10:30am – 10:50am When the feeds finally come back.. Frank and Joe are in the arcade room talking. Frank tells Joe that wants Dan out. Frank says that he will give him the vote to vote out Dan. Frank says that Dan is the double crosser, he is the one that got Danielle, Shane and Ian to put him on the block. Frank says that he was hurt, that Boogie deserved at least a 4-3 vote. Frank says that Dan was pretty much threatening Ian, and that Ian couldn’t even see that or understand that. Frank says that hopefully moving for I can find people to work with. Joe says that when the time is right, let me know and I can do what I can to help. Joe says he is in a tough spot and if he can help he will. It will be in our best interest to help each other. Joe says can I ask what Dan did? Frank says that it started off as the week Frank was up against Joe and Dan said all week that he was working getting me the votes. He told us 100% that it was rock solid that I had Danielle vote. Then right before the reset, he told Boogie that he had to push it, your boy was going home. Then after the reset he told Boogie that two company, three’s a crowd. So that was why he was trying to get Danielle vote me out. Frank continues to give other reasons why he can’t trust Dan and how Dan manipulated people.
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