11:20pm The live feeds come back and the house guests are hanging out and chatting. Danielle and Andrew are talking on the couch. Danielle is frustrated that she is the target this week. Peter, Alec, Liza Talla and Aj are in the kitchen talking about the endurance competition. In the bathroom Jillian is showering. Gary and Aneal congratulate her on winning the endurance competition. Gary says that he tried to copy her pose but still couldn’t hang on and knew she wasn’t going anywhere. They talk about how bad they felt for Kat and how Big Brother didn’t even give her time to pack up her stuff .. that the other house guests had to help her.
Tag: Gary Levy

Big Brother Canada Live Eviction / HOH Results!
Tonight is the very first Live Eviction episode for Big Brother Canada. This is only the second day of the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds and already so much has happened as the house guests entered the house earlier this week. By chance Suzette won the Head of Household title by answering the telephone first when it rang. Part of this seasons twist is that there is a telephone located in the storage room and when it rings the person that answers it will be given a task to complete. If they successfully complete the task they will be rewarded but if they fail to complete the task they will be punished. Suzette’s task was to keep it a secret that she won HOH and to nominate two house guests based on first impressions. Suzette nominated Tom & Emmett for eviction. During the Power Of Veto Tom won the POV and removed himself from the block during the Power of Veto Ceremony. As a result Suzette nominated Kat as the replacement nominee.

Big Brother Canada: Liza notices the camera on them and says it’s just waiting for a n*p slip.
2:30pm – 3pm Alec tells Topaz that he isn’t wearing any underwear. Gary then tries to pull down his pants. Andrew, Topaz, Alec, Liza and Aj are in the kitchen chatting and eating. Andrew starts talking about what they were told to wear and wonders if they will have an endurance competition tonight. AJ says that he thinks he is going to be nominated but says that if the guys win HOH he will be safe. Meanwhile in the bedroom: Peter, Danielle, Tom, Emmett, Gary are talking about random stuff. Liza and Andrew join them. Andrew and Jillian are in bed talking about if he won HOH and how he isn’t sure who he would put up on the block. Liza thinks that there is a major twist that is coming that Canada knows about and we don’t. Andrew isn’t sure. Liza says that they don’t want there to be a clean sweep so there is going to be a twist to change things up.

Big Brother Canada Kat Tries to rally the girls “We hold the power we have the vag!na’s”
10:43AM Aneal and Kat
Kat warns him if he gets caught in a lie he’s fu**ed. she doesn’t want to screw his game over so she’s going to be very careful what she says. Kat: “I don’t want to open a box that you can’t close again” Aneal: “It’s going to be really hard walking around with our secret” Kat: “Ya I totally get that”
Aneal tells her he’ll let her know how the votes are going right before the eviction. Kat is just worried about messing Anael up. They head inside.
(Kat plans on dropping bombs when she’s evicted today in the hopes that it does a) helps her out if she comes back in and b) helps Aneal out)

Big Brother Canada Kat Fine i’ll drink your milk and fart on you all day.. you F***er
9:24AM Backyard Kat and Aneal
Kat saying that she’s been working on Alec last night. Kat goes back to coaching Aneal.. She’s acting like she has the entire house figured out.
Kat is telling him to leak some information to Liza to see where it goes. She plans on dropping bombs before she leaves today.
Aneal: “I think I should drop a bomb in the F***ing house”
Kat: “I think you should talk to Liza let her know give it a few days see if it goes really public.. and if it doesn’t tell Tom and Emmett.. and I will say”… Talla joins them acting all upset because Andrew was giving her a hard time for being lactose intolerant. Apparently Big Brother hasn’t given them very much Milk. Aneal mentions that they haven’t been given milk for 8 days. Talla goes on and on about being lactose intolerant and how Andrew bugs her about it.
Kat suggests she says: “Fine i’ll drink your milk and fart on you all day.. you F***er” Talk moves to the HOH comp today. Aneal: “I don’t think HOH is endurance otherwise they would be building it”

Big Brother Spoilers – Have you ever had s$x with a random person at your tanning salon?
11:46AM BBT Kitchen lisa, tom, emmett, Danielle.
Tom is talking to Lisa about the tanning salon business.. “ have you ever had s$x with a random person at your tanning salon?” Lisa answers no.. Tom: “cause when my girlfriend was a manager at a tanning salon I would go in there during my lunch break… “ (Hinting that he would ‘bone’ her)
Houseguests milling around the kitchen talking about how awesome it will be tomorrow that they all can compete in the HOH Comp. The you tuber Peter is telling Danielle that he thinks that tomorrow’s comp is going to be a quiz. He start rattling out reasons why tomorrows comp is not physical because if it was he they would have set up practice time for them. Danielle “Oh… Oh Cool… That’s Cool… Oh Oh Cool…. “
Emmett and Peter comment about how “Crappy” the protein powder is.. Apparently it’s “Iso Crap “ and not “Whey” (I think Iso crap is actually the more expensive superior protein)

Big Brother Canada Live Feeds: Alec says that he was just joking when he said that we needed to bone.
10pm Big Brother Time: When the live feeds start for the first time a bunch of the house guests are sitting around the living room talking about random stuff. Out by the hot tub Gary is talking to Kat? Kat talked about about how she thought the others made too big of a deal about blood on the toilet. Kat says that she was brought up differently and said that it’s a sanitary issue for her. They finish up their smoke and head back inside.
10:15pm Topaz, Liza, Aneal and Gary are all in the bedroom. Liza is changing while Aneal and Gary talking. Topaz tells them that they are going to play games like Truth or Dare tonight after they finish up their vd’s. Aneal asks if they should throw HOH. Gary says no because they are coming after me (Gary). Gary says that Liza wants him to win so that he can do her dirty work. Aneal says that he is going to win it. Gary you better invite me up there with you. They talk about how everyone is talking about throwing the HOH. Aneal and Gary start talking about voting tomorrow. Aneal says that he thinks it will end up being a 12 – 0 vote. (Tom used the veto and took himself off the block and Kat was named as the replacement nominee.)

Big Brother Canada: GARYEXTRAORDINARY & S*X Facts
With the release of the identities of the Big Brother Canada cast comes more information about the cast members. On the US version of Big Brother there are always a few cast members that have youtube channels documenting their life, talents or their wacky sense of humor and the cast of Big Brother Canada is no different. Already surfaced are the youtube channels of Gary Levy and Peter Brown.

Meet the 15 Cast Members of Big Brother Canada!
Big Brother Canada starts in just one week from today and true to the US version the Big Brother cast information was released one week before the premiere. The below are the identities of the 15 Canadians that were chosen during casting auditions to live in the big brother house to compete for 10 weeks for the chance to win the grand prize of $100,000.