Big Brother 18 is scheduled to premiere on Wednesday June 22 and we’re excited to announce MORE exclusive content if you subscribe to the live feeds. By signing up for the live feeds today, you will get to test them out for FREE for 1 week. As a member of CBS All Access, you’ll have access to the VIP chats with Big Brother Alumni, the Big Brother Marathon (Now playing every episode from Big Brother 1 – 17), Big Brother Alumni Hotseat videos, and be able to watch any episode of your favourite CBS show.
Tag: Jessie Godderz

Big Brother 16 MEDIA DAY With a few Familiar Faces…
The first episode of the two-night première of Big Brother 16 is set to air in just 2 days on Wednesday, June 25th. This seasons media day took place on Friday, June 6th and is only now being released to the public. Media day is the day when a select group of media personalities enter the newly re-designed big brother house to check out where the new cast will be spending the next 90 days. One big brother alumni that got to take part in this seasons media day is Rachel Reilly from Big Brother 12 and winner of Big Brother 13.

Big Brother Mr. PEC-Tacular Jessie Godderz IMPACT Wrestling Superstar
Mr. PEC-Tacular Jessie Godderz holds a special honor in the Big Brother World by being part of more Big Brother seasons than anyone else. His total is 5, A house guest for Big Brother 10 and 11 with guest appearances during the Pandora box twists on Big Brother 12, 13 and 14 (should have been #powershifted into Big Brother Canada). It’s pretty safe to say he’s going to be on Big Brother 15 he’s the BB franchise crossover star.
It’s also been suggested that Jessie is one of the more successful of the Big Brother Alumni. His big gig is being a Pro wrestler for SPIKE TV’s Impact Wrestling and has recently landed a bonafide acting roll starring in the new drama TAINTED DREAMS. Jessie has been nailing some pretty big deals.

Big Brother News, Spoilers and Links from the Internets (2012-04-27)
Big Brother News stories from the month that have slipped through the OBB cracks. Casting is still cruising along just another couple weeks to go. No Call back spoilers have leaked, CBS puts strict rules down prohibiting people from talking about callbacks on social media, blogs etc etc. If you want to get disqualified then tweet you got a casting callback. Official start date has been released for this coming season, July 12th is just around the corner.
Robyn Kass tweeted when asked about the semi finalist.
“Nope, we have NOT finished our semi finalist rounds yet!! #BB14”
There is still a load of casting calls and you can still submit your Big Brother 14 application online.

Jessie Godderz: Wrestling cards and Bodybuilding Mags. Abs-solutely Pec-tacular
Big Brother Alumni Mr Pec-Tacular AKA Jessie Godderz is once again making his mark in the Professional Wrestling/ Bodybuilding world. Earlier in the month TMZ caught him at New York’s LaGuardia Airport after his win at FWE no limits and now we’re finding him all over the place. Jessie Wrestling trading cards, Jessie in Magazines, Jessie on OVW Television, Jessie everywhere..
Mr Pec-Tacular TNA Wrestling Trading cards
TNA wrestling makes a whole series of Pro cards like TNA Reflexxions, Signature Impact, TNA Xtreme and TNA Icons. Checking out their website (Link) shows the full line all featuring everyone’s favorite Pro Wrestler Hulk Hogan on the cover. Earlier today Jessie Tweeted that he will be featured on his own wrestling card with the TNA Summer release.

Big Brother AllStar Jessie Godderz Wins at FWE Goes T*pless
Jessie Godderz After his big win at FWE no limits
Jessie Godderz, Big Brother superstar and OVW Pro Wrestler wrestling career has taken off. He’s renewed his contract with TNA IMPACT Wrestling and will début on SPIKE TV later this year.
TMZ Catches Jessie on Sunday at LaGuardia Airport as he was returning from the FWE no limits event. This was his début with FWE on Saturday in Manhattan. During this event he was matched up with Jay Santana where he defeated him via a devastating pin.
If it wasn’t for his TNA contract I would bet this july’s Big Brother Spoilers will have this this guy in it this July.

BIG BROTHER 2012 Ultimate Houseguest Twitter List
Complete list of BIG BROTHER Houseguest Twitter Accounts, The best way to keep up with your favorite past BB player. All accounts have been added to a twitter list. Don’t forget to follow @dawgsbigbrother and @bigbspoilers for all the Big Brother 14 Spoilers
Twitter is the best way to catch up on what your favorite past Big Brother houseguest are up to. You’ll be surprised how different many of them are when they are not stuck in the stressful BB environment.

Second Big Brother 13 Commercial – It’s the “Craziest Twist Ever”
This second Big Brother 13 commercial show a lot more than the last one. This time around we learn that Big Brother 2011 will have the “CRAZIEST TWIST EVER!!!!” OMG.. I wonder what could be crazier than last year Big Brother Twist where they had a saboteur placing chirping noise makers out of sight in nooks and crannies.

Big Brother 13 Headlines – Weekly News Recap from the Internets (2011-05-01)
Still 3 Open casting calls remaining for all you BIG BROTHER 13 hopefuls.
“Waterford Park – Great Lawn”
Weds, May 4th 5-8PM 129 East River Rd. Louisville, KY 40202
Google Maps
“McFadden’s Restaurant and Saloon”
Friday, May 6th, 5–9PM 134 2nd Ave. N. Nashville, TN 37201
“Mad River Bar & Grille”
Saturday, May 7th 1-4PM 32 North Market St. Charleston, SC. 29401
Maps to these locations are available on the BB13 Casting Calendar
Another week closer to Big Brother is a good week with just over 2 months to go the excitement for our favorite Reality TV show is building. Some early rumors of “leaked” houseguests have been confirmed Bull shit by BB13 Casting
Big Brother 11 HOH Winner Results- Will the Rat Survive and Who is the Wizard
Russel had won this weeks HOH and nominated Lydia and Ronnie for eviction. Michele won the POV and did not use it. The nominations stayed the same this week. The house has been divided into two groups now. Jessie’s side and Jeff’s side. Ronnie has amassed a lot of hate in the house for all […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – The House is blowing up again and Jordan offers to teach Natalie how to use a tampon
5:20pm Ronnie and Jeff. Jeff tells him things are getting crazy up in here. Ronnie trying to talk Jeff into keeping him this week and next week he’ll put up Kevin or Russell and if POV is used he’ll get rid of Michelle. Jeff looks at him funny and says he’s not getting into this […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – 2nd Eviction and HOH Winner RESULTS
This week the Big Brother House is as divided as ever, Jessie’s side continues it’s domination for the Competitions and With Ronnie’s help they are able to manipulate the other side with ease. Last week Ronnie was the HOH winner he had put Laura and Jordan up for nomination. Jordan is set to be the […]