Big Brother 21 Week 5 recap and Live Eviction Results

Holly wins Head of household beating out Sis in an endurance competition. Holly sticks to the six’s plan and puts up, Sam and Nick. The target is Nick. Nick goes on to win the Power of Veto and obviously uses it on himself. Holly was considering Nicole as the replacement nomination but under heavy pressure from Christie she puts up Kat. Sam is the target.

In the hopes of helping out his bottom feeders, Sam wants to expose Christie’s game. He was going to do this during his eviction Speech but decides to do it the day before. The core of his information was how during Cliff’s HOH Christie was 100% on board with getting out Jack. She was going to accuse Jack and Michie of bullying and use that

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Power Of Veto Competition Results! “I told you bro I was going to win. I’m back!”

The live feeds return to the house guests all in the kitchen. Jack is in a dress. Nick has the veto around his neck. Nick – If I had gone against Holly in the first round I probably would have lost. Nick – when I had 12 I was tired. Tommy – you did great! Cliff – you figured it out! Is this your first veto win? Nick – yes. Cliff – When you needed it. It kept you in the house. All the house guests comment on how hard the competition was. Nick – I asked for an athletic on and they gave it to me. I told you bro I was going to win. Nick tells Tommy – I am going to win HOH next week. I’m back!

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Big Brother 21 Week 4 Recap and Live Eviction Results

Summary of tragic events

Last week Cliff was evicted by the 6shooters ostensibly because “Nicole was unjustly treated by Bella and Nick” The real reason is Christie convinced them all that Cliff is targeting the couples and he’s building an army. An army containing Ovi, who is evicted and Nicole who was on the block beside him.

In a huge shocker Cliff wins the camp comeback then goes on to win the Head of Household competition. For the first time since week one, the fandom is happy. Cliff’s plan is simple. He wants to reduce a number on the 6shooters by temporarily teaming up with Nick and Bella. He makes it clear this is their last chance to turn the tide. Cliff nominates Jack and Jackson and we are all filled with hope.

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Nick “I hope I win HOH so that I can put her stupid a$$ up. You thought I was savage with Kemi?!”

9:14pm HOH room. Nicole and Jess. Jess – why would you feel like you owe him an answer and why … does Christie think that Jackson is going to vote Jack out? Nicole – I don’t know?! Me and him had the conversation and then she pulled me in the room today and said I want you to know that there is a plan that’s being said with Michie, Holly and you .. are going to vote to keep Bella and I want you to know that’s just a ploy, that’s fake. Michie did tell me this is the plan but its not going to come to fruition so don’t bother with it. And then Christie tells me no no there is a plan but its just a lie to make Bella feel safe when she’s not. Like he is just being a d**k basically to make her have false hope. So I am like is there a plan, is there not a plan .

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Michie and Holly Flip? “If they’re smart enough to be thinking long term, not these next couple weeks”


2:17 pm Cliff and Nick
Nick – I would put up Christie/Sis or Christie/Jack, I don’t know if I want Jack to play
CLiff was thinking of not putting up Jack and backdooring him.
Nick – Christie is 100% going up if I win (NICK FOR HOH)
Nick – she’s been cocky again, oh no one will ever put me up. She just said it again today. I’m going to have it (her power) for double eviction. I’d love her to eat her words.
Cliff – Bella was giddy talking about it and if she can make it work it would be HUGE
Nick – bro 5-5, I said if it goes 5-5 and Cliff goes Sorry Bella I’ll f*ing walk out the door with you
Cliff – yeah, No. Here’s the deal if it gets to that point and I didn’t go ahead and pull the trigger and make it happen not only have I screwed you over, I’ve also screwed over Jess, and Nicole, and Michie and Holly to some respect. Everyone who stuck their neck out this plan suddenly is done.
Cliff – I don’t see how I couldn’t do it

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Nick “I am blowing up her game to Michie when I leave. I am not going to let her win.”

8pm Kitchen – Nick and Nicole. Nicole – I am going to konk out at 10 today. Nick – do you think I was bad for Bella’s game too? Nicole shakes her head no. I don’t think so. Nick – really? I feel guilty for everything that she does. I feel like she took a lot of the blame for what I did. Nicole – maybe but. Nick – to be honest I feel guilty. Nicole – you can’t feel guilty. You can’t have any regrets. Nick – Like I don’t buy that Christie was going to use it. I don’t regret doing that. Like the whole Kemi thing .. I was given information and I pursed it and she was brought into it.

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If Jack is voted out “Christie’s trusts is broken. we lose the ability to bring her over here. we now make enemies with that WHOLE side”

2:30 pm Cliff, Nicole and Kat
Talking about Bella not getting the votes they should all vote the same way to not rock the boat. They discuss what would happen if the vote comes to a tie and they keep Bella
Cliff – you would be forced to work with Bella for another couple weeks. WE would need all of them to try and get them out after that point you would boot Bella and the three of us Plus Sam and Jess would be a group of five and take it from there
Cliff – if you three don’t want to go that way and join the other group right now and stay in their good graces assume Bella is this week and Nick is next week

Cliff – After that who knows .. what if y’all win the HOH
Kat – this is the first time I would feel comfortable winning the HOH I would put Nick and Sam up (of course)
Nicole wonders how close the 6 are.

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“If I could do anything in the world.. I really want to be an Instagram influencer. and like get money “

12:04 pm Sis and Christie
Sis – I just want to hang out
Christie feels low energy today the slop is catching up to her.
Christie complains that Jackson slams the Have nots door “he doesn’t care if he wakes anybody”

Sis – thank goodness this next one is endurance and you’re good at that
Christie thinks she means put Jackson up
Sis – you’re good at endurance you won’t drop early so you don’t have to go back on it
Christie says she doesn’t want to win head of household “I already nominated two people and both stayed”

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“I’m protected and I still have my power for 2 weeks so whose really putting me up. I don’t have to worry”

Big Brother Spoilers
5:26 pm Christie and Sam
(Sam 100% knows Christie bullsh1ts him)
Sam – I have a plan but right now my plan is not working.
Christie – I don’t know what my next step will be I feel like you have to feel everyone out
Christie – Everyone still gunning for JAck it just so happens that this week everyone wanted to help me out more than get him out
Christie – I haven’t thought any further than this week
Christie – I’m so grateful to Cliff I’m his B1tch for the next couple weeks until my powers done

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“If I win HOH I’m putting up Jack and Michie BAM lets do this again I’m so at the bottom of this it’s fricking pathetic “

1:10 am Cliff and Bella
Cliff – I wanted to send Jack home and it became obvious that she would use the power
Cliff – I would love to see Jack still go home If you can make it work more power to you .. You are going to come off as a champ if that happens (like you’re a champ Cliff)
Sam joins them.

Cliff – this wasn’t a plan to backdoor her from the start I wanted Jack out .. I don’t vote at this point it’s out of my hands I will talk to them as much as I can and you tell me if there’s anything I can do to help

Sam – work on kat.. if she can flip to last minute it’ll be a tiebreaker
Cliff – if it’s a tie-breaker I will do what I need to do

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“If you are putting up Bella anyways just let her use the power. otherwise, she’s going to have the power for 2 more weeks”

Big Brother Spoilers

10:19 am Cliff and Sam

Cliff says Christie is going to use the power unless he makes a deal to put Bella up (which he has)
Sam – if you are putting up Bella anyways just let her use the power. otherwise, she’s going to have the power for 2 more weeks .. flush it out
Cliff – theoretically I’ve been promised by Christie she would not use the power against us if someone happened it would be for herself;
Sam – she promised and swore up and down that everything will be great (if Michie and Jack were on the block and not her)
Cliff – I’m just trying to cut some losses and create goodwill on that side by doing something..
Cliff told Christie this morning he’s willing to do that. Put up Bella. “I told her I wanted to give you a heads up first because you and I have worked together before”

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