The Situation: Jared and Cameron are living in the house as “Zombies” No HOH, No Power of Veto, No Eviction. Jared or Cameron will get a chance to reenter the game. Jared and Cameron compete in a 3 part comp to decide who gets to play in the puzzle comp to reenter the game Jared […]
Tag: Jag Bains

Cirie – “Jag I need a HUG.. I feel like I owe you an apology” **updated**
11:00 am Cirie and Jag
Cirie – Jag I need a HUG.. I feel like I owe you an apology.
Jag – what for?
Cirie talks about the vote that evicted Jag. She says it was supposed to be REd but people flipped the vote “something to do with Quesadillas” She confesses that she did go along with the vote.
Cirie – I’m sorry about that.. I really am
Feeds cut

Matt “Did Jag tell you the names?” Matt the Bounty Hunter. Cameron the Gunslinger. Jag the Outlaw.
7:17pm Bathroom – America and Cory.
America – Did you have fun? Cory – that was one of the better birthdays in my life.. if not the best. America – in the big brother house that is huge! You’ll always remember your 22st birthday. Cory – that is pretty cool. The thing about showmances is they’re dangerous. America – you want to avoid them at all costs! Cory – of course! I talked to POO and Cirie. America – how did it go? Cory – I will save you the POO one because it was long. The Cirie is fine. I think honestly I told POO to talk to you. He was talking about like I know there is power in the house is you, Jag, Matt, America and I know like I want to move forward with you guys.. Mmmm..sounds convenient. I was like YO you got to talk to America because like America is part of the decision making. It doesn’t even have to be about game just have a relationship with her. Because he was talking about how he’s had talks with everyone in this house except you.

Blue “Maybe this is just me being a hater but I don’t think they really like each other.”
12:25pm Havenot Room – Matt and Blue.
Blue – I want to talk to Cameron.. it feels like everyone one giving him a chance and obviously so am I. I just want to talk to him and see what’s up. I am not completely sold yet you know?! Matt – yeah, I think that is the same with everyone. Everyone is trying to be careful with Cameron. I am too. I would rather have him on my side to be honest. Jag if for sure with Cory and America. Blue – for sure. And between you and I that makes me a little nervous. Because its obviously its me, you and Jag but Jag is getting closer to Cory and America. And obviously you and Jag are seen as big threats. It just makes me nervous that he is going to choose them over us. My thing is I feel good with the 5 right.. I feel good with Cory and America. I feel good with you and Jag. Matt – I see us three as priority and those two as next in line. Blue – right. Matt – but I have you over them. I have Jag over them. Blue – I am just a little nervous because I don’t know where Jag stands. I feel weird because I feel like I am on the bottom.. pair, pair and then me.

“No Bowie Jane, what do you damn think? .. What’s your goddamn plan?”
9:00 am Jared and Felicia are up chatting. Felicia is claiming she was always cool with Cameron she always liked him everyone else was coming to her with the dislike for him.
Jared feels the same way about Cameron.
Felicia – then he turned into a raging BULL
Jared – You have to make more allies than enemies. That’s where he went wrong. You creating too many enemies part of the enemies you trying to create are my PEOPLES I’m like BRAH if you know these are my PEOPLES why the hell you trying to make them out to be some enemies.

“I kept seeing that little motherf**ker in the end. LIKE BRO! If he wins this sh*t, I AM GOING TO BE ON FIRE!”
3:33pm – 3:55pm Backyard – Blue and Jared.
Blue – Man obviously the objective is to win $750,000 but its crazy to think that one person here is going to win $750,000. Jared – Don’t remind me of that sh*t. BRO there were only a few people in here who I was okay with winning besides myself. And that sh*t was burning me inside knowing that, I kept seeing this that little motherf**ker in the end. LIKE BRO! If he wins this sh*t I AM GOING TO BE ON FIRE! LIKE ON FIRE BRO! There are a few select people that I really wouldn’t care if you won. Like in a good way. I wouldn’t mind if you won. Obviously I wouldn’t mind if Cirie won. And to this day I really wouldn’t mind if Felicia won either. Same with Matt. Blue – me too. Jared – but everyone else in this motherf**ker .. if Bowie win this sh*t, if Meme win this sh*t, if Cory or America win this sh*t, or if Jag win this sh*t.. AGHHH..

Cam “She is also Cory’s puppet, so whatever Cory is thinking, she has to think it. He is her ticket.”
12:22pm – 12:50pm Bathroom – Jag, Cameron and Matt.
Cameron – what we have is a three person alliance with layers. So we have the three of us and Blue and she feels like she is super connected. Do you remember the Brigade? Jag – I didn’t watch that season. Cam – it was Matt, the meow meow .. it was a solid group of 4 dudes and then Brittany. Because she felt she was in a 5 person alliance but she was the last person to leave the four person alliance. So where the layer would be here is it is just us three and we know that but Blue feels very connected because of our beginning together. She feels like she has a lot more say in the four person alliance than she really does… and we will keep her as long as we need to. I do love her but we both know she is selfish and will pick herself every time.

“In my real life I don’t share. I don’t share peoples stuff.. People can tell me Murders and I will never ever repeat”
10:08 am Cirie, Jag and Matt (hour long conversation)
Jag – to start off before we get into anything.. I’m not gunning after you. I am Not gunning after you I am fully open with us talking it out and being like Alright what’s going on. That’s just where I am at I don’t know where you are at..
Cirie – I was telling Matt I don’t feel any type of way. I knew Jared was the target the fact that I’m there with him I’m there with him I stayed in this house. Nobody voted me out.
Jag – you were never MY next target. Your name was floating around
Matt explains to guarantee they get Jared out Blue went up.

“We got to get rid of them They were eating pizza last night”
2:06 am Jag, Matt and Blue
Matt says his conversation with Jared went well they are fine on a personal level. Matt told Jared not using the veto was a tough move for him “I told him I wanted to play the game too. I didn’t want to throw the veto”
Matt told Jared the reason Blue was put up beside him is because she’s riding with Jared and they didn’t want to run the risk of her using the veto on him.
Matt – You can’t get mad at her for not tell you. There were all these people that knew the plan. If she told you and was found out now she has 6 people mad at her. If she tells you she’s pissiong off a lot of people. If she doesn’t tell you she’s only pissing off one person.
Jag says he told Jare “I felt like you were going to come after me”

Jared “The first wrong crack of a smile, and I am going to get kicked out of this f**king house.”
5:05pm Comic Bedroom – Jared, Cirie and Felica
Felicia – I am exhausted with this sh*t but I ain’t going to give in and let them win.. and just give it to them. HELL NO! Because none of these suckers left in here don’t even deserve to get carried to the end. Cory and America ain’t played no game. Bowie Jane ain’t played no game. Jared – my position with where I am at right now is honestly my game solely relies on someone winning or losing. Felicia – So does everyone else’s! Jared – you could have a conversation to change that .. no conversation between here to Thursday will change whether Cameron wins or loses. Only thing that is going to happen is Cameron winning or losing. And I know that part of it… I am still skeptical about it. Felicia – But again .. the only person that is in control of that is Jared. Faith, Faith, Faith, Faith.. Jared – no and on that part I do have faith. Felici – You get in Cameron’s head and be like I know you think you got this but this sh*t ain’t over!

Felicia – What’s everybody saying crazy?
9:44 am Felicia and Cirie
Felicia – now all everybody is saying.. how are you feeling?
Cirie – we have to figure out this mess first
Felicia – I really hope Jared is the one that stays and not Cameron. Ohh my god
Felicia wonders who Cam will go after first
Cirie – no telling he was against us but now I don’t know. He could be on a combination. I don’t know.
They wonder if there will be another power. They seem to think there is.
Felicia says the house is trying to figure out if they’ve teams up again.

“I floated my way for 6 weeks and was never in danger and then the second I make a swing I’ve been in the sh1t every week.”
2:15 am Corey and Jag
Corey – I’m so happy i’m not working with them anymore. (Cirie, Izzy and Jared)
Jag – the beauty of this thing is if we stick as a team we can get our a$$es to save each other.
Corey – one or two HOH’s can be scary. We need one more good HOH outcome.
Jag – the last three comps were my veto, You HOH, Matt’s Veto.. that’s f**ing fire.
Corey – we were making fun that none of us can win and HOH. Well we won one more
Jag – we need a couple more.. here’s the fact of it. Veto are to avoid worst case scenario. HOH are too get the best case scenario.
Corey – I don’t want best case. I want Mid scenario.. I want Bowie Jane.
Jag – Bowie Jane winning.. so all of us can play the following week.
Corey – I am nervous I’ll go up there and ask who are you putting up and she’ll say I don’t know
Jag – she needs a team to trust.