10:40pm Cam 1-2 GIGI and Nick
GiGI: “Ayrn saw Elissa, Andy, Helen, Amanda and she walked by and someone said to Andy Shutup.. They are working together”
GiGI: “Amanda is a sneaky fuck.. Jessie flirts with everybody..
Gigi explains that earlier in the day Jessie rubbed lotion on David and Aaryn got pissed. Gigi understands that she thinks the same way as Aaryn.. “If someone messes with my man I beat the B1Tch “
GIGI tells them that Andy, Elissa and Helen are in an alliance they all talk. Gigi has noticed that Amanda and McCrae are very close and she thinks that spencer is a floater.
Gigi can’t “Fu**ing stand” Elissa, Candace, Amanda but she likes Kaitlin and Aaryn.
GiGi: ‘It’s going to be Candace and Amanda up next..”
They start running the votes..