Nicole that was hard. Jackson – thank you god! Jackson leaves the room and says sorry. I’m not trying to be rude. Cliff – no, go and celebrate. Jackson – its not even that, I just need some time. Cliff – embrace the moment, we are all proud of you. Holly and Nicole – well deserved!
Tag: Jackson Michie

Big Brother 21 – Nomination Ceremony Results! “we made it final four”
5:45pm The live feeds return. Jackson – what are we day 87? There we are (nominated). Cliff tells Nicole that was a good speech. Nicole – I stumbled a little bit. Jackson – we made it final four. Congratulations. Cliff – we deserve it! Love all y’all. Nicole – love you too.

“I made a promise to Nicole I would take her to the final 2. I’m not going to promise two people”
2:40 pm Michie and Cliff
C – I want to talk about the agreements we made yesterday. Just man to man. I want to make sure you understand everything I was flustered we were rushed around
J – I can tell when you’re thinking. I thought it was about the money
C – no I don’t care sure I care about .. BUT
Cliff doesn’t want them to be in a situation where down the road it “creates a division between us”
C – I would rather make sure we know what we know now
C – Before the vote, we agreed Holly would throw the comp and you were going to take either Nicole or myself or whoever will make it to the final 3

Jackson “We can talk about what you would do if you win” Cliff “You’ve got my handshake on what I would do.”
8pm Kitchen. Cliff and Jackson.
Jackson – I know where you are more likely leaning. Cliff – yeah, you know. Jackson – she (Nicole) is going to finale night. Cliff – MMMmhhhmmm.. and she had so much fear of that. Jackson – I know. Cliff – I had to just keep telling her they are going to keep their word. They’re honest. And thank you. Jackson – 100%! I knew she was going to fall. But I think her pride was like I can’t just fall off first. Cliff – I know. We will talk about other stuff later. Jackson – I don’t know what will happen after the veto. I’ve voiced things and that was ever before my fate was in y’all hands.

Big Brother 21 Week 11 recap and Live Eviction Results
Last week The Double eviction got out two insufferables leaving 5 left in the Big Brother house. Jackson went on to win yet another Head of Household nominated Cliff and Tommy. Tommy was the target. Nicole goes to win the Power of Veto using it on her final 2 buddy Cliff. Being the only possible […]

Jackson “F**king Backstreet Boys! I f**king hate the Backstreet Boys!”
8pm HOH room. Jackson and Holly.
Holly – I really did not see this coming. I really, really did not anticipate these two people.. Jackson – burning us. Holly – burning me .. I mean us but me. Jackson – just because I won HOH .. if it was the other way around they would have no problem doing it to me. Holly – and the irony to this.. the whole reason we wanted to work with them is because they’re honest and trustworthy and straight forward… and we wanted to work with people that we respect. And the people that we respect are wanting to backdoor me on your HOH! Is there any faith left in humanity?! I don’t know!

“I love you both, I respect you both so much. I admire your games”
3:47 pm Cliff, Nicole
Cliff – I feel like we gotta do what’s best for our game. As far as final three, Yeah I could go with them if it was strictly they take me Tommy takes you then I probably would say Nicole we’re at different odds. It’s not just that it’s also what happens if either of us makes it or both of us make it.
Tommy joins them
C – we’ve already talked we’re not voting against each other whichever way we vote we’re voting together
N – 2 -0

Tommy “For my own conscience its eating me alive. If that’s the sword I die by, then I can live with that.”
Bedroom. Holly and Tommy.
Tommy – I can’t wait to be done. Holly – and just be out of here ..and friends. Tommy – yeah. Part of me wants to just tell Cliff and Nicole too. Just because I don’t like keeping secrets. Its not who I am. Holly – oh like tell them about Christie? Tommy – yeah. I don’t know.. I’m debating. Holly – I don’t know what it would do. Tommy – Yeah, I don’t know. Holly – I wonder if Christie told people. Tommy – I don’t think she would have. We said we wouldn’t. Holly – if I go to jury I won’t tell anyone. Tommy – I’ve never had a panic attack in my life but I think I came close to having one last night in the DR. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Tommy – its okay, whatever is meant to be will be.

Big Brother 21 Spoilers – Origami frogs, Backgammon and Eggs
Head of Household Winner: Jackson Nominations are: Tommy, Cliff Holly Power of Veto Players are: Power of Veto holder: Nicole Power of Veto Ceremony: Nicole uses the veto on Cliff. Holly is the replacement. Grab your live feeds —-> BB21 Live Feeds Subscription Link Rank your houseguests —-> Big Brother 21 Ranking The feeds have […]

Tommy “If I stay, I am going to get him (Jackson) out! I can do that!”
8pm Hammock. Tommy and Nicole.
Nicole – can you imagine.. and this is nothing against anybody but .. my family, your family and Cliff’s all there on finale night? Tommy – I think my family would be different than your guys because both of your families are very on board and my family isn’t necessarily on board. At least when I left. Finale night could happen! Nicole – it will happen! Tommy – yeah it will because if I stay I am going to get him (Jackson) out. I can do that. Or one of you will. Or we will together. I know that, that can happen. Nicole – it can. Three versus one is better than two versus two. Tommy agrees. Oh my gosh I would love to compete in the faces comp. Kemi’s nose…got it! Kemi’s teeth .. got it!

POV Ceremony results “If I can get to three then yeah” [I win]
12:27 pm Tommy and Jackson
T – these mics are sick.. they’re so cool
Tommy goes on about high end the microphones are, “SICK. they’re good they pick everything up. Think about how clear the audio is when you watch the shows”
Tommy explains how the ceiling mics are backup.
T – do you feel like you are going to win?
J – If I can get to three then yeah
Jackson says going out next week is his biggest fear “Everyone else gets two chances but me. I get one” (HOH then POV)
T – the four of you it was smart it was great.
T – from the gameplay I f*ing love it. I can’t wait to go back and see everything that happens it will be cool
Jackson says him and Christie are very similar
T – being good with everyone you mean

Cliff “I love Michie & Holly. I made an agreement with them. I hate breaking it BUT we’re talking 500k!”
4pm Nicole, Cliff and Tommy are talking about books and movies.
Cliff says he doesn’t like the slasher, torture p*rn movies. Cliff tells Tommy that he is glad he is here. Tommy heads inside. Nicole – I am stressed Cliff. Cliff – I am too. I’ve been going back and forth. There is a part of me that is playing with it but part of me says we have a few days. Nicole – I know I couldn’t sleep last night. Cliff – This morning I was thinking why wouldn’t we go with Tommy? That gives us better odds of making it to final 3. But even though there is less odds of us making it to the final 3 with Holly .. I feel like our chances are better beating them in the final 3. I just don’t know. Nicole – my argument is if its the four of us regardless it will be 2 v 2 next week.