10:00pm HOH Helen and her friends
Helen talking about after she won HOH she looked at Spencer and Howard in the eye and asked them where the extra vote went.
Helen brings up how Spencer flipped his vote 2 hours before they were cast. Helen says Spencer is on the sh!t list. She feels it can go either way says she’ll give anyone a second chance but if you screw her a second time I’ll come back with a vengeance.
Helen “I will smear your name to the point you’ll never want to show your face”
Helen told Spencer: “Play hard for that veto.. what have you done for me lately.. “ (They start quoting janet jackson)
Helen keeps talking on an on. She says all the girls have their own unique strengths and the house is full of smart strong competitors.
Helen: “I would have been like.. ohh I’m the smartest person here” she adds that the comps she thought she would excel at she didn’t.
Tag: Jessie Kowalski
Nail Party Crashed “Andy cracked a joke and Kaitlin laughed so hard.. B!TCH”
9:11pm Hammock mad Jessie, McCrea and Amanda
Jessie going off about Jeremey crashing the girls nail party.
Jessie: “I was like can just have 5 minutes without you in my airspace that would be so lovely”
J: “Andy cracked a joke and KAitlin laughed so hard.. B!TCH”
Amanda: ‘What he say.. obviously he was joking”
J: “We were talking about first kisses and mine was in a boys bathroom.. and he was like HOE and she just started laughing hysterically”
J: “Make my temper rise”
A: “I would have said.. it’s not that funny Kaitlin and walked out”
Big Brother Spoilers Helen and Andy start planning Elissa’s MVP for the next 3 weeks
6:36pm HOH Cam 3-4 Andy and Helen
Andy telling her how he’s playing spencer to think that him and JUDD are not really close to Helen’s and her superfriends. Andy brings up that he told Spencer he had no idea who the MVP is. Spencer thought it was odd that the group is so tight yet they don’t know the MVP. Andy thinks that saying that McCrea got the MVP is smart thing to do. (Amanda told Aaryn that it was Elissa that got it)
Helen: ‘I think that will be a good play for Elissa anyways.. at least for the next 2 or three weeks…. If MVP goes to her again .. She can take it or she can give it to someone to make it look better.. so we can always use that card” Andy: ‘As long as she doesn’t go rogue like last time” Helen: “No no.. I want her to use it strategically I will keep reminding her you know giving it to McCrea this week was a great way to not get your hands dirty with Spencer” Elissa joins them and they start talking about how the next two days are going to be easy and really the next should be easy as well.
Amanda stirring the pot “I think we need to get Elissa out of here soon.. Something is up”
4:08pm CAm 1-2 Judd, McCrea and Amanda backyard
Amanda: “I think we need to get Elissa out of here soon”
McCrea isn’t excited about that plan tells her to just hold tight.
Amanda: “Something is up”
McCrea: “Why”
Amanda: “Can’t talk about it”
McCrea: “Production has strategy?”
Amanda: “Can’t talk about it”
Amanda thinks Elissa is going to protect Howard for awhile. Judd asks if Amanda is meaning they get rid of Elissa before the MVP twist is over
Amanda says no and leaves
Helen says “We need to turn this house around from being a wh*re house!”
1:50pm – 2:05pm On the backyard couch – Jessie is telling Helen about how she meet Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey when she was out with her sister. She says that they all went back to Lance’s house and had a slumber party. Helen says that is so crazy its hard to believe. Meanwhile on the backyard couch Candice tells Aaryn – I hope you know I was just trying to protect her from the guys alliance. Candice says that she was the first person to figure it out. Candice tells her that each of the boys were supposed to control their girls. Jeremy was supposed to control you and Kaitlin, McCrae was supposed to control Amanda and Howard was supposed to control me. Aaryn says to be honest I kind of already knew that Jeremy voted out David. But in my heart I wanted to move past it and I knew Jeremy would protect me. Candice says that she thinks all of the girls have beautiful qualities and I would hate it for the guys to make it to the end. I want us girls to come together and make it to the end. Aaryn says that she has been working on talking to Elissa more. Aaryn tell Candice that she appreciates her saying that. Judd comes out and joins Jessie, Aaryn and Candice on the couch. Candice starts going off again about how Jeremy called Howard a coward.
Helen tells Andy they should throw the next HOH to McCrae or Amanda.
12pm Out in the backyard – Jessie is in the pool. She is spraying Helen with the hose as she runs by. Meanwhile Jeremy, Andy and Amanda are talking about random things. Jeremy thinks he would be a good coach if they brought back that twist. Amanda says that she thinks she would be a good America’s player. Amanda makes a comment about something being retarded and says I need to stop saying that! Andy and Jeremy don’t think its that bad to say. Amanda comments how she was talking to Aaryn about being a racist and she said she wasn’t one. Amanda says Aaryn then said she would go back to work on her plantation. Jeremy and Andy think that it’s not malicious what Aaryn says. Jeremy says that we don’t know how they are portraying it. Amanda says that she knows how they are portraying it from the questions they continually ask about it in the diary room.
Big Brother 15 Spoilers – Power Of Veto Ceremony RESULTS!
11am When the Big Brother 15 Live Feeds return from showing TRIVIA for the Veto Ceremony, we learn that Kaitlin as the POV holder used the veto to remover herself from the block and Helen as the HOH nominated Jeremy for eviction.
Jeremy and Kaitlin are in the bedroom talking about Arnold Schwarzenegger being the governor of California. Jeremy does a Arnold impersonation. Jeremy has red lip stick on his cheeks from Kaitlin kissing him. Kaitlin tells Jeremy that it’s so unfair he is going home. Jeremy says it’s not. In the lounge room – Helen is telling Andy, McCrae and Spencer how they did it, they got Kaitlin to use the veto. She talks about how great it is to be getting him out of the house. She says that she is so excited for Thursday. Helen does a bye Jeremy dance. helen leaves the room. Andy jokingly says that Helen is a power hungry c**t!
Judd says Helen asked him to promise to not put up Kaitlin but I don’t want to be tied to that.
8:20am – 8:30am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen. When the feeds return, Helen and Elissa are up in the HOH room talking. Helen is talking to Elissa about how Kaitlin is doing them a huge favour. Helen says that she is just going to ask Jeremy to take a seat. Elissa says take a seat my dude. Helen heads downstairs to the backyard where Judd is to ask him is she can get his bear tshirt to wear during the veto ceremony. Kaitlin comes out to the backyard and says this is going to be a horrible day. She has a smoke and is told to put her mic on. She says figures! Because she just lit up her cigarette. Kaitlin heads inside. McCrae and Judd talk. Judd says that Helen asked him to promise to not put up Kaitlin for a while. Judd says that he said he wouldn’t but tells McCrae that he doesn’t want to be tied to that promise. He says that stuff the other night was so high school. Kaitlin comes back out. Meanwhile in the kitchen – Elissa is chatting with Amanda. Big Brother calls Helen to the diary room. Elissa looks at Amanda and says she hopes it isn’t happening now because you’re not ready.
Andy kisses Gina goodnight. Spencer says he puts d!*ks in his mouth. Gina says YUM, so do I!
12am Jeremy asks Andy to send Howard home after him because he has been throwing me under the bus. Jeremy tells Andy that hit disgust him. Jeremy says that Howard told Kaitlin that from day one that Jeremy had been making Kaitlin a target. Jeremy says that he knows Kaitlin will see that’s not true when she goes home. Jeremy says that he feels he deserves here to be over Howard. Andy says that Howard would pull him aside and would tell him he wanted to work with Andy to the end when he didn’t. Andy says that he doesn’t think Jeremy threw Howard under the bus by revealing the Moving Company. Andy says that Jeremy told Andy that Spencer always had Andy’s back even in the Moving Company. Andy says that Spencer about that too which it shows the type of g uy Jeremy is that he didn’t throw Spencer under the bus. Andy says that he wants Jeremy to know he really respects him as a player in this game and that he didn’t want Jeremy to go like this. Jeremy says it’s not over yet. Andy says yeah, but if this Jeremy had come in week one, it would be a totally different story.
Baby Jeremy making deals “There is no way we are keeping Jeremy.. no no no no he’s gone”
9:10 Hammock Jeremy, Amanda and McCrea
They agree Howard and Spencer are super paranoid. Amanda says she doesn’t trust Helen she’s a time bomb. McCrea wants Aaryn to get the HOH.
Amanda: “once they give up the MVP Elissa can get teh fu*** out of here”
Jeremy and Judd join them asks them if there is any deal they can cut to help get rid of “That puss ball” (Spencer)
McCrea and Amanda both say he’s too much of a risk. McCrea says his mind is open but it’s not looking good.
Amanda says it’s not possible with the house begin so against him.
Amanda: “trust me we’ve thought of every scenario.. you will see after you watch the show.. I’ve thought of every scenario”
Elissa and Helen are like watching toddlers.. you try to keep them away from all the sharp edges
7:00pm Storage room Andy and Amanda
Andy is complaining about Helen says right in front of Spencer she said that Kaitlin was targeting Howard, “Kaitlin hates Howard”.
Andy adds that he gave Helen a look like shut up.. Helen backtracked and said “Ohh Kaitlin hates a lot of people she hates Jessie and Candace”
Amanda: “the two of them together is like having to watch a toddler learning to walk.. You want to keep them away from all the sharp edges because they are just going to hurt themselves and people around them.. it’s like bringing a bull into the china shop”
McCrea and Judd making plans “We need some girls out.. Nominate Arayn and Candace then BD Howard”
5:57pm Have nots McCrea and Judd
Feeds flip into this conversation
Judd: ‘We do need a few girls out”
McCrea: ‘I know”
McCrea: “It’ll just be Me, you, Andy Spencer”
Judd: “It’s OK Howard goes”
McCrea: “yup”
Judd: “I think if you got HOH put Howard and Candace up and a replacement nom would be Aaryn “
Judd: “that’s risky”
McCrea: “I like the BackD**r”
Judd: “how about Arayn and Candace up BD Howard”
Judd says if they get MVP they can put a random girl up.
McCrea says they need to get MVP because he doesn’t think Elissa will put up Howard.