Zach says I am getting gallons & gallons & pools full of blood on my hands! I don’t give a F**K, I literally give zero f**ks!

12:25am Caleb tells Zach that he doesn’t want him to put up Amber so that he can look at her and say that her game is literally in my hands. Zach says it is for sure. Caleb says but in a way she doesn’t realize. Zach says she doesn’t at all she is spitting in your face dude! Caleb says Cody is in there calming her down. Caleb says I think I believe her when she says she isn’t coming after you. Zach says yeah I understand you point of view but I have people coming up to me telling me that she is coming after me. Caleb asks who do you think has more control over her than anyone? Zach says herself. Caleb says yeah that too. Caleb says Amber has agreed that no Jury members go up until after jury.

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“Everyone needs to stop playing with their f*** v@g grow a pair and throw the competition” #WILDCARD

Zach brings up Cody’s move last week to help out the alliance and how it wasn’t the best thing for Cody’s game. When Zach asked Christine to do something for the alliance she said
“NO NO absolutely not..; who the f** are you what the F** have you done. “
Zach tells them he won a HOH and now he’s the target for the group if he’s on the block against any of them he’s going home that is a legit thing he’s bringing to the table.
Frankie – ya ya we know you’re a monster

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Big Brother Spoilers “Christine.. if she goes home whatever” #WILDCARD

9:54pm FIREROOM Derrick, Zach and Cody
Zach – Christine.. if she goes home whatever.. I know things are changing dude.. I truly think I take a lot of heat off your guys back.,. you know that‘s something to bring to the table
They agree they don’t want Donny to go up he’s done enough pawn work.
Zach points out that 20 seconds after Zach won the HOH Caleb came up to him and said “You’re not putting up Amber right”
(They are pissed at Christine for not being a contributing member of the alliance. Christine told Cody she wanted Donny to go home this week This pisses Cody off)

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Big Brother Spoilers “I want to get blood on my hands… I don’t give a f** ” #WILDCARD

7:50pm BEEHIVE Zach and Frankie
They hug, Zach – “that was the best hung of my entire life”
Zach says he wanted to give Frankie 100% control in the HOH.
Zach – do we have a target
Frankie – you have to be the one that does it (Wins HOH)
Zach agrees
Frankie – you have to put up the people that we (my nominees) can beat
Frankie wonders if Zach should put up Donny and Jocasta.
Zach – I can’t put up Donny

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Big Brother 16 Week 4 summary of Events and HOH/Eviction results

Another nail biter of a week…

This is what happens when you have a super strong alliance that holds the power for weeks. Fear not sooner or later that alliance will blow up only two people can make it to the end. Something will happen to shake up the house it always does after all, this season is supposed to be the full of twist after twisted twist and we haven’t seen many twists so far.

Last Thursday Devin was evicted from the Big Brother house by a vote of 11-0. He says he’s excited to see his daughter as he exits the house.

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Donny says If I’m the sole HOH, I would nominate Caleb & Cody with the purpose to backd**r Amber.

In the kitchen – Donny tells Hayden if it was just 1 HOH I would go ahead and nominate Caleb with possibly Cody with the purpose to specifically back dooring Amber. And No one would suspect it. I would have reason to put up Cody too. You were the first to nominate me and the most current one to. And I would get to play in veto too. But this is only if it was just one HOH, I couldn’t nominate two power players if it was still the 2 HOHs. Caleb comes down and joins them and the conversation ends. Caleb says that he’s going to be the kitchen police from here on out.

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Frankie says if Caleb puts you on the block! You f**k Amber! Cody “yeah I would be all over her sh*t!”

12:30am – 1:20am In the living room – Frankie and Derrick are talking. Derrick says I love you buddy. Frankie says we will be friends inside and outside the house. The cameras switch to the HOH room where Christine, Cody and Zach. Christine tells them that Victoria admitted to liking Hayden. Zach says I am starting to really sweat Victoria. I think I have a better chance with Amber. They tell him he has a better chance with Victoria. Zach says I used to not like Victoria but after our blow up we’ve become really close. I am not going to say I like like Victoria because I like like Amber right now. Zach says I just feel like Amber and I are prefect for each other.

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Does Christine’s Big Brother hot guy list include Jeremy? “HELL NO face was ugly stupid tattoos”

9:55pm Kitchen Christine, Zach, Frankie, Nicole
They are talking about hot guys from past season.
Frankie is surprised they don’t think Jeremy from last year isn’t on the list his body was spot on.
Christine (See image) “HELL NO *Gag* I didn’t think he was cute at all.. I didn’t like anything about him.. Not attractive at all”
She says his tattoos were stupid and his body was just normal, “His face was ugly”
Zach ‘ You just judge everyone don’t you .. you’re a judger”
Christine says she only judges mean people
Victoria and Derrick join them. They are joking around about who everyones targets are. While pointing at Nicole Hayden

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Somber mood In the Big Brother 16 house Caleb – “Be Strong.. I’ll mourn with you”

My dearest Frankie WE love and miss you so much i’m sitting here with Nona, Arie and your cousin and are so sad to tell you that Grandpa lost his battle with cancer. Although it’s so difficult we thought it would be the right thing to tell you. We love you so much and want you to know that Grandpa said specifically a few days ago that if anything happens to him he wants Frankie to know how proud he is and he’s rooting for him to win.
Eventhough he had no idea what was going on on the show he was watching just for you, live feeds and all. He also insisted that no matter what happened he didn’t want it to interfere with your opportunity.

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Frankie finds out about the bad news “He’s watching from heaven it’s better than the live feeds”

3:28pm HOH Cody and Derrick
Cody – last day in here
Derrick – you gotta enjoy it
They both complain about their legs hurting after they drink.
Derrick says Victoria found out that Brittany is telling everyone to keep her in the house so she can get out VIctoria. Brittany is saying Victoria doesn’t deserve to be in the house. Victoria told Derrick she’s redoing her goodbye message, “Theres a natural hatred there”
Zach joins them.

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Caleb says Give a banana a chance?! Open it peel it! Frankie says wow, so you’re a pickle!

11:40am Caleb joins Frankie and Brittany over by the pool. Frankie calls Caleb a vision of gorgeousness. Frankie says that his type has never been a big muscle guy but after this he thinks he’ll go to a bar and find one like him. Frankie heads inside. Caleb tells Brittany I really hope that date last night with Amber wasn’t the real one because it really wasn’t worth eating the pickle for. Caleb says that he is going to put a pickle inside a banana and close it up to make it look like its a regular banana. It’s to show her that you can’t judge a book by its cover. That the outside doesn’t always match the inside. Brittany says oh that’s cute!

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Donny “There’s your first date station. You can tell your kids about it!” Amber says my first & last date!

9:50am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return.. Frankie is up in the kitchen cooking steel cut oatmeal. “I love looking at it, its like a little cho cho train.” Donny and Amber go out into the backyard and start putting down the awnings. As they walk up to the chairs set up Donny says there’s your first date station. The first of many. Amber says No No No Donny Don’t say that! Donny says you can tell you kids about it, how it was in the big brother house. Amber says Donny don’t say that! Amber says that’s my first and last date. I would have felt bad if I had said no. I would have felt awful! Suck it up! Whatever!

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