5:05pm Cam 3-4 Janelle and Dan Chessboard Janelle telling him that Danielle is safe this week her three will be voting off JoJO.. Janelle says she’s going to be really nervous of Dan goes because it will be only Brit and Boogie..
Janelle: “The word out on the street is that she’s staying.. for now.. but I think she’s staying .. actually I’m pretty sure she’s staying””
They can hear Jojo talking downstairs. Janelle brings up that they will not have to hear JoJo’s voice after this Thursday.
Janelle: “I hung around her the first week and she’s just So MEAN”
Dan makes a reference about JoJO being a lot like Michelle from his season.
Janelle says that Britney’s picks were really bad.. Jojo is unlikable, Willie was a a$$ and Shane is the ultimate Target. Dan says that Shane is strong but that is about it. He mentions that Shane is a lot like “That dude” from Janelle’s season that they tried and tried but could never get out. Janelle: “Who James.. yes he’s a lot like him” (Boogie and Dan had talked about working this angle with Janelle)