11:50am – 12:05pm Helen joins Judd, Amanda and Aaryn on the backyard couch. Helen asks who else if voting out Candice. Helen says I have made her (Elissa) understand. Helen says that she feels bad for Spencer because this is the 3rd time he’s been put on the block. They continue to talk about the original nominations. Jessie questions why Aaryn couldn’t have convinced Gina to not put me up. Aaryn says I don’t have any power in Gina’s nominations. She had those names picked before even talking to anyone. Aaryn explains that you were put up because you had just gotten into a fight, you would rock the boat the least and we needed someone up there who could make sure Candice didn’t win the veto. Jessie keeps talking about how she doesn’t understand why she was put up and how no one had her back. Jessie says she doesn’t understand why I am the one to be put up. Jessie says that everyone was probably throwing my name out there so that means the people that are loyal to me aren’t. Amanda asks who is loyal to you? Jessie says um well .. it doesn’t matter.
Tag: Jessie Kowalski

Big Brother 15 SPOILERS – Power of Veto Ceremony RESULTS!
10am – 10:45am Big Brother switched the live feed to the TRIVIA screen for the Power of Veto Ceremony. When the feeds return we learn that obviously Jessie used the veto to take herself off the block. As head of household Ginamarie then nominated Spencer as the replacement nominee.
The live feeds return with Spencer and Ginamarie up in the HOH room. Spencer says that it’s okay that you put me up. In the future I may come to you to ask a favour from you. Ginamarie says that Judd was her second choice. She says she will definitely repay the favour. Spencer says he will not hold this against her in the future once they make it to jury and says that we can work together. Gina says that she appreciates that. Spencer says that he is just going to lay low.

Helen says this isn’t the week to strike! If Jessie wants Amanda out she needs to win HOH!
9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds come back – Jessie and Spencer are on the backyard talking about his weight. He is embarrassed about his weight. Jessie says that even though he might not be happy she feels like it is a healthy weight for him. Spencer says those are kind words. They head inside. In the living room – Spencer sits on the backyard couch. Elissa and Spencer are joking around. Elissa says that Andy hates Spencer because he had the biggest showmance of the season with Howard. He says yeah that’s true. Elissa says you and Howard got shown who’s boss and it ain’t you. Spencer says yeah that’s true.
9:35am – 9:40am In the bathroom – Jessie tells Judd that it will be so hard to get Amanda out if we don’t do it now. She lies and manipulates. Jessie tells Judd to not talk to Helen directly, talk to me. At least until it gets closer.

Amanda says eww I see your pen!$ outline! What are those bumps on it?!
1:50am In the lounge room – Amanda and McCrae are talking. Judd joins them. He lifts up his shirt and starts humping the air. Amanda says eww I see your pen!s outline! Eww what are those bumps on it?! Judd then investigates. Amanda asks do you have genital warts? McCrae tells him to stop, I don’t want to look at it anymore. Amanda asks so who’s sleeping with Judd tonight? Do you want me to sleep with you tonight? Judd says I’m sleeping with Jessie. Amanda asks are you? Judd says yeah. McCrae says you sleep with Judd and I’ll sleep with Jessie. Amanda says yeah. McCrae asks what’s the word, nothing new? Judd says no. Gina joins them to say goodnight. Gina leaves. Amanda says Elissa told us what their conversation in here was about. Jessie was complaining about you (Judd) sleeping with Aaryn. That’s what the entire conversation was about. Judd asks so we need to separate. McCrae says I don’t care what you do. Judd takes a sip of McCrae’s water jug. McCrae gets annoyed because he doesn’t like other people drinking from him jug. Andy joins them. Judd asks Andy if he thinks it matters if he sleeps with Jessie or not?

Elissa and Jessie want to save Candice “The sk@nk squad Vs the Rat B****”
11:34pm Elissa and Jessie
Elissa says they do not have the numbers they are screwed right now
They needs one vote to save Candice. Elissa is sure he won’t vote get Andy’s to vote out Amanda. Elissa is really worried if they lose Candice they will go one by one she wants to act. Jessie says the reason Andy doesn’t want to rock the boat right now is he’s covered on both sides. He’s in good with Amanda and McCrae and Elissa/Helen. Once those two sides start fighting Andy has to pick a side and that will make him a big target for some people.

Jessie the biggest flip flopper of Big Brother 15 or is she “Pot belly pig vomit”
7:53pm HOH Aaryn, GM and Andy
Aaryn is worried if Helen and Elissa are coming after her now why didn’t she do the nomination last week like she wanted to.
Andy: “Helen is super emotional she hears something and flips out.. she does this all the time”
Andy: “Don’t worry she (Helen) is going to vote Candice out.. she’s not a idiot she knows if she votes to keep Candice she’ll gain a ton of enemies… it’s Sunday we have a lot of time until Thursday”
Andy leaves..
Aaryn says Elissa, Helen and Jessie want to keep Candice and all they need is one person.. “you know how easy it is to get one person’s vote”
GM says Helen respects her HOH she will vote out Candice.
Aaryn: “I don’t care if she says she respects your HOH she told me the same thing my first HOH and look what happened”

Helen: “My Friends really want Amanda out” Amanda: “No Candice is going home.. 100%”
5:35pm Backyard Aaryn, Amanda and McCrae
Amanda says she’s heard Helen and Elissa talking about getting rid of her over Candice.
AManda: ‘If Candice goes this week and it’s some kind of Double eviction we have to be on the same page” She hints that perhaps Helen should go.
Amanda warns Aaryn if she gets another HOH people will start worrying because it makes her look strong, she’s already won 2. Aaryn says she hasn’t won a Veto and her first HOH was a half Jeremy the second HOH was a crapshoot.
McCrae: “As soon as MVP goes we can start winning HOH”
Aaryn thinks it will end once they get to six players, ”I think the first Pandora’s box will end the MVP

Helen wants to fire the first shot “We have to get Amanda out she’s trying to b@ckdoor me”
4:35pm Bedroom Helen and Elissa
Elissa and Helen are getting paranoid because McCrae and Jessie are talking in the bedroom. Elissa doesn’t think that someone in the house put up Amanda. She thinks it was America. Elissa thinks that people would be able to related to her because she’s a mom.
Candice and Jessie join them.
JEssie: “Why do you all look so down in the dumps”
Helen: “The beer got to me”
Helen asks Candice to leave and let the 3 of them talk game.

Candice says Gina is ignorant, she can’t hold a conversation without it being all about herself.
12:05pm Andy, Judd and Candice are out on the backyard couch talking. Candice gets called to the storage room. She says yay, I hope its my new clown suit. She says that she asked for a child size suit. She heads to the storage room and finds a smaller suit. She changes and then says thanks Big Brother! She heads outside and says it’s getting better. Judd says it looks the same to me. Candice says that she just wants it looking god for the live show. So I can pop that pu$$y! Candice talks about Howard. She says that her white mom will really like Howard especially when he has his shirt off because she likes big black men. She says that he black mom probably stopped watching a while ago.

Judd says Jessie would be a bitter jury member but give her a compliment and you would get her vote.
9:45am Helen wakes up and heads to the backyard for her morning run. At 10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the feeds come back, Judd is in the kitchen saying we still in this b*tch. He tells Gina to write that in her blog. Judd heads out to the backyard. Helen says it’s day 45 people! At midnight we’ll be half way! Up in the HOH room – Gina tells Aaryn that the toilet downstairs it all fu*king orange. Gina says ah it’s nice to be queens. Aaryn says you the queen, I’m the princess. Gina says no we’re both queens. Aaryn says this week.
10:30am – 10:50am Out in the backyard – Helen talks to Andy about how she was talking to Elissa last night and she want to keep Candice. I talked to her and she says that she will vote Candice out but it’s a constant battle with her each week.

Aaryn tells Amanda that her feet look like duck feet. Amanda says says “EWw.. I look like SNOOKI!”
1:30am Out in the backyard – Andy, Elissa, Helen, Candice, Jessie and Spencer are talking. Candice looks at her clown-tard and says I HAVE A HOLE! They gave hole! I think this is a pee hole?! This is a pee hole! They gave me a pee hole! Spencer says it’s going to be hard to navigate that. Canidce says maybe it’s for a pen!s? Andy says only for a tiny pen!s. Andy asks like what size of a pen!s can fit through that?! Candice says maybe yours! Andy says that’s true. They start talking about Amanda’s tanning sessions that will happen throughout the night. Candice says I am definitely staying in bed because everything I get up I have to put this sh*t on. Jessie suggests Candice stay in bed all day. We could bring you food and stuff. We could just come to your bed to hand out. Candice says I like Jessie’s idea – I should just stay in bed all day because I don’t have to put this clown suit on. They asks Andy to do some improv.

Big Brother 15 Bachelor Party YO “Who stole my chicken cutlet t!ty”
11:26pm Bachelor party
JUDD is talking about his buddy back home called SCOOTER, “He’s a party Animal.. my partner in crime we do all the scheming”
Andy says he was a bit bummed to see Howard go he thought he was a nice person. Andy, Kaitlin and Howard were the hardest two for Andy the other four he didn’t give a sh!t.
Andy brings up when he was in the room with Helen and Jermey during Jeremy’s last ditch effort to stay in the house, “I was with Master Chen… OHh that was racist .. Master Kim.. f*** I’m going to sit Jeremy down and chop his head off with a samurai sword” Amanda says he’s a racist now. Andy explains Helen always calls herself Helen Chen bot he was thinking Chen instead of Kim.
They talk about Jeremy leaving. McCrae felt a bit sad for Jeremy leaving, he respected how he went out and how he tried to stay
Spencer: “His I’m a champion when I poop speech didn’t help him”
Andy: ‘If jessie burritos herself in the bed tonight I’m going to baby shake her”