Take your first real look inside the newly redesigned Big Brother 25 house! Our first official look inside the house was a few days ago when the BB “Legends” Brittany, Frankie and Danielle entered the house and unleashed this seasons twist. Now we finally get the in depth house tour by host Julie Chen to see newly redesigned house looks like from room to room. The 16 new house guests will be moving into the house during the 90 minute premiere on Wednesday, August 2nd @ 9.30pm PT/12.30am ET.
Tag: Felicia Cannon

Big Brother 25 Pre-Season Interviews – First Impressions!
The all new cast of house guests was just released today with a couple days till the premiere on Wednesday, August 2nd. We can now start forming our first impressions before the live feeds go live after the 90 minute season premiere. Watch the preseason interviews of the cast and tell us your thoughts? Who’s your initial favourite? Who’s your pick to win? Who’s going to cause the most drama in the house? Who will be first evicted?

Meet the All New Cast of Big Brother 25!
With Big Brother 25 starting in just a couple days, we finally get our first look at the 16 all new cast of house guests that will be competing against each other in newly redesigned house. Usually the cast moves into the house the Friday before premiere, however this cast will move on the premiere night. I prefer this as we don’t miss all the initial friendships and alliances forming as well as not missing any initial drama that shapes the season. This season is starting later than usual and will be ending late in the fall due to the writer’s strike. CBS is using Big Brother 25’s “unscripted” reality series to fill the fall programing that would ordinarily be filled with all the scripted shows.