12pm HOH room – Jag and Matt.
Matt – how was your talk with Jared? I thought it was about Cory and America who Jag – they really don’t care. Jared doesn’t care and Blue doesn’t really care. Matt – yeah I didn’t think they cared. Jag – my thing is this .. I am going to let Cory and America decide. If they come to a decision.. Matt – I know America thinks she should come down because she says its your fault Cory. But it doesn’t really matter. Jag – Here is what I am thinking. by default if they don’t decide I am taking Cory down because I was his house guest choice. Matt – yeah that is respectable. Jag – unless they both agree I should take America down, then I’ll do that. Matt – I think with America up it goes both ways really .. with America up people want her gone already. So that gives Cameron’s best chance with America up still because people could go oh we want her out now. Jag – I think its the opposite. That’s what Jared said. Jared said there is a .1% chance that Cam stays but America probably survives over Cory.