12:15pm Lane and Hayden in jumanji room sleeping 12:19pm Enzo sleeping in the backyard.. he occasionally moves it’s riveting (Thats pretty much all they have been doing today in the BB house… ) 12:53pm Lane rolls over.. 2:00pm Still sleeping yo 2:35pm Enzo and Hayden are in the backyard.. Enzo tells Hayden even if Lane […]
Tag: Hayden Moss

Big Brother 12 – Getting real in the Big Brother house
5:35pm Pool nothing but pool talk and very little of that 5:40pm Enzo’s been sleeping most of the day. (Getting shunned is taking it’s toll on him) 5:45pm Hayden preparing the pork chops for dinner. Lane joins him outside. Hayden wonders how things would of been different if Brendon was the winner of that one […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Big Brother gave the BRA-GADE back their Pool Tournament Trophy…
10:20am – 10:30am Big Brother production tells Lane to change his batteries for his mic. Lane gets up and heads into the storage room. In the storage room Lane finds that Big Brother has given back their pool tournament trophy. Lane is pretty excited they finally get their trophy back, after spending the entire summer […]
Big Brother 12 Spoiler – Final HOH Results, Hayden wins 1/3
9:03pm Feeds are back Enzo is losing some serious hair yo 9:32pm Enzo while Lane cuts his hair “Be confident yo bang that shit out.. be confident”. Sounds like they play for the second HOH comp tomorrow. (From what I am seeing it looks like HAyden won the endurance comp) 9:50pm Lane studying with cards […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit is evicted, Brigade BATTLE IT OUT
Surprise of the Season Brit is evicted from the Big BRother house. The brigade are fighting it out in the endurance comp. What to know were the feed updates are? Read this post Click Here for PollOnline SurveyConjoint Analysis | Polls | Email Marketing | Crowdsourcing SoftwareView MicroPoll Click […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – S$x, Rachel and Enzo’s rule “The trick is to find hot girls that are loose”
TRY the 24/7 Feeds Life Feeds 3 DAYS FREE! 7:04pm Living Room The house They are talking about whats a acceptable number of people to have sex with. Enzo: “Ehh sometimes you find tight girls some times you find loose girls.. the trick is to find hot girls that are loose”. Lane: […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Enzo Learns to Fly a Plane, Enzo: “It smells like ass over here.. ohh sh!t is that me.. no”
2:46pm Kitchen Lane, Brit and Enzo There asking Lane if he could land a 747 if it’s pilot couldn’t. Lane thinks it would be pretty tough since he only flies little planes like Cessnas but he’s sure he would have a better chance then some regular person. Lane explains to them how the large planes have a lot of automatic features. Britney tells them a story about a pilot that told her they don’t let you use cell phones during take off and landings because they want people to pay attention of whats going on. Enzo wants to be detracted if the plane goes south, Enzo: “If I die I don’t want to know that I’m dead”. For the last 30 minutes Lane has been giving Enzo flying lessons. Lane tells Enzo that after the flying lesson Lane just gave him enzo has a good foundation to learn how to fly all he needs to do is take a course. Enzo agrees list off a bunch of new terms he learnt during Lanes lession, “taxi, wind speed, yaw, pitch”.. Live Feeds flip to Trivia.

Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney tells Lane that the girls will come up whispering telling him they want him to get inside their panties..
12pm – 12:25am Hayden goes back to the jumanji room to lie down in the bed next to Enzo. Britney is in the kitchen by herself playing with her bead picture maker. Lane is in the bathroom. Lane heads into the bedroom Lane, Hayden and Enzo talk about exchanging the cards, dominos, and all there […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: HG’s are on lock down ..Enzo thinks a celebrity is coming into the house..
10:20am – 11am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we will be right back screen. 10:40am The live feeds come back. Enzo is awake in the jumanji room talking about how he hears them banging out in the backyard. Enzo says that they’ve been on lock down for like two hours now. Enoz […]
Big Brother Nomination Results Final 4
3:30pm Kitchen, Britney and Lane Britney has found Enzo’s coin in the flowers by the table. This leaves just her and Lane trying to find each others coins. Britney tells him she needs the money more then he does because unlike him she’s probably going home this week. Lane tells her that they can split it so she can tell him where it is, Lane wants to split it 80/20 for him. Britney says no way she wants half. Lane doesn’t think Big Brother production will let him do that he remembers reading in the rule book you can’t split the winnings. Britney: “How are they going to stop you from mailing a cheque”. Britney: “Cmon Lane I need some kind of consolation prize I haven’t won a thing”. Lane: “Me to”. Britney tells him she’s mad at him for him telling her that she’s never going to find his coin and that she’s dub. Lane says she misunderstood what he meant. More flirtatious banter.
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: 11am the house guests are still dreaming about how to spend a half million dollars…
11am – 11:10am All of the house guests are sleeping. Big Brother Production still has not given them a wake up call. Enzo gets up to go to the wash room and then heads to the living room.. He looks at the camera and says he’s going to win the show and bring home 1/2 […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo says that he wants the title of winner of Big Brother more than the money.
11:50pm In the kitchen Hayden, Ragan, Britney, Lane and Enzo are all in the kitchen table playing with the new toys. Enzo and Lane leave and head out into the backyard. Both Enzo and Lane are tired of hearing everyone talk about Rachel all the time. Enzo says that it’s enough, yo! Lane says that […]