8:54pm Vanessa and Jackie
Deciding to work together this week (Oh f****g great)
They agree not to backdoor each other if they get dethroned.
Jackie wants to bt the HOH.
Vanessa is cool with that.
Jackie proposes she puts up LIz and Steve.

8:54pm Vanessa and Jackie
Deciding to work together this week (Oh f****g great)
They agree not to backdoor each other if they get dethroned.
Jackie wants to bt the HOH.
Vanessa is cool with that.
Jackie proposes she puts up LIz and Steve.
7:54pm Bathroom Shelli and Vanessa
Vanessa – it’s not a great spot to be in
They hug.
Vanessa – F***, I don’t have a f***g clue what to do that’s the issue.. ya so there’s that
Austin joins them
Vanessa – I had someone who I knew was putting me on the block was already HOH .
Audrey caught whiff of the plan to backdoor her on Sunday. She started campaigning Sunday night to James and Jackie. Unfortunately for Audrey she had very little trust remaining in the house. Even though she told James and Jackie useful information about the alliance controlling
10 Best animated Gifs from Week 4 of the Big Brother 17 live feeds. Check them out and let us know which is your favorite. animated gifs they’re a perfect way to show in a couple dozen frames how insane things can be in the Big Brother 17 house. We’ve compiled the best 10 from the week. Let us know in the comments which one is your favorite.
10:50am – 1:08pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the HOH lock down in preparation for tonight’s eviction. The live feeds return to James in the living room vacuuming. Meg, Vanessa and Jason in the bedroom talking about hair cuts. Meg suggests Jason wait for others to get their hair cut before risking getting one from someone without any practice. Jason says I’m going to look like Steve if I don’t get my top cut. Jackie comments that Audrey is showering. Meg says that’s a good sign I guess. Meg asks Jackie what was the deal this morning? Jackie asks what deal? Meg says opening that room (Second HOH room) and like.. Jackie says just for her. I know like come on! Better be open every f**king time now then!
The general trend these past few week are showing a weakening of Austin’s game and strengthening of Shelli/Jason’s position.
Biggest drops this week are Audrey and Austin. Audrey’s placing doesn’t need much explanation we all saw what happened on the feeds. While I found her antics entertaining it really was the nail in the coffin for her game. Watching her perform her solo musical while dressed up like a sith lord after 3 days self isolation was great feed fun.
12:25am HOH room Clay says that game aside. There are people that would kill for this opportunity. And she is making a mockery of this almost disrespecting this game. She is a havenot, she’s allowed to eat, and people like Jason are mad at that. If she doesn’t come up here tomorrow.. I think it would show a lack of integrity. Her coming to you again almost sent me over the edge again. It’s just I’m never, never shocked at what she says. I am going to run grab her back and put it outside the front door. Shelli says CLAY!! Clay says Fine, I’ll hold open the door for her .. is that gentlemanly like? Shelli says don’t you dare do that.
Steve – your sister is in a showmance by the way .. they were hardcore spooning here last night
Julia – she didn’t tell me this
Julia – she didn’t tell me this, Big Spoon or little spoon
Steve – Austin was big spoon
Julia laughs
Steve – his hands are on her
Julia – he needs to be careful he has a girlfriend and that doesn’t look good
6:16pm HOH Shelli and Clay
Shelli “She wants to tell me this is going out as the biggest betrayal of the season, She’s 1 of a kind”
Shelli – She’s been speaking to a psychologist she’s on a lot of medication
Shelli adds that Audrey had a panic attack that is why she was in the DR for so long on Monday.
4:44pm Audrey and Jackie
Jackie – how are you doing
Audrey mumbles
Audrey – what sht general consensus
Jackie – we all love you we want to make sure you leave happy, beautiful, strong, powerful
12:30pm Austin and Liz head over to the hammock. Austin says wait until he leaves them I’m going to implement operation Jason. I’ll do that once you leave. Are you sure you can get a heads up. She (Julia) didn’t get heads up last time. That’s how things got messed up. Liz says I know its coming today. Austin says I know its going to be today but will they bring you in and let you out again. Liz says no. So we will have to say our goodbyes. Austin says me and her will work on it together. The only fighting point we have is wouldn’t you rather have us than someone coming back.
8:50am Jason and JMac are out on the backyard couches. Jason says I gave ya’ll miserable and ya’ll didn’t want it. So now they’re going to keep pressing that damn button throughout the night till you’re miserable. Just act like you’re miserable. Johnny asks you want me to be miserable next time? Jason says yeah maybe then they’ll be like mission accomplished. Jason says says just pretend, I know nothing makes you miserable. Just pretend. Jason says that Liz has been miserable since the third time we’ve done it. Johnny says okay I’ll be miserable and sad. Johnny says its way worse than gronk party.