10:04pm Bedroom – Tiffany, Hannah, Kyland.
Kyland – Once it comes out and Claire is over there sitting as always the target. Claire didn’t know what was going on. Tiff – so they will know that they’ve always been the target since day one anyway. So who do you think should go? Kyland – this week? Tiff – no you or SB! They all laugh. Tiff – No, f**k that, next week. Ky – I think it depends on the targets. As of right now .. I am pretty sure that I am first or second on both their list so I don’t really care. I think it depends on the danger of winning and who is going to target who. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Ky – I think its safer to assume there will be.. just because that is a worst case as apposed to assuming there won’t be. Tiff – so maybe we should plan that their might be a battle back.