Paul – he (Jason) is just throwing a fit …because I don’t know what it is.. he is just upset about something. Alex told me we could do Matt, Kevin, Raven.. so why is she more about getting Kevin out. I said things change and of course if he (Kevin) is throwing Alex’s name out there, then of course she is going to get weird about it. I said what do you care more about, getting Alex upset or keeping someone around that told me to get you out at 6?! I was like he (Kevin) doesn’t have your (Jason) back. He said I know. Alex – I think Kevin still has him by the balls and still feels bad about sh*t. Paul – what do you think AMF should, what do you think we should do? Alex – if Jason does this… that puts AMF in a weird position.
Tag: Jessica Graf
“we feel great, I don’t care if I go on the block as long as Raven’s safe “
3:00pm Paul is telling Jason the plan for the week
Paul – I was down here talking to Matt and Raven, Alex came in and it was f*ing perfect.
Paul says after talking to MAtt and Raven, Matt was saying “we feel great, I don’t care if I go on the block as long as Ravin’s safe at the end of the day”
Paul has been telling Matt and Raven he thinks Kevin is “Legit” the target.
Paul adds that Alex started shitting on Kevin. After she left MAtt and Raven said they were cool they knew Kevin was the target.
Paul – I was like, YA guys there’s no need to worry
Paul – Josh told them the same thing…
Paul – MAtt wants raven to be Safe..
Paul explains the Veto gets played on Raven they put Kevin up. They play nice with Matt they play nice with Kevin when Thursday rolls around they send Matt home.
Paul – you see it’s better this way… when it’s smooth…
Jason – Milk so fresh the cow doesn’t know it’s missing.. what the f* .. I guarantee the b1tch knows it’s missing
Breaking Spoilers 12:51pm Jason got a litre of Milk in his HOH fridge..
Jason – Milk so fresh the cow doesn’t know it’s missing.. what the f* .. I guarantee the b1tch knows it’s missing you’re tugging on her t1ts
Jason – the best milk you could drink is right outta the t1t (true.. but sounds crude)
Production – The tree of temptation has sprung back to life once again
10:00am HOH Jason and Kevin are chatting
Paul comes into the HOH
Jason – anything you want in here is yours
Jason goes on about how nice it is to have a HOH room.
Paul points out that Matt and Raven are showering downstairs
Alex comes in “It smells like too much axe”
Paul leaves
Jason tells Kevin that he doesn’t have to worry about him or Alex.
Jason – if I was you today..
“The poor girl. Terminal illness and then I kept watching her – this dirty little b***h. She is full of sh*t!”
Josh – I am just tired of confronting people. I am just going to start calling people out. I think I know who the second vote was but I’m not going to say because.. Christmas – obviously not us. Not Paul. It has to be out of the three. It has to have been someone who would have been with chaos. Christmas – I think it was an attempt for a split vote. But I’m the deciding vote and people know I wanted Mark out. I’m pretty certain they want Kevin out though. Matt – we just have to get Kevin on the block. Even if its just because its what the house wants with no intentions of getting him out. We just have to get him up there.
Alex “I think everyone will vote for Paul. He has that jury stacked. I am okay with going to the final 3 with you and Paul.”
Paul – all I know is that the last season of Big Brother was the longest season and it went on for 99 days and I know they’re not doing the same thing this year. Jason – all I know is that the survivor premiere would be on September 25th but that’s a Monday and that doesn’t make sense. Mark – It wouldn’t be on a Monday. Kevin – September 28th? Paul – that’s what you read that the Survivor premiere was on September 28th? Then it must end the week before. Mark – I think they’re going to tempt you with something later on in the season and if someone takes it, then someone from the jury will come back. Jason – they said there was no one else coming back. Paul – that doesn’t make sense.
“I can ping pong back and forth between my pairs & weasel my way out of anything.” – Paul
10:45am Backyard. Jason and Kevin are walking the yard. Kevin – so everything is fine right? The way we want it? Jason – Damn right! I don’t thing there is any stopping it now. Kevin – unless Matt and Raven win an HOH. Jason – Yeah that would suck. Kevin – because Alex, me, you and Paul… although I haven’t won sh*t. But I can tell you one thing.. if a spelling competition comes up I’ll be ready, that’s for sure. Jason – that’s good. Kevin – as long as the four of us are on the same thing it should be fine. Right?! Jason – yeah. Its seems like there would be no way for it to go wrong but you never want to think that. Kevin – no one is afraid.. at that point its the game you know what I mean. J
“People are like, you’re 35 and not married, I never found anyone that was worthy”
Big Brother Spoilers 10:00am Xmas, Jason and Matt
Matt complains that the coffee maker is crap.
They’re joking around..
Xmas – It’s really like lord of the flies in here..
Matt – it’s Elena’s Birthday
Xmas – awwww Happy Birthday Elena.. I know we voted you out but we still wish you to have a wonderful birthday..
Xmas – just make that clear because other people we don’t want to have a wonderful time..
Jason – like dumb a$$ (Cody)
Xmas – I hope they give you a cake.. no not a cake.. Ice Cream.. all your favorite Ice cream..
HOH & Nomination Results! “Matt, I just don’t like you. You’re guilty by association.”
Raven talks about Derrick Levasseur (BB16 winner) coming into the house. Raven – Matty is like a block star right now .. its so funny. Three in a row. If you’re going to do it, do it. Christmas – Someone said that was the most peaceful nomination ceremony. Did you say that? I thought about saying Matt I just don’t like you. You’re guilty by association. I was actually having a hard time figure out what I wanted to do. Raven – you did a good job. Raven – I feel like this next competition will be endurance. Christmas – I feel like I won’t be able to compete. Raven – you can’t because you’re HOH. Christmas – Oh yeah.. sometimes I’m just pretty.
“If I win, I’m upsetting the applecart, Matt and Mark” – Jason
Big Brother Spoilers 12:44pm Kevin and Jason
Their complaining about Matt and Raven.
jason – that’s why if I win, I’m upsetting the apple cart
Kevin – who you putting up her and Matt (Raven/Matt)
Jason – Matt and Mark
Kevin says everyone is going to tell him “Don’t do that”
Kevin – what the f* man
Kevin says Matt and raven are too comfortable in this game.
“Josh, you have to play the game. Right now we’re doing what I do best.. Mental warfare”
Big Brother Spoilers 5:00pm HOH Paul, Josh and Alex
Alex says Kevin is Sketchy.. “Don’t promise him anything”
Josh – me and Kevin never spoke game.. I never thought I wanted Kevin out at any point of this game until now..
Josh – the way he’s been acting
Alex – shady .. close with Mark
Josh – super close with Mark.. I had your back you don’t have none of our backs you’ve been hanging with the enemies..
Alex – you see how nervous he gets..
Josh – I feel good with us 5 but .. are we going to get rid of Kevin or top 6
Alex – we’ll do it week by week
“Maybe [Cody’s] trying to get government assistance for PTSD and he’s using this show to backup his argument”
Big Brother Spoilage 1:46pm HOH Jason and Alex
Alex – matt and raven they were up here I tried not top listen to them
Jason – Matt sucks so bad
Alex – they’re annoying.. Matt was up here while I was praying
Alex says they all don’t like mark that is who Matt, Raven and Paul are going for
Jason – I’m just going to tell you right now, If I win HOH on Thursday I’m putting Matt and Mark up. It’ll be perfect
Jason – what I’m going to say is Matt, uhh.. I needed to pull myself off the block for the veto because that was the plan you took the veto from me and then gave it back to me..
Jason – I felt like you were trying to make it look like you did me a giant solid when I had the Veto to begin with. It’ wasn’t a big move. You were trying to make me think you had my back so I’m putting you on the block so you know I see what you did.