. He heads over to the back door and tries to listen to see if he can hear anything going on. He sits on the kitchen couch. Jillian comes out to the HOH room balcony and asks Emmett why they are on lock down .. is it for Part 1 of 3 HOH? Emmett says no. Jillian gets told to put on her mic and so she goes back into the HOH room. Emmett sees Talla come out of the diary room and asks her how long she was in there for. Talla says awhile, before you guys got up. Talla says she is going back to sleep. Gary then heads into the diary room. Emmett goes to the bathroom. Gary comes back and joins him and says that he has to do a diary room session. Jillian joins them.

Big Brother Canada Talla Reassures Gary Moose “I have faith… you do to.”
11:10pm Stooges Strategy Room
Talla talks to the moose
Talla: “HI Henry.. Oh how did I do ooh.. well I thought I had to created a equation to get a f*ing answer..
“THen I couldn’t find my age on a money bag.. Really stressful”
“But I have faith you do to… and… ya I guess we’ll see what happens.. not tubing it tonight bye”

Big Brother Canada Final POV Results
POV Holder: Emmett Next POV April 27 POV Used ? POV Ceremony April ? HOH Winner: Jilian Next HOH: April ? Original Nominations: GARY & TALLA Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest Andrew Have Nots Gary Emmett wins the Final POV Jillian: “You are in the final 3 100%.. it’s weird .. None of us […]