9:20pm – 10:30pm The house guests are hanging out in the kitchen talk about how they didn’t the stuff to make a cake for Whitney’s birthday. Jason goes to the storage room and finds 2 bottles of wine and some beer. Jason – Happy Birthday Whitney! I knew I heard them in the storage room. Good job Big Brother, I don’t have to snatch your wig! They ration out the alcohol. Jason – thanks for Whitney being born. They cheers to it being Whitney’s birthday. Someone says the beer tastes like piss.
Tag: Jason Roy

Kryssie “I could f**k on camera. I think I would look way grosser giving a bj than getting railed.”
9:10pm Bedroom – Morgan and Shelby. Morgan – what are the chances of Kryssie ever flipping to our side? Shelby – I think we’ll find out after this conversation. I would say pretty low. Morgan – I don’t get their side of the house. I don’t think they think anything game wise. Shelby sarcastically says you’re a snake if you talk to the HOH. Shelby – so you think we should do anything.. I think we should leave the wrappers in the spot where they left the crackle bars. So when they look for them, they just find wrappers.

HOH Competition Results! “If I hear anyone say anything ignorant, its going to be on & poppin’!”
9pm The head of Household competition called the “BB Barcode” begins. As the outgoing HOH, Alex reads the rules of the competition. Ahead of you is the BB barcode, each with a unique number. The goal of the competition is to be the first house guest to identify which piece is the longest. The game […]

Kryssie “America WILL vote out Monte. I hope America is watching them being co*ky f**king bastards”
8pm Bedroom – Shelby, Alex, Morgan, Whitney and Monte are talking about their diary room sessions. Monte – and say y’all can trust us because clearly y’all (America) can put us up if we don’t follow through with what we’re promising. Shelby – America’s a player. Monte – they are basically. How terrible .. that America could win .. how horrible. America votes themselves. Man when you’re a havenot you can’t fake anything. Like there is no way I could go fake be nice to Kryssie or Danielle.

Shelby “You’re going to be diving into a sea of p*$$y if you go home” Monte “No, I’m going to be hated”
8pm Scott comes out of the diary room wearing a golf shirt and pants. He says they gave him the outfit. He says he has to stand out in the backyard “sand pit” for 24 hours. They ask if he has to go out there right now? Scott – no I have time to grab some water and a snack .. such as pickle. He grabs some water and a pickle and heads out into the backyard. Monte comes out and says dang dude that sucks. It’s cold out too. Margan and Alex join them. Morgan – you’re going to freeze!

Kryssie “You have a problem with a sexist but you spend everyday trying to f**k someone else’s girlfriend?”
7:20pm Backyard – Shane, Danielle, Justin and Neeley. Danielle – hopefully we pick people from our side to play (in the veto). Shane – I swear to god if I pick Shelby, I’m going to be so pissed. Actually I would be so happy because she’s not going to win it. Danielle – She might […]

Morgan “I want to split Danielle & Shane up. She is the snake behind it all!”
8:20pm HOH room – Alex and Morgan (sisters) are talking. Alex – with this whole sisters twist I wonder if America would vote one of us up so that it would make it really awkward …like how do I campaign. Like do I or can I campaign to save you. I do think there are people that America would put up before you. It makes me paranoid. Morgan – it makes me so freaking paranoid so that I can’t talk to anyone. I just need it to be tomorrow so I can find out. Alex – it isn’t the best for my game but it is the best for your game.

Kryssie “I am pretty sure why Monte has a problem with Jason. I think its because he is gay.”
8pm Kitchen – Shelby and Scott are talking. Scott – Right now my number 1 person I want to go home is Justin. But Alex wants Shane or Danielle so I’m going to do what she wants. I’m not going to make Alex take out Justin if she doesn’t want to. She’s playing her own game. Shelby – you might just want to leave that for Monte to do, you know!? I think Kryssie might use it (Care Package) on Danielle. So basically it would leave Shane, Justin and who knows. Scott – that sucks.

Shelby “He showed you his d**k?! Maybe he’ll like taking it up the backd**r?!”
8:55pm Bedroom – Shane, Danielle and Jason. Danielle – what we’re going to tell her is that if we win the veto we wont use it. Jason – my fans might not even like me any more but if there are care packages and I’m the one with the followers…and da da da da da .. then I can use it to help you. Danielle – I’m just going to talk to her later. Jason – check in but I think y’all are going to be fine. I’ll tell her if me or Shane get pulled and we do end up winning the veto we will do what you want us to do with it. …whether its not using it or using it.

Monte “I’m tired of him down grading women. I’ve got two sisters. F**K HIM!”
11:30pm After Alex wins Monte crowns her. Monte tells Alex congratulations! That was huge. I was nervous there for awhile, I thought Justin was going to get it. Danielle is up. Alex – she is done! Monte – her and Justin are UP! Alex – I’m so glad the head of household is mine!! That was literally my motivation. Big Brother blocks the feeds and then opens the door to let the house guests back in the house.

Shane “What happens when you cut the head off the snake?” Jason “That b***h is gonna die!”
8:35pm Backyard – Danielle, Neeley and Kryssie are talking. Kryssie – I campaigned my d**k off! And I made it a point to point out that Cornbread is not campaigning. Danielle – I think we’ll be okay. Kryssie – We better be. You can’t go and neither can I. Neeley – I think you played your part perfectly and I think it worked. Danielle – I think just continue to stay positive and let it ride. Kryssie – she (Neeley) was right .. I had a crow sandwich today. Neeley – I think its going to work out.

Cornbread “AHH F**K THAT SH*T! Don’t f**king bring the ghetto out of me! I’ll get on your a$$!”
1:45am – 2am Backyard – Cornbread is talking to Kryssie and Neeley. Kryssie – you said you were going to play a clean game. Cornbread – yeah but she (Shelby) is making my stay miserable. She has gotten under my skin so bad, that’s why I’ve been walking around biting my lip. We’ve had some times that were good and then right at the end of it she went right off the deep end. And I’m like what in the f**K!?! She came in my room the other day and I was talking to my roommates. She lays down on someone else’s bed.. uninvited.