“He [Cameron] is going to be pissed but I don’t care. He shouldn’t have played such a d**khead game.”

6:26pm Kitchen – Jag, Cirie and Bowie.
Bowie – you should walk around with that veto hanging around your neck. Jag – No what the f**k. Everyone would hate me. I would hate me. Bowie – no, just the head of household robe walking around. But now that I’m up there I am like I am not wearing that I’ll like like a d**k head. He (Cam) is going to be pissed but I don’t care. He shouldn’t have played such a d**khead game. He has played so dirty. Jag – yeah but he won’t be too mad. Even out there he was getting closer to the acceptance stage of it. Cirie – he is past denial. Past the bargaining. He ain’t past the bargaining. Jag – he still has some bargaining in him. But what’s after bargaining? Bowie – he is going to work the schmoozing next. Jag – I feel bad but not that bad.

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Cameron “Bowie is with us. I have pissed of Cory & America. I’m free reign to be like f**k YA’LL!”

1:05pm HOH room – Matt and Cameron
Cam – what is going on? Matt – nothing. Everyone is being quiet. Cam – no, I had a conversation with America.. it did not go well and I know that she was up here right after that. Matt – yeah because I was sleeping right there. She said that she had a conversation with you but she was like oh Cam is being Cam. It was just me and Jag chilling. Cam – so I had a conversation with her and it was basically me telling her that the entire house is cool with Cory going home. I am not running conversations. I voiced my opinion to people so if she caught wind from people, that is bad. Matt – I mean if you tell America that everyone is going for Cory .. its going to be the vice versa. Cam – its just bad! Like everything was good last week and then it flipped somewhere. And its not like I’m going around the house talking about him. She caught wind of something and I felt pressure. Matt – yeah because she was mad yesterday. Cam – yes. She doesn’t get mad for no reason. Matt – true. Cam – so where did it come from? Am I still the scape goat even with 9 people left? Am I still the guy that is like Cam is doing all this sH*t.

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Cirie – “I don’t want to talk first thing in the morning.. Leave me alone..”

And a third time back on Cirie and MAtt
Cirie says next week will be slip n slide. “I feel like I have to prove it.. In regular life in normal life I’m a smart person”
They talk about their zing.
Matt- it was funny they chose Survivor to roast you. They could have gone harder on Blue.
Bowie walks into the backyard.
Matt -t hey could have gone harder on her.

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JAG WON The VETO! “Bowie could have won that competition, she picked up the wrong one intentionally”

Comic Bedroom – Felicia and Cirie.
Cirie – I’ve never depended on people. I depend on myself. Felicia – in the church we had a saying.. What you can’t do alone we can do together. Because I relized that you can’t do nothing by yourself. Cirie – I’ve done everything myself most of my life. Felicia – I know and what you can’t do alone we can do together. There are two books ends. There ain’t no bookend without the other. This whole is game is about using and being used. We’re fine! Bowie Jane could have won that competition. She picked up the wrong one intentionally because she didn’t want to win and have to remove someone after she put them on the block. Now it looks like she is forced to take somebody down. I watched her a$$! She’s been underplaying herself this whole dame game. Cirie – Jared said that. Jared said watch Bowie Jane turn it up at the end of the game. He said that exactly that to me. He said Bowie Jane is faking. Felicia – I really wanted Matt to win.

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Matt “I am going to f**king full send it! I’m going to go hard! Sprint!”

12:48pm Havenot room – Cory and Matt
Cory – The only thing that scares Bowie is that its not a house decision. You, Jag and America, she knows where you guys are because you guys talk to her privately. There is no reason for us to lie to Blue anymore. Matt – Blue knows? Cory – no she doesn’t but the problem is she is probably telling Cirie and Felicia that the plan is to backdoor me right!? Matt – yeah. Cory – so now all of a sudden Bowie is actually in the middle because she’s got you, me and America and Jag over here and then here its Cameron, Blue Cirie and Felicia. Matt – Cirie and Felicia would want Cameron to go though right? Cory – of course but they don’t give a sh*t they just want to stay. So if we tell Blue that Cameron’s been being a d**k and like going after her and selling her out.. or we just tell Blue the plan is to backdoor Cameron because at this point its too late and none of them can plan. Blue or Cameron. Matt – I know. Cory – so Blue is just going to care about keeping herself safe.

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“I’m just going to beg them, like pick me if you really want to get off the block because there is a different plan.”

Bathroom – America and Matt.
America – All I told Cirie and Felicia just to let you know .. like how are you feeling? Yeah I know, that’s how she’s leaning between me you and Cory I am trying to make that not happen. She was like can you get Matt. I was like I know Matt, Jag was still up there. I will try to get Matt to push for you guys but I don’t know. I just know that me and Cory have been vouching for you. And they were like oh yeah I trust Matt. Matt is good with Bowie and probably if he says something it will happen. I was like I don’t know how good or close they are. Matt – they’re not going to change it. I’m going last, the decision was already made. America – and that’s what I told them. I will try to talk to Matt and see what will happen. That was pretty much it.. we didn’t talk about Jag. Then we started talking about Cam and they were like Cam has to go up … Cam .. this is the only opportunity. And I was like YUP YUP YUP! And I didn’t mention Blue’s name. I didn’t mention what noms we were pushing.

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Cam “I remember being in those rooms when she would talk sh1t with IZZY about you” **updated**

9:00 am Houseguest waking up. Cameron and Bowie
Cameron – Cirie is going to make you think. Cory is going to try and put Blue in your head HARD
Bowie – He’s already started
Cam – America is going to try and put Blue in your head
Cam – Blue is going to push for Cory and America … HARD
Cam – Me, Matt and Jag are are going to be like ‘let’s have fun’
Bowie – it’s definitely going to be Cirie and Felicia. Next week could be a double

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“I don’t even care about Jury votes. I don’t give a sh1t. I should give a sh1t but maybe I shouldn’t”

2:15 am Bowie and Jag
Jag – I don’t know what the best move is it will be ultimately up to you but
Bowie – I think I’ll just listen to what they have to say
Jag – go into the initial conversations just listening
Jag – the only people I care about that are bood moving forward are me, You and Matt
Bowie – me too
Jag – literally the only people. I don’t care who goes home this week outside of us.
Bowie – yeah, me too

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Bowie “If you don’t play bumper pool with me.. you’re up for nomination.” Matt “Savage!”

10:21pm The live feeds return after being blocked for the live eviction where Meme was evicted and Bowie Jane won the head of household competition.

Games Room – Cory, America, Matt and Bowie
Cory – actually we were trying to have a conversation. Bowie – cool well you’re both up for nomination next week then! Cory – next week and not this week? Bowie laughs – uh.. this week. If you don’t play bumper pool with me.. you’re up for nomination. Matt – savage! Bowie – well that was good. Matt – you must me excited. Bowie – yeah it will be cool to get a letter because its been so long.

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“Please god don’t let it get out.. because if she stays I am dead!”

7:30pm Bathroom – Matt and Blue.
Blue – I think its a little suspicious that all of a sudden Cory wants to keep Meme. Matt – what’s to keep Meme? Blue – or ah.. wants to keep Felicia. I think its a little suspicious especially the fact that just two days ago she called him out. I understand that Meme is a stronger competitor but we’ve known this for a week now so why is it that the thing that she’s a stronger competitor now compared to two days ago .. three days ago.. four days ago. I think Cory is nervous that me and Meme are going to be close or that Meme is going to run to me which is why he want’s Meme out now instead of Felicia. Because two days ago, yesterday .. whenever …yesterday he was like I trust Meme 100%. And then today he is saying he doesn’t?! I think that’s weird. Matt – yeah I know. Blue – I don’t know why but I have a feeling if we keep Felicia we are just going to be playing Cory’s game again. Matt – yeah, I know. He is scheming and I think Cam sees it too.

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