HOH Part 1: Jackson Vs Holly Vs Nicole Part 1 Winner: JACKSON HOH Part 2: Holly Vs Nicole Part 2 Winner: HOLLY HOH Part 3: Jackson Vs Holly Part 3 Winner: ? Check out the rankings from this year —-> Big Brother 21 Ranking GRID 4:10 am Hammock time with the final 3. 4:45 am […]
Tag: Holly Allen

HOH Part 2 Winner is HOLLY! “Everything happens for a reason!”
Holly – I thought I did it in 12 minutes. Why did they make us wait forever?! I was like is Nicole taking 40 minutes.. what the heck!? Jackson – I’m going to be sick. Holly – they made me wait for an hour after I came in. Jackson – I am literally speechless. I am without speech. Holly – that was a hard comp. Jackson – everything happens for a reason. If we saw these two on paper, I guarantee you I would have said you should have won the first one and I should win this one. And I would have bombed that! Holly – do you think?! Jackson – I never would have gotten out.

“I was told in the before that I was a country Laura Croft “
10:10 am Final 3 Champaign breakfast
Nicole mentions how she didn’t do “that Great” in the Competition last night but says it was an amazing set.
J – That was an experience
H – that was one of the most fun things I’ve ever done in my life
N – like when in your life will you jump from rotating pilers
N – It was very nancy drew, Indiana jones-esic and I love it.
H – I felt like Laura Croft
J – you looked like Laura Croft. I say that to you all the time
H – I know. I was told that in the before that I was a country Laura croft
Nicole says they are the “bionic woman and man” adds that they looked like they were moving in “fast motion” and she was in “slow-motion”
N – they’re not your average people. I don’t know what the f* they are some kinda robot people

HOH Part 1 Winner is Jackson! “I want to prove to people that I deserve to be here.”
9:40pm The live feeds return to Jackson in the bathroom showering. Holly joins him in the bathroom. Jackson – that puzzle was really hard. Holly – so hard. They talk about the competition. Holly talks about a squishy rock by the treasure chest that she used to jump up on to get back onto the platform. Jackson – I didn’t know. I was jumping up without it the hole time! I’m an idiot! That was exhausting. That was hard.. 25 trips. Holly – That was a full body workout! That was a really fun comp! Like that is a comp. That’s the kind I want to compete. Physical, mental, strategy. Jackson – the next one (HOH part 2) will be physical. The last one will be mental. Holly – if its mental.. Jackson – its not, stop saying that.

Big Brother 21 Week 12 recap and Live Eviction Results
We’re almost there.
Last week Nicole and Cliff high on power planned on getting rid of Holly thus turning their backs on the Jackson/Holly/Cliff/Nicole final 4 deal. After hours of house arguments including some massive lies from Jackson and deals from Holly, Nicole and Cliff go back to evicting Tommy. In order to secure the vote to stay Holly has to augment her original final 4 deal and agrees to throw the next HOH and POV. The HOH is played Holly drops in minutes, Cliff falls

Jackson “I’m going to light this house on fire with my speech. I’m not going to sit there & have someone threaten me!”
8pm Living room. Holly and Jackson.
Jackson to Holly – I fought to f**king hard to get here and to sit there and dangle half a million dollars over me like a little carrot. You’ll going to lose our votes. You’re going to lose this game if you don’t … F**King. I am so f**king pissed! Holly – He is trying everything that he can. He tried strong arming and dealing. And when that didn’t work he tried talking about our strengths and when that didn’t work.. he tried threats. None of which are respectable moves. That’s not okay. Jackson – I’m going to light this house on fire with my speech. Holly – ditto. Jackson – I am so f**king mad! I would never tell someone or threaten someone that has busted their a$$ and worked their a$$ off in this game…

“I feel like it’s more than just a biter jury it’s about the way the game’s played”
Head of Household Winner: Nicole Nominations are: Jackson & Holly Power of Veto holder: Jackson Power of Veto Ceremony: Grab your live feeds —-> BB21 Live Feeds Subscription Link Rank your houseguests —-> Big Brother 21 Ranking 12:53 pm Nicole and Cliff Nicole – every time he talks “I hope it doesn’t affect our relationship.. […]

“Nicole is busy trying to contrast the way America will view me versus the way they’re going to view him.”
8:27pm Kitchen. Jackson and Nicole.
Jackson – So tomorrow until Wednesday, in that seven day period.. we have the Thursday Live Evcition, the veto ceremony, someone will come here and have a lot of time eaten up to do tv stuff for the recap, we have the first HOH competition, the second HOH competition, the third and final live HOH competition and the live finale day all in a week. We have a lot of stuff. It is seven days but I think it will be the fastest seven days and its the last push. Cliff joins them.

“I will promise him anything and yes I may potentially break that promise. I’m sorry if that makes me look horrible”
2:38 pm Nicole and Cliff
C – what did you learn my little secret agent
N – so I went to the hammock and he was working out
Nicole goes on about how he asked her why she’s feeling bad. It’s because Jackson said he wants to go to the final 3 with people that fought. She feels the same way.
N – I go, You don’t have to, believe me, I know my truth he (Cliff) was fighting for that Veto to bring you and that’s what is making me so sick and upset.
N – I kept just laying it on and he was like .. He got teary-eyed. SAid I know I feel that way too.
N – He got really quiet so I just let it simmer.
N – he goes Nicole I really want to be in one of those two chairs. So Nicole laid it on even thicker

Nicole “If you need promise to take him to final 2 whether you decide to or not, do it!”
8:28pm Backyard. Cliff and Nicole.
Nicole – that is part of my argument with Michie.. pulling on the heartstrings. I want to be here. I want to be at the finale. And I understand that Holly wants those things too.. but I think its worth a shot. Cliff – I will try but that is why that won’t work too because everyone wants their family there at finale. With Michie I think it is much better to appeal to his sense of fairness, integrity. And make sure he knows that he might be questioned about those kind of things if he doesn’t do it. Nicole – I know his image is a lot to him. Cliff – yeah. Nicole – he pretends, I don’t care.. I don’t care.. because he always talks about that ring that he carries around and how he is lovable.

“If you want to attempt one final deal. I know it’s far fetched and obnoxious”
1:55 pm Nicole and Cliff
Nicole says if Cliff goes to Jury next it would mean Holly has a guaranteed spot to final 2
Cliff – yeah I could see that
N – So if I walk out you know one of them won it if Michie walks out you’ll know I won it
Cliff – you got my vote no matter what
Cliff backtracks and says not ‘no matter what’ she deserves the vote. She deserves his vote.
N – I’m holding out hope that Ichie will get Guilty and change his tune
Cliff doesn’t think so “I really doubt it”
C – The only thing that will make a difference is asking him about jury votes

Nicole “.. where I come from people shake your hand while stabbing you.”
1:35pm Backyard. Nicole, Holly and Jackson.
Nicole – I appreciate you guys. Jackson – I appreciate you. I do. Holly – I appreciate you too. Jackson – what made you say that? Nicole – I was just thinking. Its very refreshing when people say things and mean them. And I don’t know if I am used to that in my life and I know I’m not used to that in this game. Or rather I don’t expect it. Its refreshing and inspirational. Holly – I am definitely not used to it in my life. Jackson – same. Nicole – Cliff was talking to me a lot about that and being a southern gentleman. The meaning of a handshake and eye contact. Jackson – its something that means a lot to me. And I am unwaveringly loyal to those that are loyal to me but I won’t bed over backwards or go against myself for those that have been loyal for those that haven’t.