12:45pm – 1:05pm Bathroom – Vanessa tells Austin. I want to make an agreement that if one of us gets backdoored that we will make sure we make the votes for us to stay. Austin says of course. Vanessa says 1000%! Austin says I think he would put me or one of them (Twins) up to ensure one of them (Shelli or Clay) goes home. Vanessa says you understand if I win the veto .. Austin says I know if that happened they (Shelli and Clay) would have to go to James and make sure he was okay with using it. It doesn’t make sense in using it when one of them is going home no matter what. Ultimately Shelli let go (Let go in the HOH endurance).
Tag: Jason Roy

Veto Players Picked! Austin “Either way you have my vote. I’m not going to let them come after you.”
10:30am In the havenot room. James got house guest choice and is in the havenot room apologizing to Austin for not picking him. James says I wanted to pick you but Clay was going to pick you and if I did it would look a little obvious. Austin says yeah I thought that too. Okay that’s fine. Either way I was going to keep it the same. James tells Vanessa you just win and do what you do! Vanessa says if its a physical one I’ll just do what I do and lose. James tells Austin they’re still going to come to you for votes but if I had picked you they would have come to you for votes. Whatever happens, happens. We have a good team out there. Jackie’s physical and Vanessa is a brain.

Vanessa “I’m not a dumba$$. I’m a loyal f**king person but at the end of the day I’m not a doormat!”
1:25am Bedroom – Steve goes to talk to Shelli and Clay. Steve says can I talk to you for a second. Just a thought so I can explain where I am to try and give you what you need. First week of big brother 12, Brenchel went up on the block. They were both close to a girl names Annie. What happened was one of them got house guest choice for the veto and picked Annie. Brendon won the veto and saved himself. People were too worried that they were too close with Annie and that she would vote to keep them. So Annie became the replacement nominee and she was the one evicted. That’s why I am nervous about the house guest choice, because she was evicted for exactly that reason.

Clay “Vanessa made me swear we didn’t throw her under the bus. It makes me think she’s guilty.”
12:15pm In the bathroom room – Vanessa talks to Clay. She asks so you have no idea who is being put up? Clay says no. Vanessa says but you guys talked to him for a long time, how do you have no idea. Clay says he wasn’t saying a whole lot. He said he might put up Steve. Whether I trust him, I don’t know. He never said I am going to put up these two people. Vanessa asks can you give me your word that you never threw me under the bus? Clay says Vanessa! Vanessa says I’m trusting you. Clay says we would never throw you under the bus. We made sure he wasn’t going to put you up. Vanessa says okay because that’s what I did also!

Julia “Did you feel his pee pee? I bet its huge! It couldn’t be like James’s! A little toothpick!”
1:15am Havenot room – Julia tells Liz I didn’t want to say this but I think Austin is going to go before us. So stop worrying about it. Liz says this is what we have to say – Look James we have nothing to hide any more. We’re twins and we think we’re going to have such a big opportunity after the show to make something of ourselves. So we’re not here for the money. We’re here for the notoriety. We just want to get to jury and then we’re 100% okay. So let us know what we need to do to save you if you keep us. That’s two votes on your side and we will do anything to stay here until at least jury. What do you think about that? Julia says I like it. Liz says I don’t know if he will bring up the fact that I put him up.

Big Brother 17 Week 5 Summary and Live Show Results Jason Vs. Becky
Some drama from the week before influenced the early nominations plans but in the end Shelli, Clay, Austin, LIz and Vanessa stuck true to the 6th sense alliance. In detail The week starts with Jackie and Vanessa winning the HOH. Austin had a heart to heart with Jason. Or how he would put it an […]

Big Brother 17 – WEEK 5 OBB Power Rankings
The general trend is a weakening of everyone’s game, this week got messy. After the Jason blindside a lot of interesting power shifts occurred. Basically the lion share of the blame for the blindside fell on Shelli and Clay making them a major target for the one side of the house. Whether that side can […]

Jason “I don’t need your vote at this point because I know I don’t have them (Clay & Shelli)”
In the bathroom – Clay tells Becky you’re worried because of what you saw last night? (Jason talking to Clay and Shelli in the havenot room) Clay tells her not to worry about that. You’re okay.
10:35am In the bedroom – Jason talks to Steve in the comic bedroom. Jason says I don’t need your vote at this point because I know I don’t have them. Becky is going to target you next week against Austin so that she can flush out you and Austin will keep you to stay. And then she wants to put up Clelli during the double eviction. I told Clelli this last night .. the only real ammo I have.

Big Brother 17 Week 5 Top 10 Animated Gifs
The stuff that goes on in the house is too funny, James’ pranks, Jmac being jmac, Austin loving on liz but getting nothing back. I’ve been waiting for Austin to start showing them some wrestling moves, Nice to see the two girls he was pinning after give him “Slap”. James walking around like Audrey the day after eviction was priceless. Let us know which ones were your favourite in the comments below.

Vanessa tells Becky “Don’t pack everything, you’re not going anywhere!”
12am HOH room – Shelli, Clay and Vanessa are talking. Shelli says here’s another reason why I know we can trust Becky, her happiness has changed immensely since our conversation with her. And you can’t hide that, same with Steve’s. Vanessa says I know. Yup All can say is ideally two people from our side win. Most ideally someone on our side that is not the 3 of us retains power and can take out someone Important for us. Clay says Austin will have no shame throwing it. Vanessa tells Shelli that Austin can’t wait to throw it to do some sh*t for TV for the theatrics of it. I think it would be hysterical. Clay says Me, Johnny Mac or Steve are the top 3 I want to win.

“If he goes home tomorrow I’m done, you have to try everything Jason”
8:30pm Jason packing . Meg, jackie and James chatting
Jason says JohnnyMac and Steve are weird. Big Brother tells john and steve to stop talking about production.
Jason – Nobody can keep their mouth shut in here”
Meg laughs
Jackie says this sucks what happened this week
James – we have to win to get back the power

Meg wants to play a game “Wanna play 10 seconds in the closet” – James
5:15pm Jason, James and Meg
James – I saw we go ahead and chop the twins.. it’s the same thing they say about me
James saying they should take out the twins, “Liz already put me on the block for no reason”
Jason – I wanted to tell her to eat a d1ck this morning