12:25pm Frank is up in the HOH room with Shane. Shane tells Frank that he knows you have a final 6 deal with them… Joe is the only one that came up here to talk game and he threw you under the bus. He wants me to put you up. Shane says that Wil is his absolute number 1 target and that he was thinking of putting up Ian too. Frank says that he doesn’t mind if Shane puts up Boogies or Janelle’s players. He says that if he wants Wil or Joe out, it’s probably best to put them up. Frank says that the only reason he didn’t put Janelle’s team is because they rallied for him when he was up on the block. Britney joins them. Frank says that one good reason to keep me is that I will be a bigger target in the house. They bring up someone going through Frank’s bag but they won’t tell him that it was Joe, they just tell him the person is still in the house. Frank says that he will vote whichever way Shane wants.
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