6:15pm Living Room Emmett and Andrew
Emmett: “what if I tell you.. listen Andrew you’re going home and I do it openly where he can hear”
Emmett adds that he’ll start swearing to Andrew saying things like “F**k you.. I thought we were working together”
Andrew: “Ya we could do that.. I was just telling Jillian her and Talla could go to Gary say to him if he keeps the nominations the same they’ll vote out Andrew and target Emmett next week. (Andrew is telling Emmett the same plan he told Jillian)
Emmett doesn’t think it makes sense..
Andrew explains again his plan. Emmett mentions that they can really stress to Gary how much more exposure he’ll get by being on the block during the eviction show than if he uses the POV.
Andrew: “Have you told Jillian that one.. or did you just make it up”
Emmett laughs “we Gotta make it work or we’ll have to send your a$$ home”
Andrew says in all honesty what are their chances of getting Gary to not use the Veto. Emmett: “I dunno.. you have to look at it like what does GAry benefit from not using it”