Watch the 24/7 Uncensored Live Feeds of the Big Brother house 3 Day Trial!
12am Willie, Ashley, Janelle, Kara, Jojo and Shane are up in the HOH room talking about the last Power of Veto competition. It’s mainly Willie, Shane and Kara talking about how they did in the competition. Jojo heads downstairs because she wants a break. A few minutes later Janelle heads downstairs. Jojo and Ian then come up to talk. They ask Ian about how his date was tonight. Ian says that it was good, good servers, good food. The conversation turns to talking about how they think the next Coaches competition and Have/Have-not competition are going to be on Friday. Willie comments on how once Ian gets out of the house he is going to have no problem with the ladies. Ian says that its kinda been by choice. Kara then asks him so if a girl tried to rape you, you would say no? Everyone laughs and is stunned that Kara asked the question. Ian said that if it was a really beautiful woman then yeah he would do it with her. The conversation turns to Willie and Shane talking about how they can finish if they’ve been drinking. Jojo says maybe it had something to do with the girl, maybe she just wasn’t doing her job right, ya know?!