9:10pm The live feeds return to the final three talking in the kitchen. Kaycee – I’m feeling that champagne. Not even tipsy, just relaxed. I am so glad we got that over with and to know that we don’t need to know the days or the faces. Tyler – hopefully! F**k! JC – so part 3 is live right? And I wait for you guys here? (Kaycee won part 2 of the 3 part HOH) Or do I sit outside seeing it? Tyler – I bet you get to watch. If its live. JC – I bet I know what its going to be .. its going to be physical.. why not everything else is physical. F**King, F**king swimming pool with sharks! Kaycee – great, I f**king lost.
Tag: Haleigh Broucher

Big Brother 20 Week 11 Summary and DOUBLE Eviction Results
This was the week that Level 6 started to break up there was also a “i love you” for those showmance fans. One more thing to note is Haleigh thinks she was staying so expect her to be blindsided again.. Once a HIVE always a HIVE.

“Everyone is going to vote out Sam. If you hear anything different can you tell me I don’t want to be blindsided”
*** UPDATED ****
10:25pm JC and Haleigh
H – where’s your head at for tomorrow.. where your thoughts are
JC – I haven’t talked to anyone today
Halegih – I talked to Angela and she thinks that everyone is going to vote out Sam. Brett told me similar he wants me to stay here..
H – Tyler told me he wanted me here and he thinks everyone is going to vote to keep me.. this is what they are telling me so I don’t know
JC – I haven’t talked game today
Haleigh says she talked to Kaycee and she said if it’s a tie she’s keeping Haleigh.
JC – ok
H – so maybe just talk to Brett if you want for that confirmation
Jc – yeah of course..
Haleigh – if you hear anything different can you please tell me I don’t want to be blindsided..
JC – yeah for sure.. people make up their minds Thursday morning that’s for sure if I hear anything I will come tell you that’s for sure

Sam “It may seem stupid to y’all but I am bound by a pinky promise, even if you spit in my face”
1:25pm Tyler and Sam on the stairs.
Tyler – I know you’re sketched out with me because you don’t look me in the eye any more. Its fine. I just need you to know that if you win this week.. no matter what you want to do even if it’s some crazy sh*t that might not look like something I want to do. Does that make sense? Sam – yeah, well I already have a plan. Just in case. Tyler – you just have to trust me. I know what’s going on. I just need you to trust me. I support you no matter what. Sam – okay. Tyler – does that make sense? Are you reading my mind. Sam – I am going to be myself and do what I think is best based on what I am able to back up because my imagination.. my gut feelings or whatever.

Brett “Whoever sends Angela out.. all those votes that were gone could be back.”
**** UPDATED *****
8:35pm Storage room. Brett & Tyler.
Brett – the girls have been so good to us and I feel like they’re loyal as F**k! Tyler – I know I have been trying to test it out to see if there is any sign of them not wanting to be with us in the final four.. and they’ve never given me any.. Brett – I know, I feel like they do. And we could deviate and increase our odds but at the same point we are guaranteed if we just stick to the plan. Stay loyal, don’t stir it up. But at the same time yeah we piss off Sam and JC but the likely hood of them winning and coming back after us is so small. But at the same point .. I know if we get past a couple HOH’s we’re going to beat JC and Sam. We’re going to have some bitter a$$ jury votes. Tyler – thats what.. the jury already hates us.

“I just think I can be more beneficial than [Sam] in the long run. I’m really genuinely thinking that”
3:50pm Haleigh and Angela
H – I just don’t know how to do this week..
A – when did you want to start talking to people
H – I don’t know.. the only thing.. everyone knows how she is.. unpredictable, rash, up and down.. (Sam)
H – as far as jury goes she was the only one to keep 2 and rockstar thinks she kept her.. that’s what Scottie said
H – I think I played the game and she’s getting away with throwing comps siting back
H – she’s throwing comps because she can get away with it
H – I think if she would have gotten in power you and I would have been in danger
A – she says I wouldn’t be but.. mmmmmm
H – I’m with you.. you and kaycee.. I just want you all feel comfortable with what you all do
A – I think how things have gone down this week has kinda smoothed everything over.. we’ve all taken our shot
H – The house will be a lot more enjoyable to live in

Power of Veto Ceremony Results “She’s banking on the fact that everyone talked sh1t about Sam”
2:15pm Brett and Tyler
Brett – dude, noms are locked
T – deuces
Brett – JC wants one of the girls out
Brett – JC wants us Final 3 final 4…
they laugh taht JC just wants the girls out
T – he just doesn’t like females”
B – he hates females..
T – I think even if Sam put one of us up next to Angela the target is Angela
T – yeah that is what I am thinking
T – Angela and Kaycee 100% want us in final 4
B – I don’t know dude I just had a moment today where I got really f*ing nervous.. Halegih started laughing and Kaycee got really nervous
T – yeah skaycee got nervous

JC “She is one ungrateful b***h is what she is! To give me looks!! Seriously?!”
9:19pm Backyard. JC and Brett. JC – Haleigh is asking me about this week. Brett – she hasn’t said anything to me. JC – I think she is waiting till tomorrow. Brett – Kaycee’s going to keep noms the same right? JC – she’s not that stupid. She doesn’t want to do anything to piss off Angela or stuff like that. But she is about to explode. She is the new Rockstar. Brett – I keep thinking about hypotheticals and like f**k dude, I hope they don’t do something crazy. JC – we’re fine. We make it through nominations and then we do damage control. Worst case scenario is Angela wants to make a move to take you out. We could work out the votes.

Big Brother 20 Videos From Home & No More Havenots!
2:10pm Kaycee gathers everyone in the living room. Kaycee reads the card. “This weeks havenots are….. NOBODY!!!” Congratulations the havenots are over for the summer!! LETS GO!!!!! All the house guests cheer! Sam – I think I might keep the big saucer as my bed. Is anyone opposed to that?! Haleigh – you don’t want your bed? Sam – no. It gets darker in there. Kaycee – we made it guys!! Sam to JC – why aren’t you happy? Oh you just woke up? JC nods. They joke about how funny it would have been if JC was named havenot again this week. Kaycee – you know what I was thinking about that they do some seasons… home videos.

Power Of Veto Competition Results! “I know I did really bad”
*** updated ***
3:08am Tyler and kaycee
They talk about the plan being Haleigh, Sam then JC.
Tyler doesn’t like the confident JC has thinking that he has BRett.
Kaycee agrees notes that JC doesn’t have brett at all.
Tyler – I’m telling you if JC F*ing wins.. He’ll try whatever he can to get two of you up there..
Kaycee doesn’t think JC will win on Thursday.
Tyler about JC ‘He literally thinks he’s control everything”
They agree JC has been on the right side of the vote but it’s them that control everything.
Tyler says JC will be pissed when he finds out about level 6

“we have 5 outta 6 percent odds here. That’s like a 84% chance.. she goes home..”
12:41pm Just chit chat…
Haleigh asks him where is a spot they take girls on dates..
Brett – I almost always go sushi never met a girl that doesn’t like Sushi
Brett – I’ve never met a girl that goes No I don’t like sushi.. .it’s the perfect first date.. it’s clean it’s little..
Kaycee – and if they don’t like sushi this isn’t going to work
Brett – that to
Brett doesn’t want to go for spaghetti and ribs on their first meal
Brett – sushi every time .. then we’re going dancing ..

Big Brother 20 Nomination Results! “We’re going to get f**ked by a twist!”
Bedroom. Brett and Tyler. Tyler – we’re going to get f**ked by a twist! Brett – I just keep running hypothetical through my mind like what is going on. Like everyone is too hunky dory. Haleigh – goes whats the point of me even unpacking? I’m like, you’re right. Tyler – still got a veto. Brett – one of has win this veto tomorrow. Tyler – I’m going to. Sh*ts crazy. Brett – we have to start practicing days too. Tyler – agrees.