5:50pm HOH Zach, Frankie and Christine
Talking about going final 3. Frankie says Cody is really scared of noone taking him to the end.
Zach – No one is going to take him to the end.
Frankie, Christine agree.
Zach proposes they form a “Trust Circle” Frankie asks if he can stick his d!ck “in there” (See image). Zach explains when the trust circle is formed everything they say cannot be repeated. They start talking about m@sterb@tion. Christine is disappointed in the porn knowledge of the girls in the house. The girls claim they have never seen it before.
Zach asks if Victoria has ever touched “it”
Christine doesn’t know but she doesn’t think Victoria is as innocent as she tries to make herself look.
Zach says he’s going to call Victoria out tomorrow (About her second apartment she owns beside some celebrity)