Alex – Megan ruined our game. Josh – she did. Alex – all of our games. She tried to throw a racist thing in there. It’s 2017! Kevin – is that what she said that you said something racist? What happened?! What happened there? Alex – when I was talking to Cody at the pool all those girls were like ohhh.. go get your man. And I guess Jessica said I don’t want to go over there because the f**king panda is over there. And I thought it was like because I was wearing a black and white bathing suit. It turned out that it wasn’t true and she made it up.
Tag: Ika Wong

Alex “We’re not going to show our t*t$ and shower together for votes. We’re not sk**ks and w****s!”
Jessica is snuggling up next to Cody. Raven – did a fish actually die? Jessica – no, they took one. They’ll probably take one every time someone leaves. Raven – ohhhh. Cody – do you think they’ll take mine when I leave? Jessica – you mean at the end. Jessica then kisses his chest. Matt – how much do the live feeders pay? Jessica – 10 or 15? Raven – isn’t it less or more without the commercials. I can’t remember. Cody – I remember one of the years that this was out and I attempted to watch the live feeds and I was f**king bored out of my mind.

Big Brother 19 Promotional Commercial – “Destination Temptation”
Big Brother 19 is only a few days away with the premiere airing on Wednesday, June 28th! We’ve already met the all new cast of house guests
that will be competing for the half a million dollar grand prize. And even though the we can’t watch what’s happening inside the big brother house, the competition has already started. The house guests have already moved into the house as they need to start getting the footage for the premiere.

Ika Wong Interviews the Cast of Big Brother 19! “No time for any victims in the house”
Big Brother 19 premieres in just 1 week and we’re already forming our first impressions of the 16 house guests that are set to move into the house later this week. Photos and a Julie Chen tour of the newly redesigned house will be released tomorrow (Wednesday, June 21st), so make sure you check back to see what this seasons theme is going to be. Julie will also be revealing this seasons twist tomorrow so stay tuned for that breaking news.

“I Don’t know how I got f**ked up on that one” -Demetres
Ika and Demetres HOH
Ika – I thought Cass was one of the best players I’ve ever seen on Big Brother Canada and She left fourth
Demetres – she was good
Ika says That Dr Will went out on final 4 during Big Brother Allstars
Demetres says Kevin’s “odds don’t change”
Ika says they do if Kevin wins the Final HOH and takes Karen.

“I don’t friggin feel good today.. I’m tired of being here.. just want to sleep” -Demetres
Production – Please wake up nap time is over.. Please
Demetres – “I don’t friggin feel good today.. I’m tired of being here.. just want to sleep”
Karen – I’m so done with this.. so done
Feeds cut maybe for the visit by Niki from last season or Nominations.

Eviction Day “imagine your skillz after this game”
Dillon and Demetres
Chit chat about owning a yacht and a Helicopter
Demetres and Karen Kitchen
Demetres saying he’s not a good liar.
Demetres – imagine your skillz after this game.

“Cheers to the lone soldier”
Demetres complaining that every week people were throwing comps… “it’s kinda annoying but it caused a lot of drama”
Demetres – there’s a time and a place to throw a comp.. but when it’s every week you’re just f***g the other people by doing it
Demetres – I didn’t throw 1 comp this season
Dillon – obviously
Demetres – HAHAHAHAH

“Hey Kevin can you think of something Nice Karen and I have done in this house .. we are nice people”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA The feeds are essentially.. 1) Karen, Demetres and Ika retells 2) Karen bashing Dillon and Kevin 3) Dillon breathing heavy 4) Kevin alone 5) Ika and Demetres kissing/cuddling Dillon and Karen Hot Tub Followed By Ika and Karen in the […]

“it’s going to be a 2 zero vote and I’ll say I love you I’ll see you in the Jury next week.. bye”
Karen goes on that Dillon is playing for second and that is what cost him his game.
Karen – his game ends because of that move
Karen – I have no problem sending people to Jury
Ika says Kevin thinks that Karen will be tormented with voting Dillon out
Karen – it’s going to be a 2 zero vote and I’ll say I love you I’ll see you in the Jury next week bye

“We are deciding who goes and Demetres is probabaly staying.. Second is good enough” -Karen
Karen Demetres and Ika
Karen going on about how she doesn’t want the “Weak ass people” to win this season.
Karen says people will think she is weak but she’s not she’s here because she’s built relationships and trust with people.
Demetres – and you stuck to Dillon
Karen claiming she’s been with Ika and Demetres since day one.

“It sucks man it’s a 4 vs 1 .. I was talking to my stuffed Pig last night he doesn’t want to take me either”
Dillon and Kevin in the HOH
Kevin – Demetres has to go.. He has to go, He’s the biggest threat
Kevin – He’s going to make a pitch to you if he hasn’t already made it to you
Dillon – yeah he’s already made it
Kevin – the kid is strong
Kevin – yeah he is big time