11:45pm Backyard Hammock – America and Cory
Cory – I am telling you the burrito thing. I went upstairs because I thought he was going to talk to me and there was like nothing. Cory – but like no one sees that they just see you walking up to the HOH room. Like the story you say is true and the story they say makes more sense. America – I know .. I just wanted a burrito. I mean f**k them .. whatever! The 7 .. is so f**king stupid! Its so fake and you telling me that its like real is so dumb. Like no they’re loyal to their four and that’s it. Five including POO. But like we’re not in on or I’m not in on it at all. Like I am walking into the storage room at 8am to change out my batteries and its Felicia, Cirie, Meme and Izzy and they like disperse like ants. Like at 8am in the morning what the f**k can you be whispering about!? Its just annoying! That was this morning..