Last night on the finale of Big Brother Canada 2 the winner Jon Pardy was crowned by a vote of 6-1 and took home the grand prize of $100,000, $25,000 gift certificate to the brick and a $10,000 vacation sponsored by Twistos. Sabrina Abbate took second place and left with the second place prize of $20,000. The visually bitter Neda Kalantar walked away with only regrets and disappointment in not being the one to have been able to cut Jon had she beat him in the final part of the 3 part HOH competition.
Tag: Heather Decksheimer

BIg Brother Canada Final 4 Eviction Results Heather Vs Neda
Yesterday Jon won the Final Power of Veto competition. This give him the ability to vote out the last houseguest from the Big Brother Canada house. Since Sabrian won the Head of Household on Thursday this gives him just two choices; Neda or Heather. Who do you think he’s going to pick? Spoiler it’ll be Heather.
Final 4 break down
Sabrina won the head of household and nominated Heather and Jon for eviction.
Jon won the Power of Veto and will use it to take himself off the block. This leaves only Neda as a nominee choice.
Tonight Jon will hold the single vote to evict Either Heather or Neda.

Sabrina says I’m not bitter but if Neda takes Jon then I will vote for Jon, if Jon takes Neda I will vote for Neda.
11:45am – 12:10pm Sabrina, Neda, Heather and Jon are in the HOH room hanging out. Sabrina says I am going to win the final HOH. Jon says I would be proud of you if you won but you’re not going to. I’m going to win. Jon, Neda and Sabrina break out into an argument of who would win depending on takes who. Sabrina says that if Neda wins the final HOH and takes JOn then she will vote for Jon to win, but if Jon wins and takes Neda then Sabrina says she will vote for Neda. Sabrina then starts saying that Jon will win either way. Sabrina realizes her argument doesn’t make sense. They continue to argue and ask Sabrina to explain what she means. Sabrina then says I know you both won’t bring me.. put that in the garbage.. I will win the 2 comps and take myself. I really do think it will be 50/50 if you take each other. Jon says that’s fair.

Jon tells Heather – I highly doubt you’re.. anyone’s being evicted today.
9:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests.. Jon tells Heather – I highly doubt you’re .. anyone’s being evicted today. I think its a normal week. Sabrina asks well what could they be doing in the backyard? Neda says getting ready for a the 3 part HOH. I would be surprised if they’re not building a crazy endurance. Heather says well I would like to know if I am leaving. Sabrina starts to sleep. Jon tells her if she’s going to sleep she should go to the HOH room. Jon says he’s going the wash his hair in the sink. (He’s allowed to wash himself in the sink but no were else) Big Brother blocks the feeds and when they return – Heather yells out I just want to know what’s going ON!!! AHHHHHh! Sabrina joins them and tells them big brother told her to come in here. She says they locked the door behind me. Heather comments that she’s been on slop 4 or five times .. she can’t remember exactly how many times.

Heather says I wanted to get to the end so bad after being so badly treated in the beginning..
10:35pm – 10:55pm Sabrina tells Heather that it is going to be so hard to beat him. Heather says yup, he and Neda! Heather says I know exactly the spot that she’s in .. but I’m happy my friend is in the end. Heather says I wanted to get to the end so bad after being so badly treated in the beginning. Heather says it sucks because I needed the money so bad .. I would never campaign against Neda any ways. I love her too much to do that. Neda comes through the bathroom and leaves. Heather says I love her so much! She’s my Rachelle. Sabrina says yup. Neda comes back and Heather asks I wonder if I had taken that squirrel costume if I would have won .. Neda says that would have been horrible to have to wear that. Heather says I am just glad that I don’t have to wear that out on to the stage. Heather leaves the room and Neda and Sabrina continue talk. Sabrina asks Neda if she ever would have evicted Jon. Neda says no. Sabrina says I knew it was like me and Rachelle.

BIG BROTHER Canada 2 – Power Of Veto Competition Results!! Jon says JeDa is a SICK NAME!
Sabrina and Heather are in the bathroom talk. Heather is telling her that she know that she is leaving. Sabrina says that it makes her sad that she is leaving. Sabrina says that Heather played an amazing game. Heather in in the bathroom alone says unless Canada wants to save me!
In the bedroom Jon and Neda are talking. Jon says that he and Neda are going to be known as JeDa. Jon asks Neda to say in hindsight it was a bad move getting rid of Adel. Neda won’t say it because in the end it all worked out. Jon tells her that she is so annoying. Neda says we are going against someone that can’t win endurance.

Jon how are you doing? “Totally f****d.. So cold.. shivers” Neda to Heather “3 against 1 really”
9:18pm Bathroom Heather and Neda
Heather – “I’m so f***g scared today”
NEda feels the same way hopes that everyone starts to feel better.
NEda doesn’t want to get back into the onesie she puked on it yesterday.
Heather – “I’m so nervous Neda”:
Neda tells her it’s going to be OK, the contest will probably be something they can all do well in.
Heather – “my only saving grace is I feel better and if Sabrina wins she’ll take the us because she can’t win against Jon”

Nomination Ceremony Results “Hundo is HUGE”
11:47pm Feeds back
Heather and Jon nominated for Eviction.
Heather asks them if they are aiming for the three of them in the final 3. Sabrina says yes.
Sabrina says she didn’t put up Neda because in the case where she won the VEto she didn’t want NEda to have to make the painful choice of sending Jon home.
They start speculating about the POwer of Veto competition tomorrow. Sabrina thinks it will happen 5 hours after they wake up tomorrow.
Heather – “Tomorrow is someone’s last day in the house”

Nominations tonight, Neda is too drunk to go? “She’s not going to be in the state to do anything”
Dancing in the bubble bath listening to Michael Jackson. Big Brother repeatedly tells her to turn down the music.
Sabrina heads outside for a second where Heather tells her the nominations ceremony just came up on the screen. They figure that Noms tonight, POV is tomorrow morning and eviction is Sunday.
Jon says Neda is too drunk to go to the nomination ceremony. Feeds cut

Big Brother Canada 2 – AWARD SHOW Dinner with the FINAL 4 House Guests!
1:20pm – 5pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the house guests & special guest BBCAN1 Gary Levy to take part in and watch the Big Brother Canada Awards show in the backyard. When the live feeds return – The house guests are sitting in the backyard eating dinner at a table with a large big screen behind them with And The AWARD goes to… Jon comments on how he never really cared about the show prior to coming on the show. Heather says that she is very grateful for everything that has happened up until now. She thanks every one behind the scenes and in front of the scenes. This is the best experience of my life. They all tell each other about how much they mean to each other. Heather tells Jon that she loves him and always wanted a brother and now has one. Jon tells them that he loves them like sisters. He tells Sabrina that at first he didn’t like her but he does now.

GARY LEVY – “HOUSE GUESTS I’M HERE!! Big Brother sent me! We’re going to do an awards show!”
12:30pm The house guests are put on a storage room lock down which is shown on two of the cameras. While the other two cameras are showing the front door. The audio turns on and it’s Big Brother Canada Season 1 – Gary Levy’s voice talking about being in the big brother house. Big Brother then blocks the live feeds.
WHen the live feeds return again the cameras are still focused on the front door. The door bell rings and all the house guests run out of the storage room to see whos coming into the house. They think it could be Rachel Reilly. Gary then busts in side and says House Guests I’m HERE!! He tells them that Big Brother sent him into the house to do an awards show with them. They all hug him and are all excited to have him in the house. Jon says holy sh*t you’re tall!!! They all head into the bedroom where Big Brother has outfits for them to wear for the awards show.

Neda & Heather play Rock, Paper, Scissors for who will go up on the block with Jon..
11am Sabrina says the one person I would not talk to is Sarah. A lot of the things she says is not my style. Sabrina comments on how Sarah was with married couples. And I would never ever be the way she was with you a 23 year old boy. Jon says that he would not hang out with Andrew outside the house unless he said the way he was in the house was not really him. Jon gets called to the diary room – Sabrina asks if Jon can’t get mad if I put him on the block right!? I mean he is the biggest threat in here. Neda agrees. Sabrina asks if Neda wants to talk in the HOH room. Neda says if I win POV I would have to choose between Heather & Jon. Sabrina tells Neda that she is thinking of putting her and Jon on the block. Neda comments on how if Heather gets to evict Jon it would be a huge move to get out the biggest player in the game.