1:05 am Tiff and Hannah
Tiff – we needed to get some of those tough competitors out to win some comps
Tiff – DX would have won that comp yesterday
Hannah – he said he was really bad with motion sickness
Tiff – I thought I was too
Hannah – more than 2/3 done this game but we’ve only played a little more than half. We still have 6 evictions to final 2
Tiff is worried that Xavier told BIGD what she said about him. She saw them talking outside.
Tiff says Xavier is working with DF.
Hannah – BIGD has a final 2 with everyone besides me and you. If he has a final 2 with everyone he has a final 2 with no one
Hannah explains X knows this so he’s not going to share all his information with DF. “X is smarter than that and he’s definitely smarter than running to the person with the biggest mouth in this house”