More to be added as the come available. I haven’t watched them all yet but I will over the next week. WE’re going to go a Kraken hour to talk about these delusions so keep your eyes open for that. Doctor Will backyard CBS all access link GEO Blocked for Canadians Rob has a […]
Tag: Interview

Big Brother Canada Host Revealed
It was released today that the host of upcoming Big Brother Canada is Toronto native Arisa Cox. (@arisaCox)
Here is a excerpt from the press release.
“We’re thrilled to have Arisa Cox join Big Brother Canada. As host she has the unique experience of playing the role of amateur psychologist, puppet master and confidante to the houseguests and with her magnetic personality and extensive background she’s the perfect fit,” said Barbara Williams, Senior Vice President of Content, Shaw Media.”

Missing Big Brother? Tune into SuperPass to watch “A Day In The Life Of..”
“A Day In The Life” on SuperPass – Turn on your Live Feeds and get an inside look into the day-to-day life of your favourite Big Brother stars. EVERY TUESDAY 3pm (Pacific Time)
If you are anything like me, you’re missing Big Brother and wishing we could just fast forward to July 2012 so that Big Brother 14 would premiere already! Unfortunately there isn’t anyway to speed up the premiere date and highly unlikely there will be another writers strike, so if you are looking for more Big Brother news, SuperPass has started posting videos “A Day In The Life.. ” of our favorite past house guests. Every week they post a new Missy interview with a different BB Alumni, such as, Lydia Tavera, Andrew Gordon, Shelly Moore, Casey Turner,

Dan Gheesling Book: How to get Cast on Big Brother
Dan Gheesling’s Book is out “How A Normal Guy Got Cast On Reality TV” and hisin-depth Step By Step Guide to Getting on Reality TV The first one is free the second one costs some money but is well worth it
If you are thinking about applying to Big Brother 14 or any other major reality TV show Big Brother 10 winner
Dan Gheesling has written his story and gives crucial advice on how to do it. I believe this book will become the DE facto guide to the Big Brother Casting Process for regular people (large chested blonde’s and buff model dudes need not read this)
We’ve been a fan of Dan since we saw him destroy the competition on Big Brother 10. It’s players like this that we need more of. I highly recommend picking this book up if you plan to fill out that Big Brother 14 Application.

Big Brother Spoilers and Links from the Internets (2012-02-17)
Get your complete Big Brother Spoilers straight from OBB sign up on our GOOGLE+ page
Big Brother Allstars – Dick Donato, Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd Interview
3 of the most popular Big Brother Players are interviewed in weeks edition of Reality Weekly. Get your edition today available at wallmart.
Dick briefly talks about his Web en-devours here is a excerpt……..
Big Brother 14 Casting Starts Next Month
In case you haven’t heard a ton of BB14 Casting news has been released…….
Its all about Porsche Briggs at OBB
Dawg and his crew have been busy digging up Porsche Briggs info, from …….

Jeff Schroeder at 7 Fresh Faces Film celebration in Park City during Sundance 2012
Earlier in the week we say images of Big Jeff posing down at the 2012 Sundance festival.
This interview emerged showing the BIG BROTHER allstar* at the 7 Fresh Faces in Film celebration on January the 19th. When i first say the video I thought “wow” he’s one of the fresh faces in film.. good for BIG JEFF, got to expect him on BB14 for sure now.

Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel Reilly Dishes Her Latest Stint on The Bold and the Beautiful
Rachel Reilly won the $500,000 grand prize last month on Big Brother 13. Now she’s working for tips on The Bold and the Beautiful! The marriage-crazy redhead will return to the CBS soap October 28 and 31 as Rachel, a saucy cocktail schlepper at the Bikini Beach bar, and she’ll have her real-life fiancé (and fellow Big Brother player) Brendon Villegas in tow. The future Mrs. V gave TV Guide Magazine the lowdown.
TV Guide Magazine: What’s with all the B&B love? This is your 10th appearance!
Reilly: I know! Isn’t it crazy? [Laughs] And this time I’m a bride! Brendon and I are part of the Halloween shows so they put us in wedding outfits, which of course I loved! We’re getting Bikini Beach ready for a party. Amber [Adrienne Frantz] is there flirting with Thorne [Winsor Harmon]. The costumes and makeup are so fantastic you’re going to be shocked! We have swamp creatures, pirates, gypsies, mermaids, fairies, geishas. I was a cocktail waitress in Vegas for years and this trumps any Halloween party I ever worked there. It really inspired me for real life.
SuperPass: Flashback and rewatch BB13 and BB12
Click here for your FREE 3 Day TRIAL: Big Brother Live Feeds

Big Brother Spoilers: WINNER Rachel Reilly From One Reality Show TO ANOTHER?
Big Brother winner Rachel Reilly and her fiance Brendon Villegas are going Hollywood, literally — we’re told Rachel plans on moving to Los Angeles and pitching her upcoming nuptials as a possible reality show.
Turns out … when Rachel told our photog on Thursday night that she was getting married THIS weekend, well … that was just the alcohol talking. Sources close to Rachel tell TMZ they have no plans on a quickie wedding, but they do want to settle down in Los Angeles (Brendon is currently enrolled in grad school at UCLA).
We’re told Rachel is planning to use her “BB” winnings to buy a condo in town, look for opportunities in the entertainment biz, and plan her wedding.
SuperPass: Flashback and rewatch BB13 and BB12
Click here for your FREE 3 Day TRIAL: Big Brother Live Feeds

Big Brother 13 Houseguest Interviews Update
Three months, 75 days and countless inane conversations later, season 13 of Big Brother came to an end Wednesday after a three-way battle for the final Head of Household. The finale of Big Brother 13 came down to Rachel the veteran, Porsche the newbie and Adam the piggy-backer. After a 4-3 vote, Rachel took home the $500,000 grand prize.
We have put together a grow list of all of the Big Brother 13 interviews. Keep checking back to see more of the interviews as they are released.
SuperPass: Flashback and rewatch BB13 and BB12
Click here for your FREE 3 Day TRIAL: Big Brother Live Feeds

Big Brother Spoilers: Interview with Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Reilly
Who would’ve thought that not only would Rachel win Big Brother this season but that fans of the show would be happy about it? There was no doubt she’d be a competitor and no doubt she’d have a target on her back, but she realized that in order to walk away with half a million dollars, she’d have to be willing to change her strategy as the game went on.
You had a lot of people rooting for you and happy that you won. You were worried about how people felt about you after season 12 and how you’d be viewed this summer. Do you feel like you changed people’s minds about you?
Rachel: Yes! It’s crazy because I had no idea how America was seeing me. It did definitely change and I am shocked and thankful. I was really scared. I thought people loved to hate me. This summer, I had people cheering for me! I was like, “I’m not used to this. This is crazy!” It’s exciting and surreal. I’m so happy. After Brendon left, I had to change and evolve and grow up. Jordan helped me so much with my social game and we really balanced each other out. Thank God for Jordan – that’s all I have to say!
SuperPass: Flashback and rewatch BB13 and BB12
Click here for your FREE 3 Day TRIAL: Big Brother Live Feeds

Big Brother Spoilers: Matt Hoffman offers his opinion on Big Brother 13
Matt is from Season 12 of ‘Big Brother’ and he was part of the famous ‘Brigade’ alliance in Season 12. Oklahoma City fans find out here what Matt had to say.
Tonight we saw the winner of ‘Big Brother 13.’ Were you surprised that Rachel won or how the votes turned out?
I wasn’t at all surprised that Rachel won, but the votes were kind of crazy. I thought after Dani’s little speech before she put the key in that she’d definitely have picked Rachel. Also, I thought Shelly would be on Porsche’s side. I find it pretty crazy that Adam wasn’t taken to final two, since it probably would’ve been a 7-0 clean sweep!
Do you think Rachel would have lost if she had taken Adam to the end?
I think Rachel would’ve been the second Big Brother player ever to win in a landslide shutout victory (next to BB10’s Dan).
SuperPass: Flashback and rewatch BB13 and BB12
Click here for your FREE 3 Day TRIAL: Big Brother Live Feeds

Big Brother Spoilers: Interview with Adam Poch, “I lost a little respect for Rachel’s game”
Why did you vote for Porsche to win the money?
“Frankly, there was two main reasons. The first one – I really wanted to see a new person win the game. The new person I wanted to win the game was me, but obviously it was not to be. Porsche was the other newbie in the house. Second of all, I lost a little respect for Rachel’s game when we had a talk a couple days before and I made a comment that the Veterans this year all they had to do to get in the house was answer a phone call. Rachel told me everything she gave up to be in the house this summer, making it sound like she gave up just as much as me. I left a girlfriend at home, she went into the house with her fiancee. I had a job where there’s been a lot of layoffs, so I was running a risk of not having a job when I got out. Having an apartment that I was still paying for. I really felt insulted by that and for her to try and tell me she gave up just as much as me made me lose respect for her, especially because I worked with her, I pumped her up when she was down, I had her back. I voted based on my relationship with Porsche. I thought Porsche played a great game. I thought Rachel was not … she was making herself seem like the victim when she was making herself the victim. She would never own up to the fact that she was the victim she made herself out to be.”