1:25pm HOH room. Jackie heads up to the HOH room asking what happened. Vanessa says that she was put in the position to trust people that she didn’t feel like she could trust. I was expected to jump into a concrete pool expecting people to catch me and I don’t think they would. Its pretty obvious that James and Jason have been working together. So when I am the newest person to gain Jasons loyalty do I think I can trust it no. I think the people that were backing me in the Austin decision weren’t really going to be there for me. I gave you my word I wouldn’t back door you and I stuck to that. There are two sides and we’re foolish if we don’t believe that. This decision was terrible.
Tag: Jason Roy

Veto Ceremony Results! Jason “I should steal my 4 cigarettes back from the bit*h!”
11:40am – 12:20pmBig Brother blocks the live feeds for the Veto Ceremony. As the veto holder Clay used the veto to remove himself from the block. Vanessa then nominated Jason as the replacement nominee. This was a blind side as the original target was Austin however Vanessa switched to wanting to keep Austin and get out Jason. This move officially draws a line in the sand as Meg, James, Jason were left in the dark. Jackie also didn’t know but it was so she wouldn’t tell the others.
12:20pm Backyard – Jason tells Clay that everyone already gave Becky their word they would vote for her.

Jackie “If someone is trying to change your mind behind our backs then we’re going to have a problem!”
9:50am Backyard – Johnny tells Becky that Steve came to him to make a final 2 deal. I said yeah but I don’t think he is going to make it that far. He’s expendable. Do you have a final 2 deal with anyone? Becky says no. She says that’s why she is okay with Jason going. I don’t even talk game with Jackie. Johnny asks her do you want to go to the end of this game? Becky says she doesn’t want to any alliance or finals until we get close? Even my weekend has changed so much. Johnny says theres a lot of stuff I’ve known about that I haven’t been about to tell you about. This change up is alright.

Vanessa “You motherf**kers better keep me when one of them wins HOH & puts me on the block!”
12:10am – 12:20am Liz heads downstairs and talks to Austin in the comic room. Liz asks did you hear that? Austin says yeah they were being cruel as f**k to you. It sucked! They’re f**King bullies. They’re going to rip you guys a part! Now that they get the chance. Steve says well they know they don’t have the numbers. Liz says exactly. Steve says they’re on the slower side, they’re going to do whatever to cause dissension. Steve asks what did they just do to you? Austin says they way they were just harassing her and making her explain all the twin stuff. And James coming up to her acting like he didn’t know. He was really bad after you left. Liz asks like what?

“I’m so sick of this harmony bullsh1t.. Barney and friends.. I love you.. you love me”
9:52pm HOH Austin and Liz
Jackie is up here every 2 minutes, ‘Hows austin handling this hows austin’s handling this”
Liz – B!tched shut up
She didn’t like seeing Austin give up yesterday. Austin says he had to think about things and reevaluate.
Liz – About what .. we got blindsided.

“If I BackDoor Jackie and break my word she needs to go, I need to catch her in an lie”
Vanessa – “We’ve been working together since week f***g two, I’m not being manipulated by the other side again.. “
Vanessa thinks they were manipulated to get Audrey out last week. Clay says no way Audrey had to go.
Shelli – I’m so much less stressed
Vanessa – the game is so much easier without her
Vanessa – made them all very happy
Clay – and she was that vote.. she had something

Vanessa “I’m on to something big! It has to do with the phone booth and the Jeff vote! Just wait!”
11:50am – 12:15pm HOH room – Liz is talking to Vanessa. Liz says that she was outside with Jason and he said that he was up late with Becky and they were telling Steve how to not be so creepy. I think that’s a ploy though for them trying to make a deal with him. So we can test Steve to find out if he tells us. Vanessa says there are two tests one to see if he tells me voluntarily and one to see if he tells me about it. Vanessa and Liz talk about the phone call. Liz says if DaVonne got it ..it doesn’t make any sense the people that were picked to nullify their votes. Vanessa says I could try the strategy with Jason .. I know you’re trying to work with me I will give you 1 chance to come clean with me about who really had the phone call.

Vanessa “The only useful info is the Steve thing. If he can confirm that, that’s all I need.”
9:15am Backyard – Clay says saving Austin would be because we need him. Why do we need him. To spin something unbelievable James is going to know something is up. Shelli says well James likes guys. Shelli says I don’t know. Clay says I know how Austin feels like when he says he’s already won. Shelli says he said to me that if anyone saves me keep me to the final 3 and then send me out. SHelli says there’s a difference in saying keep me till next week and keep me till final 3. Clay says I think he just doesn’t think. I don’t think he’s a saboteur. Shelli says no, nothing has happened. Clay says the Audrey vote was only that week. Shelli says it wasn’t even a bad idea. The bad idea was only telling the twins and not us.

Johnny asks what’s your type? James “Meg’s face but on a hotter body.. “
12:40am HOH room – James, Jackie, Vanessa and Liz are talking. They talk about the possibility of America’s Player or a Saboteur. They wonder if Austin could be the saboteur. Vanessa says all he cares about is getting to jury. Jason asks so which one of you flirted with Jace? Liz says me. I’m the flirt. Julia doesn’t like Austin at all. They talk about how they called Liz – Helga and Julia – Cruella. Liz says we’re running low on guys. Jason says yeah keep me around to the end. Jason says when I was coming in I said give me a lot of strong girls and I’ll be the gay glue to hold the guys alliance together. Vanessa asks has there ever been 17 cast members.

“our group is morally solid, Other side of the house is not strong they are flighty”
9:24pm – 10:12 Vanessa and JAckie
Vanessa playing up she’s still putting Austin up.
Vanessa asks if people were upset when Clay won the pov.
Jackie doesn’t think they were people weren’t trying to be overly happy because they didn’t want to upset Jackie.
Vanessa’s – if you won HOH next week who ouel you put up
Jackie would put up a twin and a pawn, “Like one of us someone we can trust.. depends who’s the next HOH.. like one of us, it’s going to come down to that top make these plays work “
Vanessa- right

“Why don’t we send home Jackie instead of Becky” – Vanessa
8:48pm HOh Steve and Vanessa
Steve – there’s rumors going around Austin’s going up
Vanessa – austin was the target from the beginning and here’s why …
She was pulled aside by Jason, Meg, Shelli wednesday night. Jason told them the twins are real. Austin had told him Jason claimed he made a deal with Austin to get Julia out next week.
Steve – did Liz give him permission

“I got scared.. I tried to do things on my own and it blew up I F’d up.. I’m a f-ing number for you”
Austin – I’m a f**king number for you
Vanessa- I’m a target for them
AUstin – I’m a bigger target
Vanessa – i’m giving them a reason to put me up
AUstin – I’ll give them a big reason to put me up i’ll start fights up there.
Vanessa – what’s the play here
Austin – Jason for lying promising he wasn’t going to leak that information,.,. he’s going to put up clay and shelli the moment he gets the chance to .. why give him the f*cking game .. he betrayed me we were having an emotional conversation.. I went to him I thought we were having a friend to friend conversation..