1:58pm – 2:15pm McCrae, Jeremy, Kaitlin and Judd are in the lounge room talking about how McCrae wants to call Elissa out this week. They talk about how they know Elissa is Rachel’s sister. Judd tells McCrae that he will go down in history for evicting Rachel’s sister.
They all laugh about how they figured out Elissa was Rachel Reilly’s sister on the second day. Kaitlin comments that Candice acted like a fu*king nut case in the have / have not competition. She says she was yelling shut the fu*k up. Jeremy says that she turned into a monster out there. Kaitlin says that she repeatedly yelled at me. Kaitlin hold her fingers up to her head and pretends to blow her brains out. Jeremy says that if he wins HOH next week he will put her up again. Jeremy and Judd leave the room. Kaitlin and McCrae talk about how Elissa blew up on him and started freaking out. McCrae says I don’t know what she was thinking, I still have power this week. McCrae says that he told both of them (Elissa & Jessie) that they were going up and one took it well and the other didn’t.