POV Holder: ? Next POV ? POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 24 HOH Winner: Racehlle Next HOH: March 27 Original Nominations: ? Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paul, Kyle, Anick Have Nots Adel, Sabrina, Heather, Arlie 9:25pm Feeds come back to the houseguests drinking around the pool going crazy Looks like they are […]
Tag: Ika Wong

Arlie offers Heather a deal “If we can pull this off we can accomplish some big things”
7:54pm Havenots Arlie and Heather
(We didn’t catch the first part of the conversations but I suspect Arlie is asking her to join his new group)
Arlie is saying she has other people looking out for her best interest “It’s benefiting us as well” He’s confident this will stay a secret because he thinks it greatly benefits all three of their games. (Doesn’t mention Sarah as being in the group)
Arlie was always thinking about talking to Heather about this and after the girls threw her under the bus he decided now was the right time, “They broke that trust”
Arlie assumes Heather is going up either as the pawn or the target he really doesn’t know.
Heather says her strategy from the start of the game was like Jon’s and Arlie’s. but she picked the wrong person from the start and it blew up in her face.

Jon YELLS “That’s Five b***hes in a cup .. THAT’S Homo$*xu@l f@gg*ts!
5:10pm In the kitchen the house guests are all standing and sitting around the kitchen bar laughing and joking around. Jon and Kenny are playing a cups game. When its Jon’s turn he says “Five bitches in a cup .. THAT’S Homos*xu@l f@gg*ts! All the house guests GASP in shock! Jon apologizes. They all reassure him that they know he didn’t mean it and that it just came out. Sarah tells him that they all grew up in an age when stuff like that was said. They all know that it wasn’t intentional. Sarah says that sometimes we say things without that intention.. Trust me, Canada knows that’s not your intention. Jon feels really bad and is upset that he said that. He leaves and heads up to the HOH room.

Kenny says I think Ika is the best move. Rachelle says yeah, its kind of a big move! She’s going to hate me!
3pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds.. when the feeds return, Ika, Sabrina and Adel are out by the pool talking. Adel leaves them to talk alone. Sabrina starts crying. Meanwhile up in the HOH room – Kenny comes up to talk to Rachelle. She tells him that as of right now its Allison and Heather going up on the block. Kenny says that he still doesn’t know what Allison’s whole deal is.. Kenny asks if I get the veto would you want me to take off Allison so that you could put up Ika. Rachelle says Ika would kill me. Kenny says Ika is crazy. Rachelle asks if I did that would Heather go next week. Kenny asks is that what you would want me to do? Rachelle says I think so.. she is going to kill me. Rachelle says that she doesn’t think Adel would use his power. Rachelle says he swears he wouldn’t use it. Kenny says he does do stupid things some times, look what he did with Kyle and Paul. Rachelle says that Adel told her that he knows Ika is going to go sooner than later.. so why would he use it.

Sabrina tells Allison that she and Heather will be going up on the block.. You’re the PAWN!
11:30am – 12pm Kenny and Andrew are working out in the backyard while they’re on a backyard lock down. Sabrina and Rachelle are laying on a blanket in the backyard talking. Sabrina tells Rachelle that she really wants to send Ika home. Sabrina comments on how she can’t understand how Sarah did that and is now sitting there laughing with her. This girl has called her a b***h out loud, this girl has voted against her. Sabrina asks Sarah and Ika if they can join them or if they want to be alone. Sarah says something. Sabrina says Ika’s full of s**t, she said she doesn’t want us to come. I really want her gone. She doesn’t realize people can read lips?! Sabrina and Rachelle join Ika and Sarah. Andrew and Kenny finish their work out and join them by the pool as well.

Andrew tells Heather I wanted Paul gone, it wasn’t your time to go. Now you can work with me. Heather says I’d love that!
8:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the bedroom – Ika, Jon, Neda, Allison are talking about when the nominations will be. Ika says the nominations will be tomorrow. Allison comment on how sleeping in the same bed with Andrew, he doesn’t just snore he flails around whenever he moves. She says he woke her up ever time. Ika tells Adel that because of his hair cut he looks like a pedophile. Allison asks Ika if she has any idea what Rachelle is going to do. I am kind of scared. Should I be? Ika says she kind of knows what Rachelle might do. Ika warns Allison to not tell anyone what she tells her because it will get around. Allison says I don’t see why I am a big threat. Ika says I don’t think you are but people see you as being close to Andrew. Ika says I think Heather is her main target. Let Heather sink her own ship because I am sure she will. Allison says by doing that does she not realize she’s taking out the girls?

IKA goes off on Heather “Ratchet a$$s pimple a$$ b!tch”
1:06AM IKA and Sabrina
Sabrian confronts IKA about what Heather told her.
IKA Swears on her kids that she never said these things, Says that Heather is making stuff up. IKA now claims that she only was with Heather those nights in the HOH because she was going home and IKA was picking her brain, “what else can I do for fun”
IKA says Heather was telling her that Andrew is using Sabrina and doesn’t like her.
Ika lists of a bunch of dirt that Heather told her about Sabrina and Andrew. Heather told her she likes the new girl but doesn’t like Rachelle. She said she liked Sabrina but isn’t sure she can trust her.
IKA again and again claims she was only picking Heather’s brain because she thought Heather was leaving.
Sabrina calls Heather over asks IKA to please let Heather talk and not get too heated.
IKA – “I’ll punch her in the face”
Heather comes by and IKA says she’s not going to talk to Heather.
Sabrina asks for clarification about somethings Heather is saying. Sabrina brings up when was crying did IKA say Sabrina was searching for attention.

IKA – “If the F*** Bride of Chucky looks at me one more time I’ll punch her eyes out”
11:26pm Bedroom IKA, Rachelle and NEDA
IKA saying the boys are coming after them they are not targeting Adel anymore. NEDA suggest they leave Heather and target the boys.
The three girls all say they were getting a weird vibe during the vote.
Rachelle about Sarah “I don’t even look at her anymore she’s disgusting”
Sounds like the last two in the competition were Sarah and Rachelle. They agree Sarah isn’t worth getting rid of this week. They also mention that Heather is a waste of a HOH.
NEda says they are in a good position now that Racehlle has one HOH. IKA “The minute you won you should have seen Andrew and Kenny’s faces”
NEDA – “They’re faces dropped”
Racehlle says the boys will be really nice to her this week. IKA wishes Racehlle would have put Kenny and Andrew on Slop. Rachelle explains that by not putting them on slop she gains a bit of trust.
They suspect Arlie is bullshitting them the entire time.

Big Brother Canada Spoilers IKA – “It was a wasted f*** HOH”
POV Holder: ? Next POV ? POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 24 HOH Winner: Racehlle Next HOH: March 27 Original Nominations: ? Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paul, Kyle, Anick Have Nots Adel, Sabrina, Heather, Arlie 10:27pm Living Room Everyone around the tv screens which are showing numbers counting up. one person speaks […]

Big Brother Eviction and HOH Spoilers Paul Vs Heather
Another week down and a very busy one at that. I remember during Big Brother US season 14 when Willie had Head of Household it felt like an entire season of game talk in one week. That’s what this week felt like, An entire season of Big Brother Canada game talk in one week. Very exciting and revealing of where the House alliances are currently standing.
The first of Five is still strong but the cracks are already starting to show. Arlie is actively talking about getting Andrew out and starting to set up a backup plan. Sarah and Kenny are also aware that Andrew will have to go sooner than later. They are nervous about how close he is with Allison and Sabrina. On the flip side Kenny thinks if Andrew goes the perceived primary physical threats will be him and Jon.

Arlie says Ika’s convinced its a tie vote. Andrew says and it’s 100% not! Correct? Kenny gives a thumbs up.
9am – 9:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. The house guests slowly wake up and start getting ready for the live eviction day. In the kitchen – Kenny, Arlie and Andrew are taking. Arlie talks about how sleeping up in the HOH room he was kept up late with the late night comedy show of Sabrina and Ika. Andrew asks if Ika was trying to convince him. Arlie says she’s just convinced its a tie. Andrew says and it’s 100% not! Correct? Kenny gives Andrew and Arlie a thumbs up. Arlie says I can’t wait to see the look on her face. Sarah joins them and says that they were talking and the girls were saying that if I was going to flip I should tell them. But no right?! Sabrina joins them and wonders if Sarah should tell them.

Adel’s Big Move “If I’m against a stallion or a buck I’m going to get kicked in the teeth”
12:00AM Hammock Adel and Sabrina
Sabrina telling him he has to use his power or it’s useless. Adel explains the only reason he told people about his power was in the case where PAul leaves he ha 0.00% alliances in the house.
Adel points out if someone puts him up he’ll use his power and put the person best friend up as a replacement.
Adel would rather face the girls in the end than the boys
Adel – “I know if I’m against a stallion or a buck I’m going to get kicked in the teeth”
Sabrina tells him if he goes up it’ll be solely because the HOH wants to flush his power. Adel says if he wins HOH he’s taking a shot at their crew (BoyS) Sabrina asks him why. Adel explains he’s got no crew in this house they’ve been in the house for 20 days and he’s got nobody. He’s hoping if a big move happens fighting will start in the house and someone will come up to him and say “Hey you wanna join our crew”