9:05pm Hammock – Danielle and Shane. Danielle – I am just done talking game with people. Shane agrees and says there are only two people I trust. You and Monte. You’re close with Jason and we’re good with Justin. Danielle – we were by the hot tub and Shelby said I want to win HOH to see if Jason will stop calling me hooker. I was like weren’t you just all being super nice to him about him winning the veto? She is super fake. I can see that. I was kinda iffy about Neeley because I got a weird vibe from her and then after I got nominated and she came to talk to me .. I was like okay.
Tag: Jason Roy

Alex “I need you to take out your party persona and go twerk on people!”
8:05pm In the living room – After Julie’s message about notifying the house guests that America will be nominating a 3rd house guest each week, the house guests discuss the new twist. Shelby says so basically we don’t want to talk sh*t about the person with the biggest home town. Monte – we’re all going to be up there at some point.

Jason “I’m the twist! Why are you trying to take out the twist and not weaponize it!?”
8pm Backyard – Cornbread, Jason, Neeley, Kryssie, Shelby, Scott, Whitney and Monte are hanging out chatting. Jason mentions how some people when they get off the show want to sell all their BB stuff on ebay. He says he didn’t sell anything. I would never sell my BB bag and now I’m going to have two of them! Everyone leaves the couches but Shelby, Whitney and Alex. Whitney – I don’t think Shane and Danielle talk about anything game related.

Justin “I give no f**ks! I’m a monster! I’m a real savage when it comes down to this sh*t!”
3:25am Backyard couch – Jason, Kryssie and Justin are chatting. Justin – I know Shane and your boy Monte .. I know they’re coming for me. I could really give no f**ks, I don’t care because come that veto. Him voting me in sh*t would probably be one of the worst decisions. Its so early in the game! Like I’m a monster! I’m a real savage when it comes down to this sh*t. I don’t care what it is I ain’t losing. Kryssie – and you don’t want to poke the sleeping bear first week.

Monte plans to nominate Jason & Kryssie with Shelby as the replacement nom.
7:10pm Shelby and Monte are in the HOH room talking. Shelby – you just got chosen by luck. Monte – I can tell that people already felt threatened or feel nervous around me. Which makes me think that people might be targeting me after this week. Which makes me nervous. Shelby – but you can also provide a huge asset if we have physical challenges. Monte – I could be a heck of an ally too. Shelby – we’re here but I get that you’re not the screw people over type.

Alex “I think whoever puts up Jason, America would respect that they have the balls to do it!”
8:25pm In the lounge room. Monte, Shane and Alex are talking. Alex — I love Whitney and I know I can trust her. Monte – I don’t trust Jason. Alex – I can’t get a good read on Cornbread. Monte and Shane say he’s a good guy. Alex – I get good advice from him but ever time game talk starts he leaves the room. Alex tells them I would never target y’all. We’ve got the same goals too. Shane – I like Morgan and Whitney. Monte – I don’t trust Jason, Kryssie or Neeley.

Big Brother 17 Post Finale Interviews and More
Last night the finale of Big Brother 17 aired and Steve Moses was crowned the winner by a vote of 6 – 3 taking home the 500,000 grand prize. Steve had said numerous times through out the season that it wasn’t about the money, it was about the experience and if he left without a dime he would still be happy.

Big Brother 17 Finale Night
It’s finally here the finale for Big Brother 17. Personally I really enjoyed the season much better than the last 4. Tonight we’ll see Vanessa and Steve face off in the final Head of household competition. The final HOH competition looks to be a crossword called B.B Gazette. Both Vanessa and Steve have told each other they are taking the other one to the end.

Podcast Mashup – Big Brother 17 After Show episode 8 hosted by Kevin Zelman, Ryan Hooks, Ashley Iocco (BB Season 14), Jen Johnson (BB Season 8) – all super fans! On the Block – With hosts Spencer Clawson and Mccrae Olsen from Big Brother 15 talk with Clay Honeycutt about last nights double eviction and Jason Roy gives his rundown of the game thus far. Unfortunately AM 2 PM did not produce an episode this week but stay tuned for one to come out soon. Also Simon did another podcast guest appearance on the Kill Show last week.

Big Brother 17 – After Show – On The Block – AM 2 PM – Kill Show! Podcast Mashup!
A podcast mashup with the After Show – On The Block – AM 2 PM – Kill Show! Where Big Brother alumni and superfans discuss and analyse the game. The Big Brother After Show – Episode 7 – hosted by Kevin Zelman, Ryan Hooks, Ashley Iocco, Jen Johnson. On the Block Podcast with McCrae Olsen and Spencer Clawson with special guest Clay Honeycutt. AM 2 PM podcast with Twins Andrew Monaghan and Pete Monaghan. And the Kill Show featuring OnlineBigBrother’s Simon.

Big Brother 17 Week 6 Top 10 Animated Gifs
Another week of hilarious Animated gifs. Meg ramming her chest into Clay, James and Steve share a kiss, Steve being Steve.. Let us know your favourite in the comments. *** Presented in no order *** Honey Cut and Meg Clay going for the gold @bigbspoilers #BB17 pic.twitter.com/O4NKYe0GaS — Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 2, 2015 James kisses […]

Big Brother 17 – WEEK 6 OBB Power Rankings
OW what a big week so much changed… I love this season!
Firstly was the collapse of Clay and Shelli’s game. Together they’ve been leading the power rankings for the last 4 weeks but their skillz finally ran out. Being on the block together with the opposing side holding the Power of veto really didn’t give them many options to work with.