12:40pm – 1pm Living room – Liz, Steve and Audrey. Steve tries to test the twin theory by asking Liz about Giselle the giraffe and Liz wearing sunglasses to hide the colour of her eyes. Steve asks what was the final name of the giraffe? Liz says ahh.. I forgot. Steve says Geoffrey. Liz says Geoffriza. Steve says Giselle. Liz says Giselle yeah. Steve asks why is everyone wearing their sunglasses inside? Austin says because we were outside. Liz says because its bright in here. Steve says but you’re inside now. Liz says you’re a ray of fricking sunshine. They talk about being locked inside to set up the HOH.
Tag: Jeffrey Weldon

Vanessa tells Austin “Don’t go falling in love (with Liz) and then f**k me!”
10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Johnny Mac is sitting alone in the backyard. Meanwhile in the kitchen – Shelli, Vanessa and Clay are getting ready for the day / to workout. Shelli and Vanessa head out into the backyard and start sprinting back and forth across the yard. Vanessa gets called to the diary room in the middle of their workout. Jason, Johnny, Becky and Clay are on the backyard couches. Jason says the havenot beds are the worst. Its just so awkward. Becky thinks they are the worst in history even more than the air plane chairs. Jason talks about the live feeds and how they’re cheap at only $5.99. Clay asks about the cameras and Jason explains how there is always one close up and one farther away.

The fat one is funny & the skinny one is here to get on Sports Illustrated! Jeff “The fat one is trying to get down!”
12:20am The Jeff & Austin podcast continues. First up is Jackie. She says that she has lived in Las Vegas for a long time and is a dancer there. Jeff asks what type of dancing. Jackie says all types of dancing but says she’s never crossed the stripper path. She says BUT I have been in a topless show called “Bite” a vampire show. Jeff asks what type of guys she likes? She says she likes tall guys, have a nice body, has his sh*t together,.. Jeff asks so you went on a blinddate with me, how was that? Jackie says it was nice. Jeff asks what are the highs and lows of being on a reality tv show.

POV Ceremony! “They’ve cancelled evictions before. A lot of things can happen with that last laugh!”
11:30am – 12:30pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power of Veto Ceremony to take place. When the feeds return – Jason, Clay, Johnny and Audrey are out in the backyard. Clay asks John if they tell him what to say? John says you just go over it again and again line by line. Day joins them.
In the bathroom – Steven says I mean they’ve cancelled evictions before. A lot of things can happen with that last laugh.

Jason “It’s like work, I be ringing through ignorant peoples groceries while I smile to their faces”
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the backyard – Jason, Steve, Johnny and Vanessa are talking. Jason comments on how the slop never really feels like it fill you up no matter how much you eat. Meg joins them and asks can things get any worse for me? She says don’t answer that because I know it could. Steve says he can’t eat that much slop any more. Meg gets into the hot tub to warm up. Meg and Johnny head over to the lounge chair. Meg says I just want Thursday to be over and that I’m still here. I hope I’m still here and that I’m still qu*er.

Vanessa “What are your kissing deal breakers?” James “As long as she has good breath & all her teeth”
12:30pm On the lounge couch – Austin, Meg, Jeff and James are doing their podcast.
Clay joins them. Jeff asks are you single and ready to mingle? Clay says ready to mingle. Jackie calls in and asks Clay to describe the perfect date? Clay says first of all my licence is revoked. All the house guests OOHHhh!!? Clay says he would take his date to The Golden Corral. “All you can eat” Liz phones in and asks what kind of guy are you that you would take a first date to golden coral!? F**K THAT NOISE! James calls in and asks if your date shoves buns in a zip lock bag are you okay with that? Clay says we need something to eat later after we burn off all those calories.

Day campaigns to Shelli “I could be an asset to you. I’m so tight with them. I could get the information to you”
1:25pm Day pulls Shelli into the cabana room. I came into this game to play for my daughter. I don’t think its time for me to go. I have much more fight in me. I told you on several occasions that you’re not my target. Clay ans I were actually starting to rebuilding things. That’s why all this has thrown me back. After all that with her (Audrey) I thought we were okay. The only thing I would ask is that when the veto ceremony happens.. take it into consideration to put her (Audrey) up with me so the house can decide and we can battle it out. Shelli says I’m glad you’re talking to me. I really really like you. I think you’re hilarious, beautiful and fun. I think you’ve been handling this with extreme grace.

Liz – People already expect Meg to go up. Austin “Unless its all tricks & we’re being feed lies by everyone”
10:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the feeds return – Johnny, Jason, Steve and Vanessa are out in the backyard. Vanessa gets called to the diary room. They comment that happens a lot. Vanessa says its for my medication. She goes in and comes back out saying I’m over being a fat a$$, I’m going to work out today. In the bathroom – Austin he wants to talk about something but doesn’t want to with the feeds on. Audrey asks will it affect your career or make you look silly? Austin says no, it something that production would get mad at me.

Liz “My relationship advice is don’t go after the Jace’s of the world they’re crazy as f**k!”
1am Backyard – Austin and Jeff are doing a podcast. They start with Steve as their first guest. Austin says they want to start it off by going back to his childhood. They ask Steve when the first time he had an erection was and what he was thinking at the time. Steve get uncomfortable and leaves the show. Up next is Jason. Jeff asks Jason so what does tickle your fanny? Jason says had less action than most of them in here. Austin then takes a call. Day calls in and asks what type of man Jason likes. Jason says he likes any man more masculine then him. Next guest is Meg. Meg says don’t piss me off Jeff.

Big Brother 17 – Austin tells Clay “The late night crew are talking about flipping things.”
1:40pm By the pool – Jason, Clay, Jackie, Becky and Meg. The conversation turns to talking about James raping the giraffe and his late night graphic story of when he went down on a girl that had a yeast infection. Jason tells Steve that he would have walked out the front door if he had heard the story.
On the backyard lounge – Shelli asks Vanessa so they think I’m going to backdoor Audrey? Do you think they’re going to be mad when I don’t. Steve definitely thinks it because when I asked him not to throw it he said oh so you can backdoor Audrey.

Johnny to Clay “You were saying you would go up to Shelli. Dude, don’t do that!”
9:40am Backyard – Jason says I’m waiting to see who they put up. Johnny says if Audrey goes up I guess that’s it ..explosion. Jason says clash of the titans. Her vs Day! But I’m sKeptical of everything in this house. So I’m expecting her not to go up honestly. But then who else are they going to put up. Johnny says something just doesn’t feel right. Jason says I love Mamma Day but it will be very hard to keep her over most people .. even against Audrey because there are going to be some that want to keep her.

Jason “If there was a twin twist this season, Johnny Mac is the only one it could be.”
1am Out in the backyard – Clay is acting like the personal trainer for Steve and Johnny Mac showing them different workouts. Austin is helping Shelli. Meanwhile James and Day are playing pool. Over by the couches / hot tub – Audrey and Jason are talking about their personalities, life, religion.
In the bathroom – Jackie and Becking are talking. Backy says when she made that decision I had no idea. And I felt it was her HOH and I Jackie says I’m okay with it if we have the opportunity now.