3:10 pm Tiff, Claire and Kyland.
Tiff about Xavier’s Age “I mean 27 are you kidding me.”
Claire – he told me that Cody said he was 27 and he was 32.. I did not remember that. he really knew that.
Tiff – I have never seen a 27 year old SO disciplined he has the magnetic pull of an older person. Somebody that people listen to his leadership his discipline. 27 are you kidding. The way you were raised and your career have totally been parallel to give you that type.. to allow for that type of discipline. He’s overly experienced in life for a 27 year old”
Claire – he really open about not being open about this life
Ky – as a parent can you not ask for a picture of your kids
Tiff – as a parent HELL YEAH
Ky – ok, I think about that a lot
Claire – that he had a kid?