12:40pm HOH room – Becky says Vanessa lied about not wanting Shelli out of the game. She is not beyond lying. Vanessa does not want us in the game. She is pissed. She is not going after Shelli and John. If I don’t get taken out by her she will take you out. She is definitely more of a threat to our group than Shelli is. Becky says I just want to erase her (Vanessa) off the screen. (Memory wall) I want to push the eviction button and push her out the door. No, that would get me evicted. I wan to push her so she hits the eviction button. Becky says it just stinks I can’t play in the next HOH. I started all this for no reason. Jackie says you know me I hate changing targets.. Just so you know I am throwing down.
Tag: Jackie Ibarra

Becky “If its a 4 – 4 tie, I am keeping Shelli.” Johnny “It changes everything. I have to win.”
9:50am Backyard – Johnny says if she does make it through the first eviction I up for the second one. Becky says so that’s where she’s at! Johnny says god dammit. Becky says I really don’t what Vanessa to stay so I really what Shelli to have a convincing argument. That she won’t put up James, Jackie, Meg. And I want her to stand by it because for her to stay in this game improves my game. I like her. Just got to do it and stand by it. We don’t want to keep the person everyone wants home. I would be shocked if Shelli makes it three more rounds because Liz, Austin and them have been so close to her. Me winning was the best chance for Shelli and even I can’t convince them. I worked on them for an hour last night.

James about Becky “She didn’t sell me. All I heard was me, me, me! Well you selfish bit*h!”
12:05am In the kitchen – Becky is talking to Meg. Becky says with Vanessa I pissed her off and she is manipulative. I want to make sure we’re focused on her leaving. For me its a big deal, a huge deal for Vanessa to go this week. Shelli is not as much as a social player as Vanessa is. She is more of a poison in the house. Meg says I don’t know I see it differently. Becky says I think that you, Jackie and James are a bit different and not in a bad way. Meg and Becky head into the havenot room to talk more. Becky says I have such a big bullseye on my head. If Vanessa doesn’t leave during the double eviction, I am done! I’m out the door. Meg says well that’s not true because she doesn’t vote.

“Shelli sketches me the f**k out.. Bye b1tch I’m done”
Liz/Julia – ya
Meg – we have to convince Becky Vanessa is the plan for double eviction
they agree Vanessa winning HOH is a good thing she’ll go after Johnnymac and Becky if Shelli wins HOH they are all in trouble
Meg leaves..
Liz/Austin – good talk
Julia – Shelli sketches me the f** out.. I’ve been hanging out with her and making an effort to not leave her alone.. Bye b1tch i’m done
Austin – I’m scared of Vanessa too you don’t’ want to be on the block with Vanessa straight up she’s too good

“Oh my god I got so much information my brain can’t reciprocate all this stuff”
Goblin form their circle
James – Oh my god I got so much information my brain can’t reciprocate all this stuff, I knew Becky was a snake in the grass
Meg says Becky was in the have nots when he was talking to Austin she told them they can’t trust Austin “I don’t know, none of it sounds good”
James starts to upload the information to them from his conversations with Austin and Vanessa.

“Becky is at the top of a pyramid of alliances, Becky is on my shit list”
6:26pm Vanessa, James, Austin
Vanessa telling them that Steve told her Shelli, Steve and John have realized they were not in the 8 alliance.
I’m sorry Vanessa as much as we’re close if I keep you over shelli then there’s only 2 of us that weren’t in that 8 alliance 3 of us have to work together (Shelli, John and Steve)
Vanessa – Becky is at the top of a pyramid of alliances

“Pluto is bullsh1t, Jupiter is way too big, needs to calm the hell down mh rwa RWHWAHWa”
4:20pm Backyard Jmac, Austin, Liz, Meg, James
Talking about Pluto
Jmac – Pluto Sucks …
James – it’s small
Meg – why isn’t is a planet
Jamc – cause it can’t even
James – sustain life
Jmac – It’s too small mmhhh rwaaa RWWHWAHAWa
Meg says it’s strange they made it a planet then took it away

Vanessa “I’ve told you a lot of information! You wouldn’t know f**k all if it wasn’t for me!”
12pm – 12:20pm Comic bedroom – Vanessa tell Steve that she is feeling better. I had a really bad day yesterday. Steve says I’m glad to see you feeling better. Julia comes through asking what she should wear. Steve says your birthday suit. Julia heads into the comic bedroom. Vanessa tells her I can’t stand her (Becky) I find her so f**king cold. I can’t fake it, I’m not a phony. I’m so not a phony. Vanessa says she owes me an apology. What she did to me wasn’t cool. She can’t pretend it didn’t happen. Julia says I can’t believe she can’t even be like.. Vanessa says have a conversation. Julia says everyone that goes on the block deserves an explanation. Vanessa says yeah especially when there was a deal for it to be someone else.

Meg “We can’t not send Shelli home when she’s up there!” Jackie “Becky is going to freak out!”
1:38am HOH room – Steve and Becky are talking. Becky tells him that he is more than fine to talk to her (Vanessa) all week. Steve says after the veto meeting I was in the hammock room and guess who came knocking and was really, really nice to me? Becky guesses Austin. Steve says yup. Becky says Austin and the twins I think will vote to keep her, so we’ll come close. Three votes that way and I have my three votes. So it will be another big week for you. They badly need your vote and Johnny Mac’s vote to get her to stay. Steve says right because the know you’re going to vote the tie against her. She is extremely good at moving votes and influencing HOH’s. Steve says she is a very good speaker. Becky says is very good at making it personal.

“People are treating me like Audrey.. yelling at me and treating me like I’m subhuman”
7:56pm Bedroom Vanessa Julia and Steve
Vanessa crying
Vanessa- what the f*** it’s bullsh1t .. nobody can see me in 5 f***G hours.. that b1tch yelled at me like f**** game me no reason to do this..
Julia- I swear we thought you were sleeping
Vanessa – I know this is big brother I get it

“We’re telling them what they want to hear, if we win all fair in love and war”
5:13pm, Hot Tub Shelli and the twins
Shelli – if ya’ll win HOH what two would go up
Liz – the two I put up in the past.. (James and Jackie)
Julia – it’s getting down to the wire.. Not Steve and Johnnymac.. probably not Meg she’s not a…
Liz – Threat
Julia- Ya

“Are y’all afraid to target that side, you know y’all will be the first three”
4:05pm Backyard Austin, Liz and Shelli
Austin brings up Vanessa saying Becky yelled at her but Becky is saying she didn’t
Liz – I heard a bit of a scuffle
Julia joins them
Shelli – she’s crying.. big crocodile tears
Austin – it’s really Awkward
Julia – obviously we’re still going to hang out with her