Bedroom. Britini and Azah are crying. Frenchie – keep the focus on me. You (Britini) lay low. I am serious, keep the focus on my. You lay low. Britini – I don’t you to leave. We got to find a way for both of us to stay. Frenchie points at his kids – see that girl right there, I get to go see her. Britini – I had a weird feeling as soon as he won HOH. Frenchie – hey you start ruffling feathers …let the focus stay on me. Let me do what I’ve got to do because I am going to blow some sh*t up. Britini – Okay. Frenchie – let me do it. Let me go home. Britini – I don’t want either one of us to go home. I am telling you right now if I get the veto I am using it on you. So you’re not going no where. Hey, I miss my family. I am okay. I get to go see my family.
Tag: Hannah Chaddha
“Go Sarah Beth, Go Sarah Beth, Go Sarah Beth”
2:52 pm Tiffany and Brinti
Britini – Sarah Beth Killed this comp she was amazing
Brit adds that she would have done the same thing as SB did and not taken it.
Tiddany says Sarah Beth likes her team she gets it she wouldn’t want to join a team of 3.
Brit – Nothing changed America nothing changed which means everybody can still go up less of a chance I am going up.. I hope
“There’s a two-headed dragon if not three.. one of those two evils has to leave”
8:53 am Tiffany and Sarah Beth
Tiff – you know how you watch BB and you realize there’s a big group and there’s a big bossy group and the not cool people the other side of the house that’s no in it that’s where we are .. The only way for us to really have a chance in this is to get a BIGGER target outta this house. Now, this isn’t my HOH I don’t know how this week is going to go. I don’t think in my head the HOH is on the bigger side either.. even if he thinks he is.
Tiff – today I am … I’m just going to be quiet and outsider. If I’m talking to anybody I’m really just listening I’m not talking
“He got his strong players he’s got BIGD, BRent he got X, he got Ky. The president ain’t even that protected”
1:00 am Kyland, Tiff, and Claire
Tiffany – they already started.. all I’m telling you is don’t promise things
she points out promises made to him last week weren’t upheld
feeds cut when we’re back
Kyland – relax stay calm and listen use my voice to my advantage
Kyland says he’s not telling anyone in the house they are good.
Kyland – I want to be chill I want to be listening
Kyland – I feel good with everybody in the house. Tomorrow my plan is to do you two or Frenchie first for a 20-minute block then I’ll do one on one after I do you guys and Frenchie
Azah “If people start going on a witch hunt, do you know the first name they’re going to scream? Frenchie!”
9:08pm The live feeds return.
In the bedroom – Azah is comforting Tiffany. Azah – the fake atmosphere was too much for me. It was too vague. Everyone was too fake. I couldn’t do it. I was trying .. I was trying .. I just couldn’t do it. Tiffany – that’s why I was .. its okay I know you got me. Azah – I was like BRA.. this Brent dude he controlled Frenchie’s HOH and got no blood on his hands at all. Frenchie got all the blood. Tiffany – Frenchie talks entirely too much! And if there is one thing that I don’t like .. I don’t like no talking a$$ man. Azah – yup. Tiffany – Shut up! Women talk! Women talk.
Big Brother 23 Spoilers – Week one Review and Eviction results
A solid start to a season. On one hand, Frenchie is insufferable on so many levels on the other hand he gave us plenty of crazy to have fun with. What would this week be like if Frenchie wasn’t HOH? I’ll put it this way Frenchie stayed up until 5 am every night and talked so much he lost his voice for 3 days. He had 5 different targets and made half a dozen alliances hence the nickname for the week: Frenchie the glue clown.
“There’s a big alliance out there.. Guys are involved and there’s a girl.. [Girls] that were not mentioned in [French kiss]”
10:20 am Tiffany and Azah
Tiffany tells her they are solid She won’t be upset at her for the little things, “Even if you put my black a$$ on the block I will understand it’s just a game. I will never be like I’m mad at her it’s just a game. Unless you do something personally against me ”
Azah – it’s the same way with me
Tiff – listen I’m an older lady I know humans I know people I am young at heart..
Tiffany adds unless Azah tries to ruin her game she’s cool with her “And I know you aren’t like that”
Azah – things are going to come that will test us.. by test us I mean people will plant seeds that spark paranoia
Tiff – no one will come and sway me to the other side
Alyssa “You’re a f**king savage bro! YO WE BE GOLDEN!” Frenchie “The 3 of us are f**king golden!”
11:10pm HOH Room. Christian, Alyssa and Frenchie.
Christian – we’re forced to work together now.. everyone already thinks we are. Alyssa – I told him if I do the wildcard everyone was like you can’t pick him (Christian) because that’s going to show your cards. Christian and Alyssa – Everyone already thinks it. Alyssa – and I trust him over SB and X. So why wouldn’t I?! Frenchie – I’m with the alliance but I have some reservations and my reservations are the same reservations that you just told me. And if this f**ks me then whatever! Alyssa – you’re good. We’re on the same page and he’s my teammate. Frenchie – it isn’t that I don’t trust him (X).. I just can’t figure it out.
Whit “I love that they want to target the guys! I’m down to throwing it to one of the girls.. accidently.”
7pm Bedroom. Whitney and Alyssa.
Whitney – Honestly I can’t wait for you to not be in the havenot room because being in there was such a disadvantage. Alyssa – I know because I don’t know anything. Whitney – you’re passed out and away from people. You don’t have the luxury of walking into a room with other people. Alyssa – yeah I didn’t even think of it like that. Whitney – yeah its a huge disadvantage. I thought of it like thank god I can sleep.. but game wise. Maybe I’ll sleep down here at night. Whitney – because most of the conversations that I’ve heard happen at 2 – 3am because most everyone is asleep. Alyssa – I think it would be better too because I’m on the block. Whitney – yeah although obviously you’re safe.
“We are the king slayers Our weapons of choice are fire and desire.”
10:03 am Claire, Tiffany, Britini and Azah
They form an alliance called the king slayer’s
“WE are the king slayers Our weapons of choice are fire and desire.”
Claire and Azah leave.
Britini – in terms of this all-girls alliance (French Kiss) you’re not a fan of it?
Tiffany – I don’t even want to talk about the girl’s alliance.. Frenchie started the girls alliance because he’s scared his a$$ is going on the block this week and he wants o make sure none of the girls vote against him and therefore he’ll be safe.
TIff – it’s not to protect us it’s to protect him
Frenchie “Am I seriously the only one that’s been arrested here?”
8:25pm – 9:20pm Living room. The house guests are playing the never have I ever game.
Xavier – never have I ever had an@l.
Never have I ever been arrested. Frenchie – am I seriously the only one that’s been arrested here? Big Brother blocks the feeds.
Never have I ever had s*x in a movie theatre. Alyssa – Oh my god, I just said that I would want to.
Xavier – never have I ever had s*x in my parents bedroom.
Whitney is up to 40 or something.
Frenchie – Never have I ever f**ked a guy.
Big D – Never have I ever used a s*x toy.
Claire – Never have I ever worked in a retail store.
Brent – Never have I ever used a whip in bed. Whitney – you guys are lame. I’m on 30 now ..this round. Frenchie – if you’re not leaving marks you’re not creating sparks.
“You remember black guy Devin who was waking people up in the middle of the night?.. you remember the bomb squad?”
5:47 pm DerekF and Tiffany
Tiff – you know who he reminds me of.. Who do you think?
DerekF – I want to say Dick
Tiff – he reminds me of the player that played the worst game
DerekF the worst?
Tiff – mmmhhmmm
DerekF – Ohh David
Tiff – DEVIN season 16 with when Derek won.. Cody? you remember the bomb squad?
DerekF – yea