POV Holder: ? Next POV April 20th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 22nd HOH Winner: Emmett Next HOH: April 25th Original Nominations: ? Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest Peter Have Nots No Have Nots this Week 10:03pm Kitchen everyone but Andrew who’s in the Diary room Talla tells them she needs to take […]
Tag: Gary Levy

Big Brother Canada Spoilers – A cucumber, A cigarette, A TallaTini “It’s a hot tub Night”
POV Holder: ? Next POV April 20th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 22nd HOH Winner: Emmett Next HOH: April 25th Original Nominations: ? Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest Peter Have Nots No Have Nots this Week 7:35pm Jillian Showering very close to a nip slip.. 7:35pm Andrew and Gary chit chatting.. Andrew fills […]

Emmett tells Andrew he’s going up on the block. Andrew says you’re a PR!CK, that’s SH*T!
12:40pm Andrew and Emmett are still playing their chess game. Andrew says that he is like Alec waiting for him impending doom. Emmett wins the game.
Emmett tells Andrew that he wants to put him up on the block. Andrew says you’re a PRICK .. I think that’s sh*t! Emmett says that he just can risk Jillian going up and having to sit back and watch it happen. Andrew says I thought this week because of Gary coming back .. Andrew says I just hate that Talla gets what she wants.. I am only with Talla because there is no one else to be with.. trust me I hate it! Andrew says that’s fine put me up .. just let me be cranky about it. Emmett tells Andrew to just win the veto. Andrew says I don’t really care if I win it .. I just don’t want Gary to win it. Emmett tells Andrew I just can’t put Talla up because if you win it and take Talla off .. then I would have to put up Jillian.

Big Brother Spoilers Gary Back in the HOUSE Andrew: “We just did this week”
11:34pm POOL Talla and Andrew
Andrew wanting to get Gary out this week.
Andrew: “We just did this week.. instead of Emmett it was jillian and instead of GAry it was Peter”
ANdrew: “Canada voted this week and GAry is back… I would probably have voted Gary back if I was Canada”
Andrew: “People are watching this writing about this.. BLOGS? who knows what what’s going on”
Andrew: ‘Imagine if GAry had won HOH you would be safe.. and I would be screwed with Emmett”
They both feel like crap.. being on have nots is wearing them out.
Andrew tells her they need to win POV get some sleep tonight. If Gary wins the POV one of them is going home.
Andrew: “The thing that sucks about Emmett and Jillian being HOH is they spend the entire day up in the HOH”

Big Brother Canada Spoilers: EVICTION / HOH Results!
Big Brother Canada Live EVICTION Episode: April 4th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT
On the block for eviction tonight are: Emerald “Topaz” Brady and Gary Levy.
PREDICTION: GARY is evicted. Both Topaz and Gary have been very calm this week as each of them figure they are staying this week. We will see quite the reaction from Gary if he is evicted this evening. The house dynamic will change if Gary is evicted tonight as he brings a lot of excitement and personality to the house.

Big Brother Spoilers move over The Shield here comes The Buck Chargers
POV Holder: Andrew Next POV April 6th POV Used No POV Ceremony April 1st HOH Winner: ANDREW Next HOH: April 4th Original Nominations: Gary & Topaz Current Nominations: Gary & Topaz Last Evicted Houseguest Aj Have Nots Gary, Peter, Topaz, Emmett (used Slop Pass) 9:40AM bedroom Emmett and Jillian Emmett says they are closing the […]

Gary is suddenly worried Talla is the swing vote and that he might go home..
8:50pm Gary talks to Jillian in the bathroom about how he just saw Alec and Talla talking outside and they changed the subject to chicken as soon as he came out. Gary is worried because Talla will be the swing vote and if Alec is talking to Talla he thinks he is getting her to vote to keep Topaz. Jillian goes to the storage room with Emmett. Gary comes in and talks to them about how he hates the vote comes down to Talla. Emmett tells Gary to not fight with Talla then.

Big Brother Canada Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery April 3, 2013
Big Brother Canada live feed Gallery. Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s hundreds added each day enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on […]

Big Brother Canada Spoilers: Alec and Topaz start making out..
5:50pm Talla is up in the HOH room listening to Andrew’s music and dancing. Andrew comes up and talks to Talla. Talla tells Andrew about her conversation with Emmett and Jillian. Andrew tells Talla that the other are talking to her just in case she wins HOH. Andrew says they aren’t talking to me because I have no power and can’t go for the next HOH. Talla tells Andrew that we needs a final four name. Andrew says what about the beauty and the beasts. Talla says no, I was thinking the buck chargers. Andrew asks the butt chargers? Talla says not the buck chargers because we are charging and we are bucks. It’s a good name! Andrew heads downstairs to go to the hot tub with Emmett. Talla continues dancing.

Big Brother Canada Gary tells Topaz that Talla is fu*king me hard to get me out next week!
2:25pm Topaz is talking to Gary in the bedroom. Gary tells Topaz that Talla is fu*king me hard to get me out next week. These people are mother fu*kers, I trusted Talla! This could all be a test from Alec to see if he can trust me for next week. You know how he likes to test people and he is probably trying to see if I will go run and freak out on Talla. Gary says that he like that he can tell Topaz everything. Gary asks Topaz if she has heard anything. Topaz says that Alec keeps telling her that he is trying. She says that can’t trust Talla because she is never in the loop. Topaz says that she is going to have a talk with Alec today in the havenot room. Topaz tells Gary that she hasn’t thrown him under the bus at all. Gary says that he isn’t throwing her under the bus either ..I am just trying to plant some seeds for next week.

Big Brother Canada Spoilers The Prince of Darkness
POV Holder: Andrew Next POV April 6th POV Used No POV Ceremony April 1st HOH Winner: ANDREW Next HOH: April 4th Original Nominations: Gary & Topaz Current Nominations: Gary & Topaz Last Evicted Houseguest Aj Have Nots Gary, Peter, Topaz, Emmett (used Slop Pass) 12:30pm Living Room Peter, Talla and Alec Peter tells Talla as […]

Andrew says If there’s a twist Alec and Peter are going up “at one point someone is getting scr$wed”
POV Holder: Andrew Next POV April 6th POV Used No POV Ceremony April 1st HOH Winner: ANDREW Next HOH: April 4th Original Nominations: Gary & Topaz Current Nominations: Gary & Topaz Last Evicted Houseguest Aj Have Nots Gary, Peter, Topaz, Emmett (used Slop Pass) 9:30am Kitchen Andrew, Peter, Alec and Topaz Andrew: ‘DAy 42 3rd […]