During last the last season of Big Brother, there were a lot of controversial moments that resulted in a number of the house guests being fired from their places of employment due to their words and actions inside the house. A few of the house guests displayed racial, homophobic and misogynistic views inside the house which obviously upset the viewing public and forced the network to display a disclaimer preceding each of the 3 weekly episodes.
Tag: GinaMarie Zimmerman

Big Brother 16 Spoilers: New Commercials “WE’VE GOT YOUR SUMMER FIX!”
The Canadian television network Global has released a few new Big Brother 16 commercials to promote the new season of big brother that premieres on June 25th, 2014. The première will be a TWO-NIGHT PREMIÈRE event with the first on Wednesday, June 25th and the second on Thursday, June 26th. In the new commercials there isn’t any new information released about the season, however, we expect the photos/video of the newly re-designed Big Brother house to be released around Monday, June 16th. In addition, we expect that the new cast of big brother 16 will be released around Wednesday, June 18th.

Big Brother 16 Promo Commercial – Judd: “There’s nowhere to run, there’s nowhere to hide!”
The première episode of Big Brother 16 is fast approaching and we’re excited to share with you another promotional commercial that aired on Global, the Canadian Television network during the Survivor finale. We expect a lot more commercials to be released in the coming days over the next month before the première on June 25th. The first commercial aired earlier in the week and if you missed it you can watch it here: “You know its summer when Big Brother is ON!”

Big Brother 15 Interviews, News, Scandals and MORE.. PART 2!
After just over a week since the finale the cast of Big Brother 15 have just begun to digest how the fans viewed their experience inside the BB house over the last 3 months. While some are in denial about their words and actions others have taken ownership of their mistakes and are trying to grow from the experience. Below are a number of new interviews and articles about the cast since they’ve left the Big Brother world.
During the BB15 wrap party a number of the Big Brother Canada season 1 cast joined the party and got mixed up in some of the drama.

Big Brother 15 – After the FINALE Interviews and MORE.. “I love my job so much and $500,000”
The finale episode of Big Brother 15 concluded last night but the reality of real life outside the house is just now hitting the cast of the most controversial season of Big Brother. After being locked away from the outside world for 3 months the final 3 and jury members are now trying to make sense of how the viewing public perceived their comments and actions inside the house. It is likely going to take time for the cast to grasp the full extent of their action and comments from this social experiment. It is hard to imagine being locked in a house with extreme personalities all competing, lying and backstabbing for the chance to win a half million dollars. With time to reflect and finally see with their own eyes what transpired throughout the season, it will be interesting to see how the cast reacts and which of the house guests own up to their actions. Below is a collection of interviews of the cast that will be added to as more are released.

Big Brother 15 Finale Results and Discussion
After what is arguably one of the most controversial seasons of Big Brother we have made it to finale night where either Andy Herren, Ginamarie Zimmerman or Spencer Clawson will be crowned the winner and be awarded the $500,000 grand prize. Spencer is known for breaking the record for the number of times on the […]

The FINAL 3 say Goodbye – Andy says Don’t vote for Elissa she was the WORST PLAYER EVER!!
9am – 9:55am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feed return the final 3 house guests are in the living room on the couch. Andy comments that he still needs to pack and pick out his outfit for tonight. He says our families are in LA now. Andy says they’re still building in the backyard. Andy wonders how long they will be locked down for? Spencer says probably the usual amount of time. Andy says imagine if we are out in the backyard with people and they want to come through the house. It’s a mess and I don’t feel like cleaning today. Spencer says oh hell no. They talk about how Judd applied for a bunch of different reality shows The Hero, The real world, Survivor, Big Brother.. Andy comments that Elissa came in here oblivious that she was an a$$hole. Amanda at least knew she was an a$$hole. What’s worse? Gina says Amanda because she could turn it off and on, whereas Elissa had no idea she was an a$$hole. Andy says how great was it that we got rid of them both within an hour?

The Hottest Cast ever, lets get a M@sterb@tion station and I got Freddie smarts
9:58pm Kitchen Andy and GM
Andy – “Everything’s still fine right”
GM – “Yes”
Andy – “You have to understand there’s so much money.. I’m just like Ohh my God”
GM – “DR told me if I change my mind I have to tell them.. I’m like no no no no”
Andy – “I feel like they want it to be more indecisive.. I’m like no I know.. i’m done”
GM – “They said well if you change your mind you have to tell us.. I’m like ya ya ya ya”
Andy – “They they said.. what about Spencer.. I’m like (See image of Andy above)
GM – “Umm sorry”
They both laugh
Andy – “Oh my got tomorrow at this time one of us will have 50 grand the other will have 500 grand.. oh my god”
10:08pm Bathroom GM and Andy Bullshitting each other how solid they are for final 2.
Andy – “says Oh my god even 50 thousands will change my life”

Gina says Amanda had the worst sportsmanship ever! If you’re so upset, then win something you fat b***h!
1:35pm Andy, Spencer and Ginamarie are waking up. Andy asks why Ginamarie is up. She says she figures we have to go upstairs soon anyways. Andy asks did they actually confirm the finale was on the 18th? Spencer says yeah. Spencer tells Ginamarie that he hair looks lovely. How long did that take you? Gina says all day, all night. Spencer asks production – We’re all ready can we just go upstairs to take a seat? No answer. Spencer comments that the luffa that Gina gave him, he’s never used and can’t find it. Spencer says I think McCrae took it. Gina says f**king klepto, he took everything. Gina comments that McCrae took Andy’s gummy bears too. She says that’s not right. Andy says in all fairness I went against him after being loyal to him the whole game. Spencer agrees and says Andy has a good point. The final 3 discuss past competitions.

“How embarrassing if you poop the bed on the Big Brother live feeds” -Andy
12:00AM Kitchen Spener and GM
GM – “GM Green apple’s not bad.. “
Spencer – “The skittle”
GM – “Ya.. i’m eating them by colour”
S – “Dude If i had 50K Marilyn and I would be set
GM – “Really.. if i had 500 thousand I would be set.. Oh my god.. oh my god.. it’s like right there”
GM – ‘I don’t think … like.. I don’t think Andy will take me solid.. that is why I need to win for myself to make sure I have a spot’
S – “you don’t… I hope you do win for yourself.. if you do win I know you are not taking Andy you are taking me we’re solid ’
GM – ‘ya’

Andy says Jeremy could take you to plow town. Spencer says he’s big enough you would have to lay there and let it happen.
4:10pm Spencer, Andy and Ginamarie are sitting around the kitchen table talking about the past house guests. They discuss the medications that the other house guests were taking. Ginamarie says that Amanda was a crazy b***h. People back in New York think I am crazy but this b***h takes the cake. Spencer says that it worries him the amount of Adderall medication that Aaryn and Amanda were taking. He says maybe if they have a credible doctor but I worry about the long term affects. Spencer says that he feels Kaitlin had the potential to be crazy, like cut your d**k off crazy. Spencer says lets have a I bet they could f**k your brains out conversation about the memory wall. Andy says I am going to go with the obvious answer and say that Jeremy could f**k your brains out. Spencer says he agrees.. he is big and had the cardio .. he is big enough that you would just have to lay there and let it happen. Andy says okay Amanda. Gina says eww not with her flabby a$$.

Spencer- “Eye socket jobs are fantastic but they are hard to come by”
12:00AM The exterminators
Talking about the best dress house guest award going to ELissa. Spencer says the pajamas she wears made her look like a genie, “You know those where expensive as f*****.
Best smile goes to.. Spence r- “Aaryn and a nice smile.. Jessie had a cute smile.. Aaryn had nice teeth” GM – “Aaryn had a weird mouth.. I don’t like her bottom mouth” Andy – “Aaryn”. GM – “OK Aatyn had the best smile”
Best facial Hair award goes to Spencer. GM – “McCrae looked liked a dirty prostitute.. salesman p$dophile”
Best accent award goes to JUDD, Andy – “JUDD was a mumbler” Spencer- “A bad mumbler”
Best dressed boy. GM – “Goes to Andy because of his shirts.. JUDD had a fancy style” Spencer – “He did have a fancy smile”