The two-hour finale starts at 6:00 pm PST. As is the drill It will show copious amounts of filler and pharmaceutical/political commercials. In between, we’ll see the last two parts of the Final HOH. Part 2 for which we know Cody wins and part 3 where Cody and Nicole will face off. We’ll see the questions from the jury, the final vote, and America’s favorite player (if there is one.. lol) From what I’ve seen I think Cody and Nicole will take each other to the end. Cody should win this season but of course, it’s 2020 and I’m fully expecting some sort of upset. Cody winning final HOH taking Nicole only to lose again would be a perfect end to this fantastic year.
Tag: Ian Terry

“[CBS] don’t want me doing interviews because of the stuff they don’t want me to talk about”
3:50 pm Backyard ..
David talking about how CBS has to approve his interviews post show he asks them why he wasn’t getting any interviews. They told him “it just didn’t happen.. I wasn’t gettign that many interview requests.. either they [CBS] don’t want me doing interviews because of the stuff they don’t want me to talk about or something”
David – when TMZ called me I was like f*** it if they don’t want me to say anything I’m going to say something to TMZ.. I gave TMZ something and they got mad
Enzo – they wouldn’t let me talk to TMZ

Enzo “I’m going to be like.. you’ll find out Thursday if you’re here or not.”
Backyard. Nicole and Christmas.
Nicole – I feel bad but it was a game move and it worked. Christmas – it worked. it did what we needed it to do. Nicole – but he is telling everyone that it was me. I guess.. that is what Dani said. Dani and DaVonne are telling me that he is telling everyone that I flipped. Christmas – well he knows it wasn’t him. Nicole – exactly, but how does he know it wasn’t Kevin or Day .. you know what I mean. IF he puts me up I will be so mad. Christmas – I don’t know if I would pin point you. Nicole – because I am the only other one.

“If I win POV then I send David home myself.. he’s gotta go.. he’s gotta”
8:50 am Memphis and Tyler
Memphis – People talk to much man. I was still contemplating weather I was going to ask you guys to throw it..
Memphis – I was thinking F*** if I put David up he’s going to fight so hard to stay.. he’s going to do everything he possibly can.
Tyler- why didn’t they pick him?
Memphis – I don’t know. They sealed his fate literally
Tyler – theirs a rift between those two and him right now. Do we want to get him out he’s sitting on an Island.
Memphis – he’s gotta go.. he’s gotta
Tyler- I’m just saying those two (Kevin and Day) are linked.. and the girls are linked to Da’Vonne..
Memphis doesn’t think so.
Tyler – they have something I catch them all the time.

Nomination Results! Memphis “You got the benefit & now you get the wrath.”
Memphis – Its a game and you’ve got a week. And as much as like .. to be blatantly honest with you I was thinking of keeping you last week and then she used the power on you which I totally understand you would much rather be safe over anyones word to say and not take it if she is willing to give it to you. But for me its an easy excuse in a game right now .. where I just need some excuse. Kevin – Hmm. Memphis – does that make sense? Kevin – MMmhhmmm. Memphis – instead of putting up Tyler because he’s a big threat… which then its game on! It was an easy out for me.. you understand!? It sucks but.. Know what I mean?! So hopefully you can see it from that angle. Kevin – Mmmhhmmm. Memphis – right now I had to have some excuse. Kevin – I am still trying to play the game and get as far as I can get and if this is the furthest I can get then its within my own destiny.

“Final three, us three, the wise Guys… It’s already approved”
Enzo comes in
Memphis – This is the deal right now I’m just going to f**ing rip the band aid off.. Final three us three.. the wise Guys…
They laugh
Enzo – Alright, I’m with it YO..
Cody – I love it
Memphis – the wise guys we implement it today and we take it to final 3.
Memphis tells Cody to leave.
Memphis – that worked out perfect.. so that’s it man.. the wise guys is me and you just so we’re f***ing clear.. this is my other.. the other wise guy is Christmas..

Dani “Memphis literally thinks that he is a mastermind.. like a big brother god.”
Bedroom Cody and Dani.
Cody – picking Enzo again would have been almost perfect. You were a havenot and then Enzo was the next one he would pick. That would have been easy .. and Enzo is Enzo. Dani – did he say anything to you. Cody – he tried to say something to me but I walked right past him. It was a minute and a half after he picked me and I was like YO I don’t want to talk to you right now. Dani – Christmas is furious. Cody – I was like can you just calm down and not do any of that. Like just don’t do it. Please don’t do it. Dani – she is painting such a big target on herself lately. She is f**king annoying everybody. Cody – whatever! Dani – me included. Cody – Memphis is winning comps.

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 6 review and eviction results
Another fun week in the Big Brother 22 allstars house. Dani won this seasons WALL Head of Household competition and Nominated Kevin/David. Her target was either one with a slight preference for Kevin. She also floated out the idea of putting Tyler up if Veto or Power is played. A couple hours after the nomination ceremony David uses his Disruptor power forcing Dani to nominate another person. As planned she took this chance to get Tyler on the block. At this point the target still seems to be Kevin but the idea of Tyler going is being suggested.

“I feel so bad Ian. I can’t do it anymore I’m exhausted because I feel so guilty I’m all cried out.. I’m loyal to the committee”
1:04 pm Dani tells Nicole that David “hates her so much” because he wants her to break the tie.
Nicole – what do we do?
Dani – I don’t know
Da’Vonne joins them
Dani – Day I’m scared..
Dani – I’m down to do this I am i’m just scared..
After Da’Vonne leaves. Nicole talks about how she’ll vote Ian out. they try to figure out how she will play this to save face.
Dani didn’t use her power.
Dani – I just want him to go.. just go (Ian) this is very stressful..
Nicole -torturous

Tyler “I DIDN’T F**KING get her out!? Who got her out? BRO SHUT UP! Don’t start that sh*t.”
Lounge room. David and Tyler.
Tyler – Kevin said he’s feeling good. David – you’re feeling good. Tyler – about me staying. Yeah. Tyler – I haven’t talked to Day yet. David – I’m scared of you Tyler. Tyler – You’re scared for me or of me? David – of you. Tyler – you should be. David – I literally told you ..the words out of my mouth were I want you and Bay to be cool … and then you got her out. Tyler – I DIDN’T F**KING get her out!? Who got her out? David – you were part of it. Tyler – BRO SHUT UP! No I wasn’t! Don’t start that sh*t. David – its the truth! Tyler – don’t start that now that I’m on the block you’re going to give me a reason?! David – na listen! Tyler – I thought I was and I tried to fix it. David – by that time the game play had worked. Tyler – I know and I didn’t get her out. F**King it wasn’t me! David – it wasn’t you directly but it was you indirectly. Tyler – and who tried to leave because of it?! So it wasn’t indirectly

“If I go because of white wine coolers I’m going to be pissed”
11:25 am Ian and Nicole
Ian – do I have the votes?
Nicole – I have no idea, I haven’t talked to anyone about that today.
Ian – If I go because of white wine coolers I’m going to be pissed.
Nicole – you have to talk to everyone..
Ian – I need, Cody, Enzo, You and Christmas that’s it.. And Dani.. is Dani mad at me
Nicole – I haven’t talked to her I don’t know
Ian – If I go because of these f***ing wine coolers I’m going to have a kanipshin conniption
feeds cut

“The crazy thing about the alliance we’ll create two. We’ll create them with the exact same name.”
10:50 am Enzo and Memphis
Memphis talking about how different Ian was talking to him the other day “He’s a persuasive person”
Enzo – he’s wearing jeans now..
Memphis – he was putting on an act these past weeks.. I’m like Dude you literally are talking to me like a completely different person.. Dude this f***ing guy.. Obviously I want to send his ass home I just hope we have the votes.
Memphis thinks they should have the votes this week.
Memphis – I have an idea that I have been mulling over it has to do with me and YOU and it has to do with two other people.
Memphis – me and you making the final. it has to do with us creating two different alliances, me and you and one other person.
Memphis – two separate alliance but me and you are in both with a person on the side.