POV Holder: Elissa Next POV July 27th POV Used YES POV Ceremony July 29 HOH Winner: JUDD Next HOH: July 25 MVP: AMERICA Original Nominations: Aaryn, Kaitlin, ELISSA (MVP – America) Current Nominations: Aaryn, Kaitlin, GINAMARIE (MVP – America) Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy Have Nots Jessie, Candice, Andy, Spencer 4:22pm HOH Elissa, Jessie, […]
Tag: Jessie Kowalski

Andy asks if someone can ask for a Diamond Power Of Veto for him so he can put Candice up.
12:35pm In the kitchen – Andy is talking to Candice. He says that he watched a number of the seasons before coming in here and made a list of the top reasons why people were evicted. He says that the top 2 reasons were not making big enough connections with people and playing to hard too fast. Andy says think about it – David didn’t make personal connections with people, Nick played to hard too fast, Jeremy played to hard too fast! Boom Boom BOOM!
Meanwhile out by the pool – Helen and Kaitlin are talking about the twist. Helen says that she doesn’t think the twist has happened yet.

Big Brother 15 SPOILERS – America’s REPLACEMENT NOMINEE & Veto Ceremony RESULTS!
10:35am – 11:20am The Big Brother live feeds switch to the we’ll be right back screen and then to TRIVIA for the Veto Ceremony. When the feeds return, we learn that Elissa used the VETO on herself. AS MVP America voted GINAMARIE as the REPLACEMENT NOMINEE.
11:25pm Ginamarie says well they did put the 3 prettiest girls up on the block! Aaryn says well I don’t think I am one of the prettiest but thank you. My picture looked good up on the screen though! Gina says “People shook, people scared, people think I am a competitor, I like it! I just wish Judd had put me up so I would have had a chance to play in the VETO. I wish I could have won the $5000.

Elissa says I would tell my husband in the Diary Room. “I am going to self-evict – I’m pregnant!”
8:30am – 8:55am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen to wake up the house guests. In the bathroom – Jessie asks can you be so stressed out that you skip your period? Elissa says yes. Elissa explains that all of their periods will line up together. Isn’t that so weird?! Candice says for her it would immaculate conception. Elissa says for her too, I haven’t seen my husband in 30 days. Elissa says wouldn’t that be so exciting – then I could tell my husband in the diary room. Like “I am going to self evict because I’m pregnant!” Helen joins them and complains about how bad her punishment was. You can’t watch anything or hear anything. Howard joins Candice in the bedroom. Candice starts in on him again about telling her to go inside when he was talking to Kaitlin. Howard says okay I won’t do it again. Candice says it hurt my feelings but today is a new day. I don’t understand it but.. it’s over. Howard gets up and leaves and says okay.

Amanda asks did you have fun last night when we made out heavily? McCrae says he regrets it.
2am Amanda and Andy are in the lounge room talking. Andy says that he would much rather Howard or Kaitlin go home than Aaryn. They are much more dangerous. Andy and Amanda talk about how Howard and Kaitlin have deals with everyone in the house.
Amanda and McCrae are in the lounge talking. McCrae is whispering. Amanda asks why he’s whispering. McCrae says because when this door is closed, shaddy sh*t is going down and I don’t want you a part of shaddy sh*t anymore. Amanda and McCrae head into the kitchen. Kaitlin asks them how their date went to night. McCrae says that it was magical. Amanda says it was amazing. Amanda says McCrae was super nervous. McCrae says because he knew what was happening and it made me nervous. Kaitlin talks about how she used hydrogen peroxide and baking soda on her teeth last night to whiten them but had flossed right before and now the skin on the gums lifted up.

A Big Brother 15 Engagement “NICK, GinaMarie is Jealous”
8:30pm HOH Amanda and McCrae
They are going over the day conversations.. THey don’t trust Spencer, Howard, Kaitlin. Sounds like they are still onboard with the superfriends and Beleive there is a Howard, Candice, Kaitlin and Spencer aliance.
McCrae is looking at the HOH TV screen “Mother f****er what is that” they get up and take a closer look.
McCrea: “This sucks can’t read it.. I think it says will you be my Big Brother Wife”
Amanda: “Is that what is says”
He gets down on one knee and proposes give her the ring
Amanda: “This is so cute.. YES”
The wedding will be later in the week..

JUDD: “Production gets too involved in what we do”
6:26pm HOH Spencer and JUDD
JUDD Candice is doing some scheming. Spencer knows that he’s not sure about what though.
JUDD explains that when he was in solitary he heard Candice have a conversation with another girl in the bathroom. “I heard her say HElen next”
Spencer thinks there is some deal in the works to save Aaryn already and get Kaitlin out.. OR the third nominee. .
Spencer: ‘This is what I think is going on.. I think ELissa put herself with no fear because Aaryn is such a HUGE target”
Spencer says from the whispers he’s heard Elissa is trying to get the MVP target off her back and place it on Howard. Spencer suspects that Amanda may be the next person nominated.
Spencer: “This is pure speculation.. because what she is saying is Howard is a NFL player with a huge fan base”

Big Brother 15 Spoilers “GOOD is going to overcome evil in this house” -Howard
5:05pm GM, Kaitlin and Howard Couch
Confronting him about Candice throwing them under the bus. Howard says that Candice is close to Elissa.
GM says she’s always been straight with Howard she tells him that Candice has been up in the HOH throwing all their names out under the bus, “DUDE It’s going to get us in f**** trouble dude”.
Howard says they just need to stay committed with who is in that room.
GM says how can they be committed when one of them could go up as the MVP vote all the time.
Howard: “If one of you go up as MVP and you have 5 votes behind you it doesn’t matter”
Howard tells them that Candice will vote the way he wants, He says it isn’t personal when there is 500 thousand dollars on the line.
He explains to them that his dealings with Candice has to be subtle he just can’t start telling her what to do but he can help guide her. GM says she’s Italian and she doesn’t like Rats and what Candice is doing is ratting out everything they do and say.
GM: “And we don’t even say nothin bad dude”

“Who’s the villain now” Spencer tells McCrae Your Deal with Elissa and Helen.. It’s going to sour
3:12 Hammock Spencer and McCrae
McCrea apologizes for lying about the MVP last week. Spencer is fine with it. McCrea says that Elissa screwed them over she did what she wanted and McCrae took the heat for it.
MC: “you know.. I really do like you I think you deserve to be in the game.. you know”
Spencer says he knows that McCrae and Amanda say they have something going with him and Howard but they are not the only ones AManda McCrea have made that deal to. Spencer believes McCrea and Amanda have a bunch of final 4 deals with groups in the house. McCrae admits that they do.
MC: ‘To be honest I do like use four I really do. (Howie, MCcrea, Amanda and Specner) MC says that they need a strong group to take out Elissa. Hell pull the trigger.
Spencer: ‘Just keep me in the know and don’t put me in a bad position.. I’m not going to scumbag you dude”

Candice says Shut the FU*K UP! MUZZLE! Aaryn needs to go, she hasn’t changed!
12:55pm Out on the backyard lounge chair – Helen and Candice continue to talk about Amanda and about how Aaryn has to go. Candice is worried about her or Howard being nominated as the replacement. Helen shows Candice that no matter what happens we have the votes. Candice says I know we are all strong players and we will eventually have to battle but just not right now. Not when there is someone up on the block that has said derogatory comments to Howie and I. Meanwhile up in the HOH room – Amanda and McCrae are waking up and making the HOH bed. Out in the backyard – Helen and Elissa are talking on the backyard couch. Helen is telling Elissa that she thinks she will be going up as the replacement. Elissa says that she thinks it’s someone in the house that’s MVP. Helen says we just need to send Aaryn home. Helen asks why Elissa thinks Howard is the MVP. Elissa says he never gets called to the diary room and yesterday he was called a lot. Helen agrees and says he didn’t even play in the POV. They end their conversation and start to head inside. Andy rolls his ankle and sits down but then starts running soon after.

Helen tells Andy there are people here that are thinking of back dooring Amanda.
10am – 10:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Helen has been up since before seven this morning cleaning the bathroom and Kitchen. When the live feeds return from waking up the house guests, up in the HOH room Big Brother tells Amanda and McCrae the bedroom lights must remain on during the day. They turn on the lights, then McCrae unlocks the door and they go back to sleep. Meanwhile in the backyard – Helen and Spencer are out in the backyard. Spencer is talks about how he has low energy being on slop. Helen tells him that she thinks its good that he was on slop this week. Spencer says that he figured he was going to be a havenot sooner or later any ways and wanted to lose weight. Helen talks about her early 8pm curfew punishment was so difficult to go to sleep. She says she talked to Judd this morning at 6:30am.

Gina “Can we say d**p throat?” Aaryn “Open your mouth and let it slide down, something I have never been good at!”
1:40am Up in the HOH room – McCrae, Candice, Spencer, Amanda and Andy are talking. Amanda says especially after tonight I know we have Jessie and Ginamarie. McCrae says that he wants to reconnect with Gina right before to be sure. Andy says Spencer and Howard could be pulling the wool over his eyes but they trust me right now and so does Candice. Amanda says however Candice balled me out earlier. McCrae says that he talked to them after and said that he was voting out Aaryn for sure. Amanda asks even if Howard goes up? McCrae and Andy both say yes. Amanda says okay. Andy says that they don’t suspect the three of us and Judd. Andy leaves the room. McCrae tells Amanda that we should always be pushing for Aaryn to leave. Amanda says okay. I don’t want to talk any more game tonight. Will you just shut off the light and come to bed. McCrae shuts off the light and gets into bed. They immediately start making out and start getting really into it under the covers and then Big Brother switches the cameras. (The cameras don’t show the HOH room all night until 4am – Pretty sure they did a lot more than just making out.)
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