12:05am – 12:20am HOH room – Becky, James, Meg and Jackie. Jackie says I honestly feel safer with Shelli in the house than Vanessa. Becky says I do too. Jackis says then we can keep a good rapport with Shelli telling her we’re going to keep her safe. Becky asks if we were to win the POV who would we remove Steve or Shelli? Jackie says if we leave Shelli up there, the other side might vote her out. Unless you have Johnny Mac and Steve to vote Vanessa out. Meg says we only need 4 votes this week. Becky says Johnny Mac isn’t going on the block, we have his vote. We have 4. IF we get a shot we take Shelli off because Vanessa will still go off with that being the case. Then we keep Shelli in our good graces. Becky says pretty much the most important thing is we don’t say the V word (Vanessa).
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