“I’m glad to sit this one out .. a nice good old classic Cameron win”

8:57 am Feeds return after Veto players were picked. Felicia picked Blue. MEME picked America, Jag is hosting.
Jag – Blue gets houseguest choice..
Corey – I don’t think it’s that surprising They spend a lot of time in the comic room. Cirie and Blue.
Corey – I don’t think Blue will use it.
Coey – I’m glad to sit this one out
Jag – same
Corey – a nice good old classic Cameron win.. Maybe Matt.. Actually I want America to win
Jag – A new person winning would be cool

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Cam “In no way shape or form is anyone in this room going to be put on the block as a pawn. Not f**king happening.”

5:48pm – 6pm HOH room – Felicia, Bowie, Matt and Jag.
Bowie – She (Felicia) is paranoid! We were sitting outside in silence and she was like well I’ll sit over here so you can talk. We were like you can sit here. And then he (Cam) was like I’ve got a room if we need to talk. Its like Izzy, the way they go about getting votes is bizarre. Cam – no she is not trying to get votes. She is sulking. Bowie – but that is not how you get votes. Cam – I could tell you what she pitched to me but it was f**king bizarre.. BB blocks the feeds. Cam – I definitely know who I want to leave this week and we all agree who we want to leave this week. And in no way shape or form is anyone in this room going to be put on the block as a pawn. Not happening. Not f**king happening. Which leaves us the choice of about three people. Jag – Cory, America, Blue, Cirie. Cam – in that scenario the only person I see surviving and Felicia definitely going home because of us is Blue.

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Bowie – “It’s so much more pleasant in here now” **updated**

11:00 am Bowie and Cam
Cam says this past month all the sh1t they’ve been through he’s always thought “Man Bowie’s always there dude”
Bowie I was looking at the wall I”m always mad looking at that wall seeing REDs face. I’m like F*** that sh1t
Cameron – that pisses me off
Bowie – I’m still mad about it.
Cam – when you look back at this that HOH I won the live one when I walked back in with the key I was LIVID LIVID
Bowie – I was LIVID
Cam – so pissed

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Felicia – I got to figure out how to get 4 votes.. It depends who he sits my a$$ next to. **updated**

Felicia – those same conversations you have at 3 in the morning you can have at 3 on the afternoon.
They laugh
Felicia – I said tomorrow when they wake them all up at 7:30 for the veto they’ll all be mad.
Felicia – I got to figure out how to get 4 votes.. It depends who he sits my a$$ next to. I’ll know if he wants me gone based on who I sit next to.
Felicia says if they get the backyard today they know veto is in the basement. If it’s closed they know it’ll be in the backyard.
Felicia – they don’t have time to build OTEV
Cirie – what is OTEV again?
Felicia explains “You find the face.. Climb up the rope and get to the top.. each time they get rid of the rope”

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“If we would make an actual list it would look like Felicia, MEME, Blue, Corey, America, Cirie, Bowie. “

Cameron is going on about how unstoppable the three of them are.
Matt – you can’t play next week but you got me and Jag. PLUS we got the layers..
Cameron – we got this we just gotta stay smooth.
Cameron – this week is about planning. we play and have a good time. We know what needs to happen we make it happen. We get ready.
Matt leaves
Cameron to the camera “Daddy’s home”

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CAMERON WON The Head Of Household! “I think he is going to stick with the plan.”

11:12pm – 11:20pm Bathroom – Jag, Matt, Cory and Bowie.
Cory – as long as things don’t go off the rails this is best case scenario. Next 8 people total are playing and its 5 of 8. And the next likely person to win a comp is Cameron and he is not playing which obviously him winning is not that bad. We have a great, great shot. Bowie – I am looking forward to next week. If we get to play. If we’re still here. I just realized I was talking like that. Jag – you’re good. Matt – you’re good. I think he is going to stick with the plan. It doesn’t make sense for him to change the plan because everyone is going to go after him. Cory – I talked to him already.. Matt – the plan is the plan. Cory – what did he say Felicia then? Cory – I don’t know, I think he’ll share that tomorrow in the conversations if he wants.

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Matt “It made me feel used and I don’t want to be someone that’s being used. It sounded like I did the dirty work for him.”

Havenot Room – Felicia and Matt.
Felicia – I am just wondering what you are hearing on the street versus what I am hearing on the street. Matt – Yeah, I had a really good talk with Meme. Just talking about being careful moving forward. Everyone is waiting to see what happens with the thing (Cam or Jared coming back). I feel if obvious answer Cam stays.. If I win, I would put him up and then next to him would be Bowie. I think just because I can trust everyone right now.. there is no one I don’t trust. I had a talk with Meme about that. Cory and America, I could work with them. Trust them but there were little comments that were a little weird. Like he would have never made a move .. that he would have never made the move without me and Jag… like on his side. So it made me feel used and I don’t want to be someone that’s being used. So it just kind of got to my head a little bit. So I am just kind of keeping that to the side a little bit. Its not enough for me to be like oh I am going to put you on the block. It sounded like I did the dirty work for him because I don’t want to play anyone’s game but mine.

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Corey – “All these conversations today are f**** pointless”

4:02 pm Corey and America
Corey says Felicia is putting up Bowie and some pawn to backdoor
America – she said that too
Corey – which is good we can report to Matt and Jagg.. ohh we got them off your a$$
Corey says Felicia is pissed off no one is targeting Cirie.
Corey – if Jared comes back we need him gone before Felicia.
America – ohh I know
Corey – I think Jagg and Matt feel really good with him
America -I don’t think they feel good with him or Felicia honestly.

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Felicia “I don’t believe he [Cameron] will put America up because he wants her in the jury house.. without him [Cory].”

8:40pm – 8:50pm Living Room – Felicia and Blue.
Felicia – I think Matt and Jag .. part of them doesn’t want to win because they don’t want to have to target someone now so that really leaves us females battling which works to our advantage. Blue – I am nervous. I am nervous if Cameron wins HOH. Felicia – I know that’s the only wild card because literally what is he going to do? Who is he going to put up? A part of me believes he won’t do Bowie Jane.. it could be.. Blue – anyone. Felicia – it could be literally anyone. He could put up Matt and Jag, I don’t know. He might decide he wants to keep them. He might just take a shot at them to get one of them out. I don’t believe he will put America up because he wants her in the jury house. But I could see him putting Cory up because he wants to be out there with her without him. The question is who is going to sit next to Cory? That’s the wildcard. Blue – I know .. I don’t know. It hurts my brain trying to think like Cameron.

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Bowie – “I don’t know if want to be in the middle I want to be seen in the group so i’m not up as a pawn.”

Matt says Corey and America are smart.
Bowie says she doesn’t want to be seen as in the middle she wants to be part of the group so she doesn’t go up as a pawn.
Matt says when Jared leaves Blue will be loyal to them.
Matt – Blue, Jag, Me, you, Cameron that’s the majority of the house
Bowie – that’s good
Matt – that’s a good number
Matt tells Bowie what she should say to Blue.
Bowie – does she like America?
Matt – she told America a lot of things and America spilled those things every time.
Matt says they don’t want to work with someone that is always throwing them under the bus
Bowie – we might as well work with Cameron.

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