12am Ashley, Joe, Wil, and Janelle are in the arcade room. Joe says they need the next HOH and it will be between them and Shane. Joe says that he feels confident about his chances and that he thinks the HOH competition will be a crap-shoot. They asked Janelle if they were going to go along with Frank on who to vote out. Janelle told them yes for now. They start talking about Jojo. They all agree she should be the one to go. Joe says he thinks Frank said that he wants to vote out Jojo too. Janelle says that if Frank wants Danielle out, we won’t have the votes to go against him. Joe and Wil decide to head to bed. Janelle and Ashley comment on how peaceful it is without Willie in the house. Frank comes in to join them. Janelle tells Frank that Shane is a beast! Janelle asks what are we going do? Frank says that they can get him out. Janelle hopes its next week. Frank says that he hopes Shane doesn’t win HOH this coming week. Janelle says that if Danielle won HOH she would put Shane up on the block. They start talking about the types of competitions. Janelle comments on how Shane is going to try and win everything. Frank heads to bed.
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