8:47pm Bedroom – Cirie and Felicia.
Cirie – I don’t care about the sleep. I am moving out. If he (Cam) moves into that room. I am moving out! I am not going to be able to stay in there and fake it with the both of them (Cam & Bowie). I don’t have to fake it no more. It is what it is. Everybody knows and even f**king America is telling f**king Meme you want to backdoor me so why would I stay in a room with you and fake like I like you anymore? Or your friend! If everybody knows.. why we got to fake it then!? I want to know why America told Meme why I would go up. She told her we will talk about it later. So even America knows so why would ..so why would I stay in a room with them.. you think I am going to SLEEP in a room with you!? I think Bowie Jane would be the first person he told and he has. He thinks that America is the shell and Cory is the brains. That’s what he keep saying.